1. Buchholz1982
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    whats the difference between this and quantum reshade mod?
  2. TrueDarkness82
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    Hi Xtudo are you bringing the mod to the Xbox, thank you.
    1. Xtudo
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      • 5,711 kudos
      Hi. This a preset file for an external PC software, sadly it won't work on Xbox.
  3. alexis9797
    • member
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    I really want to see it on xbox, and also black space, I wrote a private message
  4. RijuShady
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    can this be turned off/on by vortex ?
    1. Xtudo
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      I believe so, I don't use it. But there's no need, you can select, activate/deactivate, any ReShade Preset in the Main ReShade window (Home key).
    2. crispynaan
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      followed these instructions to a T yet the reshade window does not pop up when i click home. 
      Fixed it - had to go to the reshade site to actually download it
  5. EQBallzz
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    Is this compatible with Neutral LUTs - No Color Filters v1-3 mod?
  6. CozMedic
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    Is it possible to use this with the DLSS upscaler mod, similar to Quantum Reshade? I liked the reshade, but noticed DLSS wasn't used and I realized I forgot to replace the reshade dxgi.dll with the DLSS one (this allowed both to work with QR), however now reshade isn't active.
  7. gatoulis7
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    i want to ask what is the diferent for those 2  DeepSpaceStarfieldByXtudo or DeepSpaceStarfieldByXtudoBluish.?
    1. Xtudo
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      • 5,711 kudos
      Bluish is a "cooler" version of DeepSpaceStarfieldByXtudo.
  8. Reckless6993
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    where do I need to put this file in order to make it show up in reshade? I can not get it to come through for the life of me

    1. Xtudo
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      In the same folder than Starfield.exe is, something like C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Starfield.
  9. chsien5
    • member
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    Very beautiful, makes the game look a lot crisper and more intense/serious than the default washed out look.
    1. Xtudo
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      Exactly (and with zero FPS loss), I'm glad you liked.
  10. Brystone
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    im not exactly sure how to enable this filter once in game? I click the home button but I don't see your filter, I see a bunch of random ones like CAS, lut, ect.
    1. Xtudo
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      • 5,711 kudos
      Open the main ReShade windows, on the left up side you have two arrows < >, click the right one, or click in the name right to it. Then select DeepSpaceStarfieldByXtudo or DeepSpaceStarfieldByXtudoBluish.