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  1. SifiricNightfall
    • premium
    • 2 kudos

    The update uses ESM, so those who used the ESP have lost their Legendary Modifiers. It is recommended you sell all Legendaries with the new modifiers prior to installation. I have included all Legendary IDs in the Description so you may reclaim them. My apologies once again.
  2. drhamm
    • supporter
    • 77 kudos
    Nice work, and well-balanced! These feel like they should have been in the base game.

    Patch for Legendary Effect Overhaul (to allow crafting the effects) is now live at https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/11724/
  3. bunni1ily
    • premium
    • 8 kudos
    idk how but professional in my game is like doubling reload speed. its for sure way more than 10%. would you mind double checking the code on that?
    1. SifiricNightfall
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      I'll look into it, but I gotta ask, got any perks that increase reload speed? It could be a weird interaction.
  4. VanguardVoyager
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Do the effects stack? Ex: sneaky on 3 pieces, is that 30% better? 
  5. MonkeyChief117
    • premium
    • 107 kudos
    Can't comment on Shattered Space as I've not started it yet, but just wanted to come back and say how great these new legendaries are - great to have so many new and useful options, and none are overpowered in my opinion.

    I have been using alongside Legendary Module Recycler and MLE-LMR-Patch and having an absolute blast!
  6. sword0115
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    Either I'm really unlucky or these effects don't show up in shattered space. 10 legendary weapon drops in and all of them have only vanilla effects
    1. SifiricNightfall
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      I've encountered my own Legendary Effects in Shattered Space, but Shattered Space itself seems to be...odd, somehow. I got 6 of the same exact Legendary Va'ruun Painblade, just of varying qualities, 4 of them were identical. I can look into it.
  7. Parradox87
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    • 0 kudos
    not sure if its this mod that causes it but i have this one, starforged legendaries from the royal galaxy guy and LEO (including patch) and it seems that the amount of legendary effects causes stuttering when opening scanner or when changing gear. at least for space suits i get a 4-5 second freeze every time i swap to a different suit and the sales menu is also lagging hard for some reason. 
    unfortunately its hard to test as i cant remove any of the mentioned mods without bricking my save :/
    1. SifiricNightfall
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      I think the stuttering when changing gear is a vanilla issue...I've had that issue even before the mod was created. Its definitely not my mod for the other issues, though, as I've not used either LEO or Starforged Legendaries and I don't get those issues myself.
  8. SnoopiestAura
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Been loving this mod, and i just got a weapon with the "movie night" perk and i had to come on here and say that is so well named. Balance be damned, these effects are so fun to come across.
    1. SifiricNightfall
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Glad you're enjoying the mod! I used to name my pistol in FO4 "Movie Night" if it had the Limitless Modifier, so there's a little lore behind that modifier. Lol
  9. VirtualChrisM
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    • 7 kudos
    Does this work with the Legendary Recycler mod? https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/6074
    1. MonkeyChief117
      • premium
      • 107 kudos
      I don't think it will without a patch - Legendary Recycler adds workbench mods for the legendary effects, which I think would need to be created for this mod too for the Recycler container to work. Not had a chance to test yet to be sure
    2. poopifruit1
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      It’s doesn’t. The LMR creates a new resource object for each Legendary Effect, i.e. the “cores”, as well as the base cores, to make the Legendary Effect OMODs more immersive (honestly super thoughtfully done). This mod adds additional set of OMODs to the base game but would need to be patched to work with LMR. To use these OMODs requires the console to <RefID>.amod whatever weapon/armor you want to edit. Some of these Effects are very welcome though to round out the vanilla Legendary Effects.
    3. MonkeyChief117
      • premium
      • 107 kudos
      I did just open up both mods in xedit to see about doing a patch, but unfortunately beyond my skills I think. Would love to see a Legendary Recycler addon if someone with the talent wanted to look at it
    4. SifiricNightfall
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      These Legendary Effects appear as in-game loot as well. So you don't HAVE to use Console if you wanna just find'em out in the wild.
    5. poopifruit1
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Yah I've already seen them on dropped weapons in the wild as you would expect after a few hours of playing so that checks out. But also, I think the patch into LEO that drhamm posted above should provide an immersive version of the additional legendary effect as an alternative to Legendary Module Recycler. I haven't tried LEO personally but I like the idea of crafting these effects for resources. I wonder if it is compatible to run Legendary Effect Overhaul and Legendary Module Recycler both together? (if loaded in that order presumably could work?) if you have LMR alongside LEO, honestly might be a cool mix, the original sets of 64 OMOD effects for WEAP/ARMO would be craftable for resources and Legendary Cores via the LMR, and then these additional ones only craftable with resources? Not sure how the crafting table recipes work though personally, so i could also see them pointing to the same KYWD for crafting and OMOD in which case the latter would override the former (but that could still work in theory)... maybe will run an empirical test to see, if I can insert LEO into my load order above LMR without zonking the savefile.
    6. chii0815
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      I've created the MLE-LMR-Patch and uploaded it as my first mod. Needs to be updated everytime MLE adds new Legendarys. Did not created it all by myself as Legendary Recycler Mod author JonathanOstrus uploaded a xEdit Script and a little tutorial.
    7. VirtualChrisM
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      Epic! Thanks!!!
  10. drhamm
    • supporter
    • 77 kudos
    I'm working on a few crafting recipes for my favorite ones on the list as a patch for Legendary Effects Overhaul if you'd like me to send it to you when I'm done as a base to create the other recipes on.
    1. SifiricNightfall
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      That sounds like a good mod! Though, I think it would be better to have the patch on your mod page, that way its all in one place. Thanks for asking, though!
    2. drhamm
      • supporter
      • 77 kudos
      Oh, LEO isn't my mod--when I said "my legendary mod" below, I just meant the one I use. And as it turns out, I'm just doing ALL the crafting recipes so I have choices. I'm going the simple route and not putting any conditions or material requirements, though.
    3. drhamm
      • supporter
      • 77 kudos
      Okay, I converted your mod to an ESM with HexEditor, changed the masters of my patch to point to it, and tested it. I'll probably hold off on actually releasing the patch until you post an ESM version of MLE, to avoid confusion. (Or I could send you my ESM conversion if you like, if you don't want to convert it yourself.)
    4. poopifruit1
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      On this topic ~ish, (preemptively acknowledging I should probably ask this elsewhere like reddit/discord instead of hi-jacking this mod's Post section for something general / unrelated, but I already started typing so here we are...), I've been wondering about something related to workbenches/crafting tables, and as a freeloading taker in this community, I figured some of the creators probably readily know the answer I seek-- is it straightforward (or even doable?) to use manually edit a downloaded mod to remove certain items from showing up in crafting tables from the downloaded mod files? Slash is that kosher?

