What does it mean when a pig has a truffle icon above it? I found one single truffle in the pen, but 2 of my pigs have the truffle icon and I don't know what to do about it.
Great mod, btw! It's great knowing exactly which of my animals have products ready to harvest.
Sorry for the late reply. Btw I don't know anything about this game anymore, but I think if the pigs got the truffle icon, they have to go outside, to produce them.
Yes, it is the alternating time between the heart and the product icon. When you pet the animals, the product icon fades in and out then too, so it's not always so obtrusive.
And your comment belongs to what? I don't know about Better Ranching. There are many mods that do things that other mods could do or already do. This here shows up truffle, heart, wool, milk and the status of your pet.
This mod is fast and highly configurable and I mean there aren't any problems with compatibility.
Let me know if you have any problems and I'll try to fix them when I have time.
Great mod, btw! It's great knowing exactly which of my animals have products ready to harvest.
What does ShowIsHarvestableTime do? do the icons fade out after this many seconds or the other way around?
When you pet the animals, the product icon fades in and out then too, so it's not always so obtrusive.
I don't know about Better Ranching.
There are many mods that do things that other mods could do or already do.
This here shows up truffle, heart, wool, milk and the status of your pet.
This mod is fast and highly configurable and I mean there aren't any problems with compatibility.
For milk and wool, I look into this, and try to implement it, as soon as possible. :)
Cows and goats show up milk and heart alternating.
Sheeps show up wool and heart alternating.
Have fun.