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Created by

Octocat and Taiyokun

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  1. mrtaiyou
    • premium
    • 644 kudos

    THIS MOD IS OUTDATED. Which, doesn't mean it can't be used. It's not maintained by me anymore nor by Octo Cat, the original creator (I was only his assistant). My sincerely apologies for that. But, the mod is still loved by people, and I'm sure he really appreciates that, even if not being active anymore in the community. Thanks for using Octo Crops and showing some love for this little mod.

    - Tai
  2. Octocat15
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Hi Everyone, I'm starting a new mod with a new partner, and it's coming out soon. Stay tuned. Here is some information: This is a new mod by Octocat and Z2gold as a partner, It will be updated and includes new crops, trees, and more! Some of the highlights of it's 1.0 release will include The Lunar Tree, Solar Tree, and Glowing fruit! Check my profile (I think you can track or something) for updates!
    I would like to address this mod, which has not been updated in a while - Back in 2021 I was still in grade school and was unable to do the tasks needed to go along with the high paced nature of the mod. My partner worked very hard and they are very crazy talented. I am making a less paced mode this time so it won't happen again.
  3. martin66789
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    On the mod page, it is worth rewriting the version number from v2.00 to v2.0.0 so that SMAPI does not write an error.
    1. mrtaiyou
      • premium
      • 644 kudos
      done! thanks for pointing that out ^^
  4. EmeraldStarr121
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    How did you find the right sizes for your crop sprites? I'm wanting to make crops and trees and I can't seem to figure out the sizes for what to make the pixelart in. 
    I feel like the answer is staring me in the face and I might have to facepalm myself lol
    1. mrtaiyou
      • premium
      • 644 kudos
      If you download this mod or any other crop mod, you can see inside the mod assets the sizes of the crops and trees :D
  5. Ded4lif
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    hello :p great mod!!