I'm not sure why, but I'm experiencing a problem where the text doesn't show for the perk and rank descriptions. Haven't tested far enough yet to be able to verify that the perk is actually working after spending a point to get rank 1, but the text is definitely missing from the menu. I have this mod installed at the bottom of my load order, so it doesn't seem like a conflict from another plugin. I initially thought it might be because I had the 120 FPS - Smooth UI mod installed, so I did another test after removing skillsmenu.swf and skillsmenu_lrg.swf from the interface folder, and still no text. So I don't think it was a conflict with the 120 FPS interface files either. Not sure what's up with this, especially since I don't see that anyone else has commented about having this problem.
Hello! Hmm... i made a hotfix back in the day for latest version, everything seemed fine... maybe you are using that mod that recycles perk points etc :/
Yeah, I just installed the current main mod file (version 1.1). In general I always install the latest version of any mod, and I track all my mods so I can stay updated. And I haven't heard of a mod that recycles perk points, so I'm guessing I don't have that mod installed. But below is my LO, in case you can spot any other plugins that you think might cause this issue:
Really?! There's a limit to how many ESMs can be loaded? I had no idea. Although if 165 is the limit, I'm in luck, because I still have room. The total number of ESM plugins listed in my Plugins.txt is 129. And I'm getting to a point where I don't think there are many more mods I'm interested in, and I'm close to feeling content with everything I've installed, so I should be fine with regard to the ESM limit. Good to know, though.
Edit: I just did a little researching, and the hard limit for loaded ESMs in the Creation Engine is 256, which for Starfield means that a max of 254 plugins can be loaded.
Ah, so 165 isn't the hard limit, just a point at which weird things start happening. I understand.
Well, honestly, as long as I can verify that the idiot savant perk is actually working, I don't care that much that the text is missing. Would be nice to solve the missing text, but it isn't a very big deal to me. As soon as I launch the game again I'll do some s#*! and see how much XP I get and make sure the functionality is working fine.
Oh, btw, since I can't read the text in the perk description, I have no idea what dumbshit I'm supposed to be doing to complete the challenge to get to the next rank. That would be one way for me to test that the perk is working, despite the missing text. I just grav jumped to a couple systems I never visited before, and got 42 XP each time I discovered a new planet. When I landed on a new planet I never landed on before, I got 131 XP. Frankly, I haven't paid close enough attention to how much XP I get from s#*!, so I'm not entirely sure if those numbers mean that this mod must be working for me or not. Hence my desire to do the challenge and rank up and then fly somewhere again and compare.
I also have an idea. Write "help idiot" and it should show you perk ID on the left.
then type: "player.addperk perkid" and it should level it up by 1 rank. then you can see if you gain more or same. That way we can confirm it works without text.
Alright, so I tested it out at increasingly higher ranks of the perk, and it seems to be working. At rank 2 I got 44 XP for grav jumping to a new system. At rank 3, I got 46 XP. And at rank 4, I got 75 XP. So at least that's working, but I'm now having to investigate if I'm being affected by esm overload issues, because it seems the last several plugins I've added are all either only partially working, or working inconsistently, or just not working at all. Are you sure that limit was 165? I'm at 137 (and if you include the 2 that Starfield loads by default, I'm at 139). Maybe the limit is affected differently by heavy plugins vs light plugins, and so could be different for different setups. I don't know. I tried deleting shader cache and Pipeline.cache and testing things again to see if that fixed the weirdness, but while I did successfully force Starfield to rebuild caches, it did not fix the weirdness. I'm really hoping I haven't already hit a wall. I literally just had a few more to go 😢
Ohh man. Hmmm, at least it works. Well you could try and risk merging mods. Xedit discord would be best to ask for that. Idk that yet, i didnt wanted to do it yet because there is no mod support and i was told merging now could make a big mess..
Tl dr, you can try and ask them to show you how to put all 130 mods into one esm, removing master files. That way your load order would be 1 esm.
