This page was last updated on 21 April 2024, 6:28AM
Version 1.10.1
Fix Casks
(Probably) fixed minor issue that some users were recently reporting. (I was unable to reproduce the issue)
Add GenericModConfigMenu support.
Version 1.10.0
Add 1.6 compatibility
Version 1.0.7
Fixed minor bug where the combined quantity wasn't being rendered for sub-types of Object that had overridden draw logic (Affected Wood Chippers and Crab Pots)
Added config option to make furnaces consume extra coal if producing more than 1 bar in a single processing cycle. (Previously they always took 1 coal, regardless of how many bars were produced)
Fixed bug where combined Wood Chipper's weren't working when using ProcessingMode="MultiplyItems"
Fixed bug where the range of combined Deluxe Scarecrows was computed incorrectly.
Added ru russian localizations
Added ability to de-combine a machine from your inventory by right-clicking it while holding CTRL
Version 1.0.6
You are no longer able to combine items that aren't meant for combining. (Previously you could combine any BigCraftable item, even if doing so wouldn't provide any effect)
Added support for combining CrabPots
Added support for combining scarecrows to increase their effective range
Minor improvements to the logic that detects when a processing cycle begins. May help users who have multiple mods affecting the processing times
Added a new SMAPI console command, combine_machines_reload_config to reload your config settings without needing to relaunch the game
Version 1.0.5
Added support for combining casks. Due to technical limitations, Casks will always use the "IncreaseSpeed" processing mode.
Added additional info. to the tooltips that appear when hovering over a combined machine. For casks, it will display the days until the item in the cask ages to iridium quality. For other machines, the tooltip will display how many minutes until it's done / how many items it is producing (depending on the processing mode)
Version 1.0.4
Added compatibility with SMAPI version 3.8.2+ which handles mouse cursor positions differently than previous versions. This fixes issues some users were having when using non-standard UI Scaling settings in the newest SMAPI versions.
Version 1.0.3
Fixed issue where additional inputs weren't being taken from non-host players in multiplayer / split-screen
Fixed minor issue when rendering additional borders in inventory menus
Added german localizations
Added a new config option to make machines process faster instead of processing more items per cycle. Details in Description tab.
Version 1.0.1
Bugfix for issue where the output stack would still be set to the full amount even if you you only had enough inputs for 100% of the machine's processing power
Added i18n localization support
Added a yellow highlight border around other machines that the current CursorSlotItem can be combined with while holding CTRL
Made the CTRL key configurable. New setting added to config.json, "CombineKeyNames", that lets you specify which key(s) should be held to combine a machine
Fixed issue where the tooltip wouldn't be drawn correctly when the Game's UI Scaling did not match the Game's zoom settings