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  1. xshadowblitzz
    • supporter
    • 16 kudos
    this mod is currently not being updated until after the new year,
  2. itsbuffy
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    • 3 kudos
    I would love a Dalek skin to replace Vasco (with EXTERMINATE) SE during combat
  3. Daleksuprem1
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    can you make any higher ranking variations like say the dalek emperor or supreme. also can you make them playable cause i want to see if a dalek can survive in starfield
    1. xshadowblitzz
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      • 16 kudos
      i have been altering to get a better mesh and textures but forgot to save the 1st edits and remade it again, i wont be making them playable, i will be making a new series looking one with the lights on the top but i wont have much time as im back to work and only realistically have roughly an hour a day to either play the game or alter the mod, so i will be working on it on and off for the next few weeks and i think ill be releasing an update some time in november depending if the new meshes fix the issues from the 1st as ive not tested it yet. 

      I wont be adding the emperor as there is no way to make it move the way it should and it would be too big and would clip through people and its surroundings, i may be able to make the supreme but time is my issue so it would be a few updates and id probably make it a totally different bot
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    • 181 kudos
     Love it but am conflicted as I also love the Astromech bot replacer, this need's to be a creature but an intelligent one and to have it's own planet surrounded by mines were perhaps some time travelling dalek are currently rebuilding there empire and planning to eventually come back and take over the galaxy, I would see this as a definite addition to any future full Doctor Who mod's for the game, perhaps due to them being starved for resources the usually hostile dalek may ask for certain raw materials and have a dalek themed ship technician dalek with custom Dalekanium hull parts and components.

     IF and when they release the construction kid, Geck of whatever they want to call it for Starfield for this game this will definitely be ideal for creating a new dalek race mod, making cybermen will just require some space suit to be altered.

     I always wanted to see how a three way clash between the Cybermen, the Borg and the Cylons would pan out with perhaps the CIS thrown into the mix but then the other three factions would probably pound the CIS or the Cybermen and Borg would team up with there compatible technology's making the Borg queen the Cyber controller and and the Cylon's would find a way to break the restraining bolts on there enslaved CIS cousins and stage an invasion of the star wars galaxy intent on wiping out human life as always since the Borg and Cybermen would by that point simple be what they were themselves wanting to evolve into then again if they factions were fully antagonistic to one another be a great intergalactic time battle then throw in a dalek invasion and see if they would stop there mutual hostility's in the face of the greater threat.

     I hope we get some really good expansive mods for there game in the future, mentioning the expanse.

     (Sorry I tend to go on a bit, type what I am thinking but Love the mod and will download if only to endorse for now).
    1. xshadowblitzz
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      • 16 kudos
      Funny you say about the astromech replacer because we are irl friends and we help each other a lot, i could make a standalone for 1 Darlek to replace the gardening bot that is the r4/r5 in his mod, so you can still have the astrosmechs while replacing in my opinion the least exciting droid, ill be doing my updated textures first though .

      The plan is to later down the line with the CK to do a small story mod with the tardis as a random encounter if you travel near earth, my only problem would be the bigger on the inside part even if it does come out XD 
    2. LABTECH
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      • 181 kudos
       Easily solved, you could not open the door and look in at the bigger interior given the way games since Morrowind have done interior cells using the construction kit when it comes out you can simply create the interior as interior cells and make the door of the Tardis a cell door pretty much like when you enter an installation in the game and though I am not a script adept it should be simple enough and someone on here will probably point you to some great script tutorials for gamebryo based game modding to write a quick script to allow you to use the Tardis to travel between select worlds and when it is on them it will then vanish on the other worlds while the door inside the Tardis will switch to whatever exterior world cell you are then on.
       That script will act with the controls in your tardis to allow you to control where the door from inside the taris opens to while at the same time telling the exterior cell version of the tardis to exist at it's set location or not exist there.

       Best would be to try to get in touch with this mod maker if they are still active and they may give you some pointers, this is an earlier mod for fallout 4 that does pretty much that though of course fallout 4 only has one main world cell, three if you count the DLC far harbour and Nuka world and another if you count the recent recreation of the fallout 3 DLC that adds point lookout to the game.
      Fallout Who Regenerated at Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods and community (
       I have no favouritism for that mod though as though I liked it there were other Tardis mods on fallout 4 over the years as well but that is the one that came up when I did a quick search for it, it is a good one though.

       Now I - am - assuming (so may be very wrong) that the scripting will be familiar to that used in fallout 4 and the earlier fallout 3 but I may be wrong and do not do scripting myself but it may be possible to make the mod without even doing any scripting but it would require multiple cell doors inside your Tardis leading to the worlds upon which you place a Tardis, no scripts and it creates a direct path through your Tardis internal cell to go direct to the surface of those worlds were you would have static Tardis as door's into your internal Tardis cell, the easiest but not the most elegant solution but still it would work and be much easier than getting into scripting, to avoid random generation if the game does use that hiding your Tardis inside of something you could put it in the sky over the planet but at a height you could jet pack up to and down from.
    3. xshadowblitzz
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      • 16 kudos
      Yeah i was told this straight after i made the comment, i just didnt edit the post bc i was working on the latest update, and now working on the next. till the CK come im sticking to the current model and textures and currently made my own sounds...... Im not the best voice actor lmao but have something that sounds ok, just need to sort out where they go as ive already done the conversions and they should be in the next update with updated texture for security with optional textures and standalones with optional textures so in theory you could have 3 different bot replacer mods going 1 for each bot, E.G. Security could be the Astromech mod, Sanitation could be the Claptrap mod and Gardening to be a Dalek. 
  5. MaterialAmbience
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  6. ratfart420
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    1. xshadowblitzz
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      • 16 kudos
  7. EveMazaki
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    • 2 kudos
    And I've just watched Journey's End. What perfect timing! sad episode tho :(

    You should add a video demonstration btw
    1. xshadowblitzz
      • supporter
      • 16 kudos
      i would, but ill be updating a lot so there is no point in my mind at this point in time
  8. TheUntoldLegacy
    • premium
    • 5 kudos
    We are now one step closer to the ultimate Doctor Who game... THANK YOU for being a part of that :)