I read about merging just the other night. Sounds kind of scary lol. I also have at least a couple plugins I can think of that I don't actually still need, but just left in the LO so as not to disturb things (figured I'd remove them when I do a new game). Maybe I am at a point where I should just risk removing those unnecessary plugins mid-playthrough anyway. If I understand correctly, it's mainly just the mods that do leveled list injections that can be dangerous to remove, right? What other mods would I need to worry about?
I really cannot tell... this is all unknown still, a lot of stuff could go wrong. I cannot be 100% sure, in modding you never can be. I would try one unity run before removing anything.
I think someone mentioned that after they did NG+ stuff was back to normal!
I did get away with removing one plugin before, when I didn't have a save to go back to that was made before I installed it. I wanted to hold off on jumping through the unity until I finish my ship and make a "blueprint" of it so I can rebuild it in the new game. And outside of SFSE (I'm using the Gamepass version of Starfield), I'm not aware of any mod that enables making actual ship blueprints, so I have to tear apart my roughly 760-piece ship and take tons of screenshots. It's going to be a pain lol. So rather than continue modding, perhaps my current goal is to finish my ship, then jump through the Unity, then remove the unneeded plugins, then test things out before finishing up with the few remaining mods I want to install.
Well, upon further investigation, at least one of the ESM plugins I installed that isn't working is supposedly dependent on SFSE. Says so right on the description. Out of all the ESM plugins I've ever installed, this one is the first one that's SFSE dependent. I didn't catch it sooner because I didn't see any SFSE related dll files in the mod archive. So that's another plugin I can now remove. Maybe I just need to pay closer attention to these recent mods I added and make sure I'm not just being a total dumbass lol
Honestly, other than being unable to use SFSE or mods that completely depend on that, I've so far experienced no issues with other mods on the Gamepass version. Especially mods that only replace textures, meshes, geometries, interface files, and stuff like that. But even some SFSE dependent mods can be made to work in Gamepass, some times by renaming the .dll to .asi, or in the case of CCR, some CCR commands can be setup as regular hotkeys instead. In any case, at least from an end-user perspective, Gamepass modding is not much different from Steam. That being said, there are maybe 2 SFSE related mods I wish I could use that don't have any ASI equivalent.
Sadly, no. That one mod with the SFSE dependency was the only oversight on my part that I noticed re-reading all the mod pages and double-checking my installations. There's no reason outside of approaching my mod limit that those mods should not be working. I was kind of hoping that removing the SFSE mod would fix everything, and maybe that's why things were broken, but nope. s#*!'s still borked. The game is still playable, and I haven't noticed any other weirdness so far outside of the newest plugins I added being broken in various ways. So I'm researching plugin merging at the moment. Turns out there is no universal limit regarding when you will begin to experience issues from approaching the hard plugin limit, and the way that limit is actually reached isn't fully documented. But it seems to be influenced not just by the number of plugins you have, but also by the amount of records your various plugins are producing. This is not to say that merging plugins to reduce the number of plugins won't help, but to the best of my current (and limited) understanding, you could install the same number of plugins as me and be completely fine if the mods you choose are introducing fewer records than mine. Or some other users might hit that limit even sooner than I did, with heavier plugins. But from what I've read, it seems relatively few people get passed 140 without experiencing issues at the moment, and I'm at 138. Also, I may not be able to merge all of my plugins into one monolithic plugin, since it seems not all plugins are compatible with each other for merging.
I could be wrong about some of these details, I'm only just beginning to learn about this shit. I didn't even know there was a plugin limit or that you could experience issues approaching it until you told me yesterday. Thanks for that, btw. If you hadn't told me, I might just be bugging a few other mod authors right now about their mods not working for me (although it did give me pause that so many plugins I just installed in a row all weren't testing well, that's a new phenomenon for me). I'm about to hit up that xEdit Discord server you told me about.
Yea please try at least for personal use... that is why i use so many standalone mods and not merged, because I am not 100% sure merging will work now :/
Lemme know if you managed to merge a lot of mods and that they work!
I live on a beautiful island in Hawai`i that has almost every single climate zone and sub-climate zone on the planet present on it. But as long as I'm at sea level, it is almost always warm. I live in a tropical zone on an active volcano, and it's around 20 degrees here. We're pretty famous for weather and beauty. It's Hawai`i Island (AKA the Big Island). It also rains a lot here
I had an interesting and informative conversation with Sir Gentleman over on the xEdit Discord. From what he told me, it seems he would expect things to break randomly all over my load order if it's an issue related to approaching my plugin limit, not just below where the limit got hit. Even plugins higher up should be having issues as well, if I'm hitting a plugin limit. And it's still possible my issues are coming from some other insidious load order or conflict related problem caused by things like plugins being bumped up or down in LO mid-playthrough. So far I have only noticed that all my plugins from position 129 down are all having issues working fully or properly, if at all. But I also have not thoroughly tested all previously loaded plugins to check for other weird issues I didn't notice before, only the ones that were easy to notice or obvious while testing the new ones. So I might just run the game and do a series of tests to see if I can find anything higher up in my load order showing signs of having broken in some way. If I find things that are borked that weren't before, that's more evidence that I am indeed suffering from approaching the plugin limit. If not, I guess I have a somewhat weak case for it as it stands.
Either way, it seems that I may be forced to start a new game. Not even jump through unity, but completely uninstall the game, reinstall, and then reapply all my mods with a new game. And in the process, I have identified around 11 plugins I can get rid of, which I was strongly advised should be a first resort toward fixing a potential plugin limit issue before attempting plugin merging. I already suspected this much, so rather than jumping right into plugin merging, my initial task will be to remove the 11 unneeded plugins and totally reinstall the game + remaining mods and start a new game. Whether it's a plugin limit issue affecting me or not, it does seem I may be suffering from some sort of corruption in my plugin load that may be difficult to exactly pinpoint and fix mid-playthrough. I also had at least two guys somewhat fiercely discourage me from trying to remove or shuffle around plugins mid-playthrough, even if a mod author has told me it's safe. At least not on a playthrough I intend to take seriously and finish, just like I was treating my current playthrough.
In any case, I mostly don't mind having to start fresh, especially if my current playthrough is fucked in some ways, but it will also be a huge pain in the ass with regard to rebuilding my character and my ship, given the lack of blueprints. My ship is built from around 760 modules. It is a complex build and not something that will be very easy or quick to reproduce from a large collection of screenshots. I'm not aware of any shortcuts to this using the gamepass version of the game. I've been lucky in the sense that the grand majority of SFSE dependent mods have turned out to be mods I am not even interested in, but there are a few exceptions. There are three SFSE mods that I know of that introduce blueprint/preset capabilities. CharGenMenu enables character presets, Transfer Inventories lets you save JSON blueprints of your inventories that can be exported to another save game, and while I completely forget by now, I'm pretty sure I once encountered an SFSE mod that includes ship blueprints, but I don't know what mod that was or where I read that. Anyway, you wouldn't happen to know of any shortcuts to the process of rebuilding a complex ship in a new game, would you? I may just have to take a trillion screenshots.
The other thing that's painful about having to abandon the current playthrough, is that at a certain point in the past my character encountered a randomly dead Terrabrew employee in the New Atlantis spaceport. I'm not the one who killed her, and I think she spawned dead as a random bug. Or maybe she just drank too much Terrabrew. In any case, I picked her up and carried her to my ship and made her my pet. I've been flying around with a dead Terrabrew employee hanging out on the couch in my Stroud 2x2 living quarters for almost two months now. I named her Bernice "Cold Brew" Lomax, and I feel like the game won't be the same without having her on my ship. But I guess that isn't a huge deal, because I can cheat and spawn the same Terrabrew employee using console and also run the "kill" command on her to make her dead without getting the bounty or pissing off my companions. But still, I'm not sure it will feel quite as special knowing that I used console to recreate my ship pet rather than her being something that was gifted to me by the game.
