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Octocat and Taiyokun

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About this mod

Octocat's first Mod! Now with Improved Art, Props to Co-auther Taiyokun! Contains a new plant, Called The Octo Fruit, Artisan goods, and a New Tree, The Moonfruit Tree. Requires JSON Assets. Now working on Mobile, For users using ZaneYork's Port.
Octocrop's successor, Coming soon, A new mod: Mythiculture!

Permissions and credits
Current Items/Crops/Trees:
Crop: OctoFruit. Sells for 1000, Bought from the Dwarf for 500, and Grows in 10 days (Regrows in 3). Plant in summer, or on Ginger Island.
Fruit Tree: Moonfruit. Sells for 500, Bought from the Dwarf for 2000. Bears fruit in the summer.
More on the way!
If there are Bugs, or you have a suggestion, Let me know, and I'll certainly take a look!
Please check out my Co-author, and Artist's Page here: