Need a version with Cosmetic body and astronaut Helmet.
I want to wear helmets with apparel!
would there be a way to make the armor/helmet not display but still having your jetpack/weapons display ?
Taskmaster Toggler por favor?
i just want to say i hate how you say "showed" and not "displayed" in your mod description
In the description it says the changes are permanent, so does this mean that having these console command active will also permanently override the game's own toggle control?
For example, I'm on a moon and I want to toggle off helmet and gear. I wear my street clothes, and it will remain that way permanently until I change it using the console again? Reloading will not make the game's own toggle work anymore? -
would be nice if it was automatic on the player like it is on the companion
Awesome mod thank you so much! Do you know of a way to keybind console commands?
Is it possible to make apparel items for the head slot and helmets both visible at the same time?
Can you make it so it works on companions?