Ughhhh... thats a lot of situations man, I am mostly sorry for your ships, I am also sad sometimes to get rid of them
But the most important thing is to figure out how to make mods work... I really hope we can all figure this out... sorry I dont type that much in detail, it's 00:00 here and I am preparing for bed plus my newest mod is tilting me big time
Ohhh wow! That is quite impressive! My PC would not be able to load that lmao, i am on 1060 6gb Nvidia 😅😅
My next mod adds 6 new ship weapons to the game, they are called INQ Salvo Cannons and come in A B C classes. Each class has different stats and projectile speed.
I finished everything and when i started making promo video i see that each shot ( they shoot 12 missiles per shot) pushes enemy ships backwards, like some sort of pushback collision. But i have put collision on 0, and that should never happen, so i am scared that entire mod will go to waste :(
Honestly, my ship also damn near kills my PC also. But it mainly only hurts my experience while in the ship menu or ship builder, or if I'm looking at my ship with my scanner on (too many ship modules for the scanner). But otherwise, the rest of the game still runs smooth as butter, even when in the ship or flying around in space with it. But in ship builder, total PC killer for sure.
Honestly, you probably need to get a good night's sleep and then be able to take a second look at the collision issue with a fresh mind. I believe in you. You can probably fix it, or at least get things to a point where the mod is still useful anyway.
Oh yeah! I almost forgot I did already tell you about my PC killing ship, which is what motivated me to install your clean ship UI mod. Wasn't a cure, but it was a noticeable improvement.
Anyway, good night, good sir. I may have more to report on my situation tomorrow. Or we could move this convo over to PM so as not to totally blow up this comment section.
I am killing with Lasers, i just wanted it to activate from killing mobs with whatever i want to kill them. Leveling lasers to get the BURN effect to kill TerrorMorphs fast.
Why dont you make it to activate when killing mobs, It is hard enough that i need to kill 100, then i must use Ballistics to kill them, i just started new game on Very Hard.
If i wouldve made the Perk i would`ve put Survey Planets for Challenge. 1 Planet, 3 Planets, 5 Planets and 10 planets.
Because it is hard to mess around with activities, you said you mostly play melee so i put it to melee as well, since you can farm it up by killing animals easily.
Changing conditions for perks is not an easy job, there is a lot of values, and i couldnt find a setting for "kill only"
Extra Version without challenge would be nice. I use this cause i dont want to craft to make instant lvl ...but i dont want to spoil the fun of the game by killing 1000mobs or whatever to lvl this to Max.
Thank You mate for this one. Is it possible to create a Mod that make it so when you craft something you get 0.01XP or none at all ? I need such a mod so i can craft in Outpost but not to make lvl.
PS: you know way more than me; Can you tell me what are the id`s for adding more mobs on planets if you know? Just Mobs (FAUNA) for instance if i land somewere there are let`s say 50 mobs in that area, i want to make it 2x or 3x that ammount.
Sorry mate i am not very good with search function that is why i preffer to ask here. Some people help and some other people (You Included) tells me what i already know that i must use the search function. If i would`ve found what i was looking for with the search function , would i ask here for help?
I found the mod i was looking for a pointer needed was having the file before but i deleted it. ( i did not know what to search really)
What happens if I put in a few points and then start the game once without this plugin. And then again with the plugin? Are the points gone, or are there any issues with the EP?
I dont think it will work... if you activate the mod, put points into perk, and then remove it from mods, i believe you will lose all perks, not sure if you will lose points, its possible that you will :( But it's a new perk, it is not a replacer, so my advice is to keep it active, you dont need to invest if you dont like it :))
Then I guess it saves it in save file. That would explain also when I did some worldspace testing mods, and even when i removed it, it was still in the save.. LOL
2. "Extract my .esm file and copy it to steam starfield folder, inside there is "data" folder. Place"Inquisitor_Starfield_Mods_IdiotSavant_Perk.esm" there.
3. After you place my .esm file in data folder, go to : C:\Users\YOUR NAME\AppData\Local\Starfield and there will be plugins.txt file. Inside that plugins.txt file put this text:
# This file is used by Starfield to keep track of your downloaded content. (You HAVE to keep a # on the first line here) *Inquisitor_Starfield_Mods_IdiotSavant_Perk.esm"
when i get there there is not a plugins.txt file. Only a pipeline.cashe file. Do i just make my own plugins.txt file. Sorry i am not good at this but i do like your mods.
Yes brother, create a new "text" file and write this:
# This file is used by Starfield to keep track of your downloaded content. (You HAVE to keep a # on the first line here) *Inquisitor_Starfield_Mods_IdiotSavant_Perk.esm"
and this should work then! Please tell me when you manage to do it
still not working. I have this in my Starfield Data file Inquisitor_Starfield_Mods_idiotSavant_Perk.esm Inquisitor_Starfield_Mods_Investment_Perk.esm In the plugins.txt File I have
1 Inquisitor_Starfield_Mods_IdiotSavant_Perk.esm I have been trying to find videos to help, but it still is not working
Okay, I didn't see that one, and that investment perk looks pretty cool. But I was thinking, shouldn't it also read, once you get say 100000 credits, and you get the next rank, that credits go bye bye (investment)?
Hi, just wanted to point out that it would be more helpful if instead of "Make sure my esm file is added into your plugins.txt file", that you would put *(name of .esm) in the description. That way people could just copy and paste it.
It is really strange. You use latest version ?
*Starfield Extended - Rolling Deep.esm
*Starfield Extended - Rolling Deep - TNShipModsAllInOne Patch.esm
*Richer Merchants.esm
*HSIBA - Extras.esm
*Interiors Gravity Fix.esm
*Earth POIs.esm
*Starfield Extended - Craftable Quality.esm
*Starfield Extended - Craftable Quality Extended.esm
*Starfield Extended - Craftable Quality Extended - LMR Legendary Qualities.esm
*Starfield Extended - Craftable Quality - TN's Melee Weapon Modifications Patch.esm
*Beta PEAK Enemy AI.esm
*MarkM - Starfield Extended Patch.esm
*Health Increase After Level 100.esm
*USU - M Class.esm
*AutoWeaponsFireFix - AutoReverb Patch-twiz.esm
*Sit To Add Ship.esm
*Ship Power Fix.esm
*Helpful Activity Objectives.esm
*Variable Contraband Prices.esm
*Variable Contraband Prices x10.esm
*Ship Remote Control.esm
*Robert S Body Replacer.esm
*Starvival - Immersive Survival Addon.esm
*Starvival - ModuleEconomy.esm
*Starvival - ModuleSpaceshipArsenal.esm
*Starvival - ModuleTinCans.esm
*Starvival - PatchRecycleScum.esm
I think there is more than 200 mods there am i right? :D
Unfortunately i think you will need to choose which ones to keep :/
Edit: I just did a little researching, and the hard limit for loaded ESMs in the Creation Engine is 256, which for Starfield means that a max of 254 plugins can be loaded.
Idk my man, regarding perk all should be good :(
On my end all perks added work normally :/
Well, honestly, as long as I can verify that the idiot savant perk is actually working, I don't care that much that the text is missing. Would be nice to solve the missing text, but it isn't a very big deal to me. As soon as I launch the game again I'll do some s#*! and see how much XP I get and make sure the functionality is working fine.
then type: "player.addperk perkid" and it should level it up by 1 rank. then you can see if you gain more or same. That way we can confirm it works without text.
Tl dr, you can try and ask them to show you how to put all 130 mods into one esm, removing master files. That way your load order would be 1 esm.
I think someone mentioned that after they did NG+ stuff was back to normal!
Hmmmm, maybe youtube has some ideas for these issues? I thought you are on standard version :/
I hope it all goes well in the end, and that you can manage to merge some mods!
I could be wrong about some of these details, I'm only just beginning to learn about this shit. I didn't even know there was a plugin limit or that you could experience issues approaching it until you told me yesterday. Thanks for that, btw. If you hadn't told me, I might just be bugging a few other mod authors right now about their mods not working for me (although it did give me pause that so many plugins I just installed in a row all weren't testing well, that's a new phenomenon for me). I'm about to hit up that xEdit Discord server you told me about.
Lemme know if you managed to merge a lot of mods and that they work!
it's 15 degrees and very rainy, and in your place? :D
Either way, it seems that I may be forced to start a new game. Not even jump through unity, but completely uninstall the game, reinstall, and then reapply all my mods with a new game. And in the process, I have identified around 11 plugins I can get rid of, which I was strongly advised should be a first resort toward fixing a potential plugin limit issue before attempting plugin merging. I already suspected this much, so rather than jumping right into plugin merging, my initial task will be to remove the 11 unneeded plugins and totally reinstall the game + remaining mods and start a new game. Whether it's a plugin limit issue affecting me or not, it does seem I may be suffering from some sort of corruption in my plugin load that may be difficult to exactly pinpoint and fix mid-playthrough. I also had at least two guys somewhat fiercely discourage me from trying to remove or shuffle around plugins mid-playthrough, even if a mod author has told me it's safe. At least not on a playthrough I intend to take seriously and finish, just like I was treating my current playthrough.
In any case, I mostly don't mind having to start fresh, especially if my current playthrough is fucked in some ways, but it will also be a huge pain in the ass with regard to rebuilding my character and my ship, given the lack of blueprints. My ship is built from around 760 modules. It is a complex build and not something that will be very easy or quick to reproduce from a large collection of screenshots. I'm not aware of any shortcuts to this using the gamepass version of the game. I've been lucky in the sense that the grand majority of SFSE dependent mods have turned out to be mods I am not even interested in, but there are a few exceptions. There are three SFSE mods that I know of that introduce blueprint/preset capabilities. CharGenMenu enables character presets, Transfer Inventories lets you save JSON blueprints of your inventories that can be exported to another save game, and while I completely forget by now, I'm pretty sure I once encountered an SFSE mod that includes ship blueprints, but I don't know what mod that was or where I read that. Anyway, you wouldn't happen to know of any shortcuts to the process of rebuilding a complex ship in a new game, would you? I may just have to take a trillion screenshots.
The other thing that's painful about having to abandon the current playthrough, is that at a certain point in the past my character encountered a randomly dead Terrabrew employee in the New Atlantis spaceport. I'm not the one who killed her, and I think she spawned dead as a random bug. Or maybe she just drank too much Terrabrew. In any case, I picked her up and carried her to my ship and made her my pet. I've been flying around with a dead Terrabrew employee hanging out on the couch in my Stroud 2x2 living quarters for almost two months now. I named her Bernice "Cold Brew" Lomax, and I feel like the game won't be the same without having her on my ship. But I guess that isn't a huge deal, because I can cheat and spawn the same Terrabrew employee using console and also run the "kill" command on her to make her dead without getting the bounty or pissing off my companions. But still, I'm not sure it will feel quite as special knowing that I used console to recreate my ship pet rather than her being something that was gifted to me by the game.
But the most important thing is to figure out how to make mods work... I really hope we can all figure this out... sorry I dont type that much in detail, it's 00:00 here and I am preparing for bed plus my newest mod is tilting me big time
Anyway, here are some screenshots of my ship, in case you want to see this beast I've been talking about:
Ship Name: Kuka`ilimoku
Ship Theme: Hawaiian god of war, taker of land, and in the form of a flying fish (exocoetus linnaeus)
He's quite the ship. Can get lost in there. So many habs.
My next mod adds 6 new ship weapons to the game, they are called INQ Salvo Cannons and come in A B C classes. Each class has different stats and projectile speed.
I finished everything and when i started making promo video i see that each shot ( they shoot 12 missiles per shot) pushes enemy ships backwards, like some sort of pushback collision. But i have put collision on 0, and that should never happen, so i am scared that entire mod will go to waste :(
Honestly, you probably need to get a good night's sleep and then be able to take a second look at the collision issue with a fresh mind. I believe in you. You can probably fix it, or at least get things to a point where the mod is still useful anyway.