      I don't want to get rid of the associated mods and their game assets, I just don't want to craft them. A good example is, the clothing mods that add unique standalone ARMO items (not vanilla replacers), I like many of them, but I personally have zero interest in crafting them in the game, as part of the game--I do it functionally when it's the easiest way to obtain the items, and that's only when it's a trivial recipe, and even still I would prefer to player.additem <RefID> in the console actually than craft an outfit I don't need to advance the game / not even sure I like.

      I think many creators do this for it to be immersive maybe or to provide the option as an alternative to purchasing it or finding it placed in the world? and for some it makes sense, but less than not. regardless, now I have like 500 line items in the Industrial workbench and I constantly just have to scroll past them pretend they're not there, to see the things I actually want to craft as part of the game. I thought NWEF was theoretically supposed to handle this but it doesn't seem like that's being used by much... or maybe WFF does though I've never used that and not all mods are compatible anyways. It seems many mod authors just include their items as craftable in the main Industrial workbench regardless, either intentionally because they want it to be craftable, or don't care but by default including it as well, or some which are craftable for credits, as like an easy short-circuit to including with Vendors... idk.  Originally it was just a few extra things, easy to ignore, but over time I've used the workbench more and it's starting to make less sense... especially for like weapons that you "craft" once for a single credit, and then it's there in the workbench forever, every time. Even outside of that example, for the more objective ones, like crafting clothes (which should be in a textiles workbench like TN does) ... at this point I have almost more mod related craftables than vanilla items and I'm even considering dropping some mods altogether to clear up the workbench....

      In any case... does anyone know how easy or not it may be to manually edit mod files to simply remove its standalone items from showing up as craftable in a workbench and do nothing else? Does it depend / would be a different process depending on the mod? Any guidance would be appreciated. Or if you can point me elsewhere, happy to read how to accomplish this if it's documented.
    5. drhamm
      • supporter
      • 77 kudos
      poopifruit1 Sure, you can do that.You'll need SF1Edit from
      Once that's installed, you can open the mod and look for the category "constructible objects" and delete to your heart's content. If you're using MO2 (like I do) it's a bit more involved to get initially set up, but still pretty easy.
  11. poopifruit1
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    Dumb question probably but for the "Concentrated" effect: Concentrated X000A97 (Slot 2, Ranged Only): Halves weapon spread. 
    Assuming "halves the weapon spread" is referring to projectile mechanics, I take it to mean the shot spread is twice as narrow at the effective range?

    I didn't even know Starfield's ballistic mechanics were that detailed, that's cool, but regardless this conceptually makes sense for multiple projectile weapons (like a Shotgun) but there's obviously no spread on a single point projectile (slug).

    Is this effect then kindof like (the reverse of?) the vanilla OMOD called "One Inch Punch" that can be applied to most weapons and generally nerfs the accuracy/range while greatly increasing DMG? even though I recently learned that it accomplishes the aforementioned by:
    "Fires 4 projectiles per shot (with no increase in ammo usage). Reduces range, fire rate, and accuracy by 50%. Each projectile retains the same damage and chance for other effects.

    How does Concentrated translate to DMG/RNG/ACC of the weapon it applies to? and/or does this only apply to shotgun class WEAP? or truly any ranged weapon, i.e. all the pew pews ?
    1. SifiricNightfall
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Functionally? Yes, its the reverse of One Inch Punch. All weapons in Starfield have a cone of fire. Its why you can miss when you've got an enemy dead in the crosshairs. It effectively increases your accuracy by a multiplier, it fills in 50% of whatever accuracy you're missing from 100% accuracy. I made it with shotguns in mind, but all weapons can benefit from it.
    2. poopifruit1
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Perfect answer. Thank you!
  12. Bluedog37
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Does your mod REPLACE the existing legendary perks, or adds to them? Thank you
    1. drhamm
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      • 77 kudos
      Adds to