Main files
Ships with a shield strength of less than 500 can take 2 or 3 glancing hits, but can still potentially be destroyed in a single hit if the collision is head-on. Stronger ships with a shield strength of over 1000 can take anywhere from 4 to about 8 hits.
Ships with a shield strength of less than 500 will take massive damage from a single glancing hit, possibly being destroyed instantly. Stronger ships will be destroyed in about 2 to 3 hits.
Ships with a shield strength of less than 500 can take 1 or 2 glancing hits. Stronger ships will be destroyed in about 3 to 5 hits. Head on collisions usually result in instant death
Arguably easier than vanilla. The player is heavily favored in ramming damage, and can do more damage overall
Player favoritism is completely removed. The outcome of ramming depends solely on each ship's shields, hull strength, mass, and velocity
The player is moderately favored, but may receive slightly more damage as a result of ramming