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  1. strohjj
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Thank the Great Serpent someone did this while I was still waiting on CK to load.
    1. poopifruit1
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      hahaha, this comment goes hard in the paint in all the best ways for true Starfield enthusiasts.... well done.
    2. LaidBackNinja
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I guess those 32 gigs of RAM finally paid off!
  2. Theoneguy6000000
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I love the idea of this...
    But without flares or chaff, isn't this just a nightmare?
    1. LaidBackNinja
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Keep in mind that laser, ballistics, and especially particle beams can already fire at ranges above 2000m without this mod.
      Boosting functions as chaff, in that it breaks missile locks.
    2. Theoneguy6000000
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      yes but from my experience enemy ai tend to not fire at you from that far away (especially at low levels). I'm playing permadeath and want to know how this changes the average fight from user's experiences.

      And no boost doesn't function as chaff because it only does that after investing levels, and it forces you forward to use it. And if every enemy ship is going to target me with missile from twice as far as normal I would want chaff in addition to the boost ability.
    3. LaidBackNinja
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Boost is supposed to break locks even without that perk.

      Like many other users have written:
      "Don't hold the boost. When you are targeted boost then immediately pull back to end your boost early. It breaks the lock from missiles and youll
      still be able to boost again if you get missile locked again'."

      I like your idea about chaff but this is beyond my ability to code. I'm not even sure if such a thing is possible in Starfield.
  3. Chronepsys
    • supporter
    • 64 kudos
    Hi there,

    Thank for your work and sharing.
    However, we must correct that missiles CAN actually be fired without auto-lock, if you aim correctly they may hit ennemis at far distances. But, they become auto-headed at short range, where "close-your-eyes-and-press-fire" become the rule.

    One question last : Do your mod affect the auto-lock mech and should be compatible with modded missile weapon, or does it affect the weapon itself and need patch for modded missile weapon ?

    Thank you for giving us the choice of gameplay :)
    1. LaidBackNinja
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Yes, you can indeed dumb-fire missiles at any range. However, since modern aircraft can already lock on and launch guided missiles BVR (Beyond Visual Range), I felt that the 2km in Starfield was ridiculously short.

      My mod only modifies two numbers:
      Targeting Mode Range (2000->5000m) (this one affects missile lock on even if you don't have the Targeting Systems perk)
      Targeting Mode Camera (2000->5000m)

      This means that the effect is game-wide and applies to all weapons, including NPCs and modded weapons. No patches needed for modded missile weapons. This also means that you can use the targeting mode (where you target specific enemy ship modules like engines or shields) from 5000m instead of 2000m, with other weapons besides missiles.

  4. strohjj
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I really like this mod but spoiler if the only ship you have that can jump 30LY is a class A be ready to jump frequently if the Starborn have noticed you.  Three level 55 starborn ships always seem to find me entering orbit around planets without asteroids for cover.  You have at best 2 passes before you run out of burn and things get ugly.  This lack of lock now seems to be something the devs did when they realized how much better it made the starborn ships.  I enjoy playing the fox and the hound so this really makes the starborn ships much more dangerous and not just easy xp for PPCs.
    1. LaidBackNinja
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Keep in mind that laser, ballistics, and especially particle beams can already fire at ranges above 2000m without this mod.
    2. strohjj
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Right you have to avoid at least 3 starborn torp locks before you get to shoot and its tough to stay in range while burning.  My comment wasnt at all a complaint.  This made space combat great again as far as I am concerned.  Just be warned the Starborn have missiles too and they are much better than yours and until you can highjack a Claymore they might best be avoided, even then, you need to be skillful.  Because the Starborn get lock almost as you spawn in this means there is no more clowning around chasing them.  They are the aggressors.   It makes the Starborn like they should have been in vanilla IMO.
  5. Trialan
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Здравствуйте, нашел конфликт с модом который добавляет ЕМ ракеты, меняется тип урона с ЕМ на обычный.