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About this mod

Upgraded Companions makes lots of changes to companion dialogue and adds various fixes and tweaks.

Permissions and credits
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This mod does not change companion appearance. The screenshot is from my Enhanced Companions mod because I'm too lazy to create a new one for a mod that doesn't really need screenshots.

This mod replaces the following mods:
Includes fixes from the Starfield Community Patch if the same records were modified. My fixes may be implemented in a different way, so if you check in xEdit you may still see "conflicts". These can safely be ignored.

Please do not ask me to divide this mod in a way so that you can pick and choose which features you want. I mod to make the game how I want it and then share those mods for others that might like them too. I really don't have the motivation to keep up with multiple plugins and make sure they all work together. It is much, much easier to have everything in one plugin and the reason why I created this mod in the first place. The mod has open permissions so feel free to modify it however you see fit.

Compatibility With My Other Mods
  • The Gang's All Here LITE - Patch available or load BEFORE Upgraded Companions. You may get a bit of comment overlap but there are very few conflicts. I DO NOT use the original The Gang's All Here mod, so if you do you'll need to make your own patch.
  • Choose Your Variant Universe - Load AFTER Upgraded Companions.
  • Mission Control - Patch available for v2.0. There is only one conflict DialogueUCTheLodge "The Lodge Dialogue" [QUST:002956BB]. If you load Upgraded Companions first, you will not get the Lodge Dialogue when skipping the main quest in NG+. If you load Upgraded Companions after, you will receive the tutorial missions under you Activity log. Or use the patch.
  • Background Dialogue Unlocked - Load BEFORE Upgraded Companions.
  • Any of my other mods not listed here are compatible and do not need any special load order or a patch.

All Companions
  • Companions (and Crew) Auto Give Gifts - This is handled by the same script for companions and crew, so crew are included.
  • Let's Talk Later - Companions will no longer nag you to talk to them after finishing a major quest line and when you do speak to them, they won't automatically start talking about the quest. This allows you to delay the talk or never do it at all. Just keep in mind that any [Story Time] dialogue needs to be completed in order to start the timer for the next part of their story and eventually begin their companion quest.
  • Fixes Anger Dialogue - Conditions were set incorrectly for companion anger dialogue. This mod fixes it.
  • Romanced Companions No Longer Use Friendship Dialogue - If you romanced a companion but were not yet committed, the friendship dialogue was used instead of romanced dialogue. Goodbye Committed, Hello Committed and Pickup/Dismiss Committed dialogue have been conditioned so that these dialogue topics are also used when Romantic. Vanilla was only using them if Committed.
  • Temple Arrival Dialogue - Vanilla conditions would only allow this dialogue to fire after "Starborn" had been completed. I've modified the conditions to allow it to fire before then. There were a few lines that did mention the Starborn, so those have been left to only fire after the "Starborn" quest. They will also fire if you skip the main quest in NG+.
  • Companions follow you into The Lock and the Scorpius - Companions actually have dialogue when you explore The Lock and when you first meet The Emissary and The Hunter. They will not board the Scorpius with you in NG+ (boarding is only done when you don't tell them you are Starborn, so having them board in NG+ doesn't make sense if you are hiding who you are).
  • NG+ Skip or Normal Companion Progression - When you are in NG+ and skip the main quest when you first speak to any of the Constellation companions, you will go through this back and forth which will set the companion's progression. This can be set to normal or skipped. This mod will make this back and forth shorter and notes which options do what (skip or normal).
  • Reverse NG+ Skipped Progression - If you skipped progression for a companion, you have the option to change your mind.
  • NG+ Lodge Dialogue Restored - If you choose normal companion progression for all companions, the normal Lodge banter will be restored in NG+ when skipping the main quest.
  • Shattered Space - Companions remain with you during The Other Side.
  • More "Likes" - Modifies some vanilla affinity events for Andreja from Indifferent to Likes (if I felt it made sense). Adds new affinity events for Andreja's personal conversations. For example, I found it odd that she says "I appreciate that more than you know" but she didn't get an affinity bump for it. Now she does.
  • Dialogue Fixes - Some of the dialogue for Andreja's personal convos didn't make sense to me and it seemed like something was missing. This was due to the dialogue being setup as separate INFO topics instead of one INFO topic with multiple responses. Only one INFO topic in a DIAL group will be spoken so only one line was being spoken by Andreja, which meant a lot of missing dialogue. I combined these into one INFO topic and now she says all lines. 
Specific Example
I was horrified - my failure would be reported to the High Council and the penalty would be... severe.

Andreja's Missing Dialogue:
Except... Sarah did not cast me out. I was allowed to stay, on the condition that any information I sent to the High Council was first shown to her. She made no attempt to interfere, and promised not to tell the others.

Player Dialogue Option (Now it makes sense): I'm not surprised. Sarah's a good person.

A note about the affinity changes: I have played with the changes through multiple playthroughs and Andreja's first story gate scene can still take a bit longer to fire than the other companions, but after that her affinity will increase at about the same rate as Sam if you choose the right options when speaking to her.

  • Restored Cut Scene - Allows you to let Barrett know that you are Starborn if you didn't skip the main quest in NG+.
  • Pays His Own Bills - Barrett will now pay for his own court costs. Never understood why he would ask some stranger that he barely knows to pay for his court costs. 
Sam & Cora
  • Restored Cut Dialogue from Commitment Ceremony - Adds a few lines at the beginning of the ceremony.
  • Sam Quest Dialogue Changes - Lots of changes to Sam's quest line. Restored some cut lines, changes some player dialogue. Adds more pillow talk lines. Removed "But time to get back to work." after asking how he feels about your marriage. 
  • When Asked to Speak to Cora - When romancing Sam he will ask you to speak to Cora. I didn't like how this played out, with it seeming like the MC didn't want anything to do with talking to her and Sam responding that she doesn't bite, so I modified this dialogue so the MC is happy to do it and Sam is grateful. 
  • All That Money Can Buy Dialogue Change - If you are a Neon Street Rat and choose that dialogue option when talking to Walter, Sam says "Nothing good comes from Neon. Pretty much ever." Now Sam will add "Well, uhm, except for you, of course." after saying that.
  • Fixes Sam immediately starting the "You need to talk to Cora" scene. If Sam was in the friendship zone and you later romanced him, he would immediately start "Ever since we've started... being a couple? Things have been going well. Like really well." scene. However, if you romanced him during "Matters of the Hart", there was a timer so he would wait 2.5 game days before starting the scene. I applied this timer to the scene when you ask him "what if I said I wanted more" so that now the scene won't play immediately if he was just a friend first.
  • Cora Book Talk in NG+ Restored - If you skip the main quest in NG+, Cora would not start the book scene. Now she does.
  • Sam and Cora convos won't fire if Commitment: Sam Coe is in progress

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