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About this mod

Adds daily routines to 75 named NPCs, and 12 unnamed NPCs across major cities and settlements, who didn't already have schedules in vanilla. Many stores now have business hours, and employ robots to work the night shift.

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Uninstalling from a save file is not recommended or supported unless you are starting a NG+. See the articles section for the reason why.

Broad Overview

While there are a decent number of NPCs in vanilla who have had daily schedules since day 1 of Starfield's launch, many of them do not have schedules, especially vendor NPCs.

75 named characters now have daily schedules
12 unnamed characters now have daily schedules
27 new robots work in various stores, so you can buy stuff when the store owner isn't there (Styx included)
112 data slates added to various store countertops and NPCs' personal spaces. Some of these slates are simple notifications of business hours, while others offer you a window into the lives of characters and where you can find them when they aren't working.
2 of these data slates are Easter eggs for The Expanse

All of this is spread across New Atlantis, Cydonia, Akila City, Neon, Gagarin, HopeTown, Paradiso, the Red Mile, New Homestead, Dazra, The Den, and The Key.

All robot vendors are voiced with recycled and spliced vanilla robot dialogue, with a few cut voice lines incorporated. No AI is used.

Specific Details

NPC routines are controlled by custom AI packages that I made from scratch and thoroughly tested in-game. They will physically walk from their store to various locations, and back. All schedules and store hours are based on a planet's local time. The business directories for the New Atlantis and Akila information kiosks have been updated to show businesses that have hours and/or robots.

I have been very careful not to interfere with vanilla quest progression. Before adding a schedule to an NPC, I looked up every single dialogue scene they were involved in. If someone was required to be in an exact location for a scene, I have either not touched them, or added conditions to ensure their custom packages will not run until the scene is done.

If you find a shopkeeper while they're away from their store, or sleeping, their normal dialogue tree will not be available and you won't be able to trade with them. There are a couple of exceptions to this, mainly quest dialogue. If you have to talk to someone to advance or turn in a quest, you will still be able to do that. I have tested this, and you can see examples in the screenshot section.

All robots working in stores are linked to the exact same vendor inventory as their human counterparts, so you won't miss out on anything by buying from them. There are no conflicts with mods that add items to vendors. If you Enhance yourself via a robot, the cost is the same as doing it through a human. If you have any mods that change the cost of Enhance, they will still be in effect.

Certain named NPCs can have random conversations with other named NPCs that they normally would never get close to in vanilla. Where possible, I have taken this into account in assigning schedules, so you will have a chance to hear these conversations.

Cell edits have been left to an absolute minimum wherever possible. 90% of additions are either invisible markers for NPCs to path to, or just adding a data slate to a countertop. With the exception of a single bar stool that was interfering with NPC pathfinding, I have not removed or changed any vanilla items, only added new ones. Example: Belle Rowland now has a bed in her back room, a personal chest, and some food.

There are a 2 restored vanilla dialogue scenes. Antonio Bianchi (UC Surplus in the Well) and Farad Kallob (Eit Clothiers) both have unique greeting scenes that are supposed to play the first time you talk to them, but they were not conditioned correctly and the player would never hear them. I have fixed the conditions, and it applies retroactively, so the next time you talk to them (during business hours, of course) you will hear their unique greeting scenes and get some new dialogue options.

I have added post-scene cleanup packages to certain NPCs who spend the entire game standing in the same spot after their one-time dialogue scene is done. This includes the 2 customers in the New Atlantis spaceport Terrabrew, the Red Mile patron who is about to get shot by Stocker, and Mr. Tawfiq in Paradiso.

I have added extra dialogue options that allow you to skip some of the longer greeting conversations that Neon vendors give to you the first time you talk to them. You can tell them you aren't interested in their problems, and this will take you straight to their normal vendor dialogue tree. Their quests will still be available. You can still choose the original vanilla dialogue if you want to. James Newill, Sieghart, Kolman Lang, and Frank Renick are the 4 vendors who have these additions.

Installation and Compatibility
Uninstalling mid-playthrough is not recommended or supported.

This is a full master. It is mostly load order neutral, but ensure that it does not load below any other mods that contain deleted references. Off the top of my head, the only ones I'm aware of are some of Rabbit's Real Lights mods, and Expanded Cities. There may be others, you should use xEdit to check a mod for deleted references and load it at the bottom if it has any.

I am aware of benign conflict with Starvival and the Donna and Tony crewmembers mod. The conflicts are benign and limited to the header of the Red Mile dialogue quest, and New Atlantis dialogue quest, respectively. No patch is required as long as you load this mod below both. My mod just needs to add packages to a quest alias and doesn't override anything that the other mods need to function.

If you have other mods that edit the same NPCs as this one, your load order will determine which one wins the conflict on an NPC-by-NPC basis. The mod that loads last wins the conflict.

Mods that only change game settings, such as Better NPCs are compatible. This mod does not touch game settings.
Mods that add items or credits to vendor inventories are compatible.
Mods that edit cities are compatible, but be aware of mods with documented navmesh issues, such as Neon Vertigo or Paved Akila, as this may interfere with NPCs' ability to pathfind.

If you use Seeking Out Stores, load it below this in order to allow that mod to function.

Q: "Is this compatible with ________?"
A: Don't take my word for it, use xEdit to see for yourself.
That is the reality of using mods that have to override vanilla records to work.

SFBGS008.esm, the vanilla esm that adds city maps, has been included as a master to this, so you won't lose city maps unless another mod that edits cities and doesn't include SFBGS008 as a master overrides this one. If that is the case, you can download The Final Patch.


Without any of these people, this mod would just be an idea in my head:

Bethesda for Creation Kit
Elminster and his crew for xEdit
Perchik71 for Creation Kit Extended
JMPZ11 for Plugin Bridge
Darkfox 127, 510deshawn, JRamos, and Joseph Russell for Creation Kit tutorial videos