Ohhh man, i hope i will, thank you so much for the support! Maybe at least fake it with a bullet or something :/
Anyway, good night, good sir. I may have more to report on my situation tomorrow. Or we could move this convo over to PM so as not to totally blow up this comment section.
Also good night for ya too! Yea thats a good idea! In case ppl start reading all this lmao see you soon! ☺️🫡🚀
Think we can make a little improvement here in SMALL ammount.
Think you can make vanilla Well Rested bonus from sleep last 1 Hour? or 2.
Preferably on the No Requirements Version or to all versions.
I think this will be a nice bonus to your mod.
PERK UP Better Experience got it 100% and 200% respectively wich is too much with exploration.
Or if you know the console command for that can we have it to add it in a .bat file.
That is really nice Barely wait to download it.
Requesting an Update for this mod: Instead of killing 100 mobs with Ballistic Weapons add it to kill 100 mobs. ( With ANYTHING )
I play Melee i dont want to raise Balistics just for this Perk.
Leveling lasers to get the BURN effect to kill TerrorMorphs fast.
Why dont you make it to activate when killing mobs, It is hard enough that i need to kill 100, then i must use Ballistics to kill them, i just started new game on Very Hard.
If i wouldve made the Perk i would`ve put Survey Planets for Challenge. 1 Planet, 3 Planets, 5 Planets and 10 planets.
Changing conditions for perks is not an easy job, there is a lot of values, and i couldnt find a setting for "kill only"
I use this cause i dont want to craft to make instant lvl ...but i dont want to spoil the fun of the game by killing 1000mobs or whatever to lvl this to Max.
Is it possible to create a Mod that make it so when you craft something you get 0.01XP or none at all ?
I need such a mod so i can craft in Outpost but not to make lvl.
PS: you know way more than me; Can you tell me what are the id`s for adding more mobs on planets if you know? Just Mobs (FAUNA)
for instance if i land somewere there are let`s say 50 mobs in that area, i want to make it 2x or 3x that ammount.
Please use the site's search function...it was put in place for people like you.
Some people help and some other people (You Included) tells me what i already know that i must use the search function.
If i would`ve found what i was looking for with the search function , would i ask here for help?
I found the mod i was looking for a pointer needed was having the file before but i deleted it. ( i did not know what to search really)
Are the points gone, or are there any issues with the EP?
But it's a new perk, it is not a replacer, so my advice is to keep it active, you dont need to invest if you dont like it :))
You actually keep your progress. 👍👍
Seems to be saved in the savegame files.
I started it once without and then again with and my status was still the same. (1/4)
1. Download my file. You can do it manually.
2. "Extract my .esm file and copy it to steam starfield folder, inside there is "data" folder. Place"Inquisitor_Starfield_Mods_IdiotSavant_Perk.esm" there.
3. After you place my .esm file in data folder, go to : C:\Users\YOUR NAME\AppData\Local\Starfield and there will be plugins.txt file.
Inside that plugins.txt file put this text:
# This file is used by Starfield to keep track of your downloaded content. (You HAVE to keep a # on the first line here)
it should all work now!
# This file is used by Starfield to keep track of your downloaded content. (You HAVE to keep a # on the first line here)
and this should work then! Please tell me when you manage to do it
In the plugins.txt File I have
1 Inquisitor_Starfield_Mods_IdiotSavant_Perk.esm
I have been trying to find videos to help, but it still is not working
https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/106 install this one first, just follow install instructions!
then install plugins enabler https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/4157
and then check plugins.txt and write it as i copied it!
I added another one called "investment" its a completely new perk that increases Vendor credit :)
Link: Investment Perk
Thanks for your efforts.
Excel in something, dumb as a door for everything else!
We just need some mods to ask more dumb questions and ask NPCs to repeat an explanation 20 times!
I will have fun with this one! Thanks!
Btw effect is not same as in FO4, keep that in mind, this one just increases EXP. But I find it fun!