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  1. NeoKingArthur
    • premium
    • 138 kudos
    Hmm.. I wonder what I'm doing wrong. For some reason I stopped getting notification about Talking to Barrett/Sam. I'm pretty sure I have elapsed quite a bit of time in my game. It works well for Sarah the first time, which I followed through all the way to the commitment ceremony, but after rescuing Barrett, and completing the Empty Nest, Barrett only asked to talk once for a Story time, then after that nothing. And Sam hasn't been wanting to talk at all.
  2. Rusey
    • premium
    • 519 kudos
    This looks lovely. I notice a conflict with Take Your Time - Quests Don't Autostart. Any chance for a patch? I realize Mission Control does something similar -- I didn't know of its existence until now :P This mod also has some conflicts with Shut Up Cora, so load order recommendations there maybe?
    1. Rusey
      • premium
      • 519 kudos
      Made a simple patch myself. So far no issues.

      Also, please consider unhiding all the separate mods, even if you don't plan to support them. No shade on this mod, it's working really well, I just find if the companions don't say anything about wanting to talk, I often just ... forget to do it. So I'd be content to use more slots to simply have that feature not included.

      At any rate, thanks for sharing all your work. :)
  3. mattmartin609
    • premium
    • 9 kudos
    Do we need like linked companion spacesuits and conversation fixes as well?
  4. Kreyd
    • member
    • 19 kudos
    Nice! Did you tweak or added some lines so dialogue doesn't feel so tame and safe?
    Whole Starfield writing felt so shallow when i played it, i couldn't go futher 12hours :/
  5. IncensedRock
    • premium
    • 0 kudos

    I believe JaeDL uses some of your mods in the Royal Galaxy mod, will this cause conflicts with Royal, or just load this after Royal? I love your mods, Great Work. Thanks
  6. NeoKingArthur
    • premium
    • 138 kudos
    Hi Aurie, nice mod as always, and it's nice to have all of your mods combined so it doesn't take too many slots as the previous one. But this would mean it's unsafe to be installed on an existing save, right? Because if we remove all the other mods and just install this one mod, the load order and FormIDs are all going to be all over the place screwing up the save file, right?
    1. Aurelianis
      • premium
      • 1,186 kudos
      Yeah, I think Starfield is a lot more finicky about changing load order and adding/removing plugins mid save, so I would wait until you start a new game or NG+. 

      I personally add and change mods mid-save all the time but probably not the best idea to do that so don't follow my example.... lol
    2. NeoKingArthur
      • premium
      • 138 kudos
      Ehh I went ahead and install it anyway by removing all your other mods that this one replaces, and refill in the old slots with new mods that I wanted to try out. Even though it did cause some minor issues with my ship and custom decoration and modded habs. But I was already on top of it and refreshed my ship to get them back to the way it was.

      I think it's fine... (hopefully).
    3. sardoniksg0blin
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      I was totally unaware of this, and it might be the reason that MQ201B (Short Sighted) won't start now.
  7. Ahplla
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    This is, wow. Simply, wow. I'm speechless. It's so good to have you back here.
    About the files, silly question, it's one or the other, right?

    nvm I just realized that for the size it is, those who have Shattered Space should download both.
    1. Aurelianis
      • premium
      • 1,186 kudos
      Sorry, I added a note that both are required so it's more clear.
    2. SpudmanWP
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Could it be simpler to package all of them into a FOMOD installer so that there is only one mod to track?

      btw, loving the "Let's Talk Later" mod :)
    3. Aurelianis
      • premium
      • 1,186 kudos
      SpudmanWP - You don't need to track the other mods, only this one. This mod replaces all the mods listed in the description. 
    4. SpudmanWP
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      I meant to combine both the base game and any current or future DLC in a single FOMOD installer.
  8. SpudmanWP
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    The Sense Immunity part was not working for me.
    I even set this mod to Load last in case there was a load order issue, still did not work.
    I loaded the original "Sense Star Stuff Immunity for Companions and Crew" mod and had it load after this mod, still did not work.

    I was looking at the comments on the original and someone said in Feb 2024 that the Sense Robots And Turrets Too mod was conflicting with it.
    I don't have that mod, but a similar one called Sense Angry Star Stuff that also adds turrets and robots.

    I disabled the "Sense Angry Star Stuff" mod and now the standalone Immunity mod works.
    I disabled the Standalone version and confirmed that this all-in-one mod works.

    So, the problem is that I really like Sense Angry Star Stuff marking Robots and Turrets.
    If you ever get an itch to add them or fix the conflict, that would be great.
    If you do decide to do that, consider adding corpses too as the mod that does that conflicts with the Turrent and Robots one :(
  9. Vlad254
    • premium
    • 46 kudos
    Thanks for this which simplifies things as far as the number of Companion mods needed. Can't wait to use this on my upcoming load order. Thanks.
  10. EshockerD
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I wish there was more collection mods like this, so much more efficient and less clutter overall. Thank you!