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  1. theenco
    • premium
    • 198 kudos
    Update 1.2 is out!
    You're now able to change the color of the glas at the workbench.
    I removed some of the unnecessary items and nif files and only the base of each glass is available.
    Added new glasses.

    Also to respawn glasses at the vendor:
    If you update from a pervious version,
    deactivate the mod and load into a save. - then exit then game and activate mod again
    The script that adds the item to the levelist only runs once per save.
    Then wait for 48 hour
  2. Reignscythe
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Can confirm this works too.

    And if you're having problems with glass tints it helps having only one item from this mod in your inventory when modding them.

    I don't see the glasses in ship FPV, though.
    1. rtj73
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      I can see all the glasses no matter which ones I wear in 1st person view while piloting any ship. What did you do to prevent this as I am not the only one with this issue.
    2. contaminant
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I managed to fix the frames with the nif updater, but the lenses tint on the companion reset to the default black no matter what (and there are only one glasses in the inventory). This can be fixed by re-equipping the glasses, but when moving to another cell it's reproduced again. For now, after testing, I disabled the mod, if there is a working solution to this problem, I will be grateful for a hint.
    3. JCDENTONNN123
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I cant find them in console i dont know the Item ID :(
  3. wysiwyg
    • premium
    • 27 kudos
    This still works once you run the nif updater. Only strange thing I saw was that the glasses show up in your first person view when you are piloting a ship. 
    1. rtj73
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      Having the same issue, ran the nif updater and the glasses are visible in the inventory, and in 3rd person view, however they are also visible while piloting any ship in 1st person. I'm guessing it is because the 1st person flag is set to slot 26 - Eyepatch. So far tho I have not been able to figure out another slot to use so that they do not show up in 1st person view while flying a ship, but remain visible in 3rd person when not flying.
  4. DaddyNoah
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Do you plan to bring this to xbox ??
    please say you do because id love to have this mod
  5. shoot123
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    no longer working on shattered space. any fix is appreciated.
  6. R40k
    • premium
    • 16 kudos
    Needs to be patched with Migration Tool. https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/9234
    Readme in main download has instructions on how to use but its fairly simple and takes a couple seconds ezpz
    1. Renragarner
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Edit: Turns out it was user error on my part. There's a comprehensive step by step description pinned in the posts. Just missed a step on my previous attempts!

    2. VirtualChrisM
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      Thanks for this!  Hopefully the mod author returns and fixes the mod, but this will do for now.

      Also, I can't seem to change the color of the SciFi Glasses. Shame.
    3. kdodds
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      The migration tool worked perfectly for the meshes, but the lens textures/colors are still wonky.  Anyone have a fix that doesn't have your toon's glasses constantly going back to the "default" (black)?
    4. Apis4
      • member
      • 14 kudos
      So this only partially works? Man, that's balls. 

      I really hope this author returns and updates their mods. They have some cool mods, but they are all broken. 

      Hopefully someone else will do a killer glasses pack eventually. 
    5. Agreed!!!
  7. Kironidequeen
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I'm having an issue. The glasses were initially visible on the player character, but they disappeared when changing cells and although they are equipped in the inventory, they are no longer visible on the player in third person mode or in the inventory preview.
    1. Citadel535
      • premium
      • 38 kudos
      I could be mistaken but if you have some other mod that uses that same clothing slot, it can override the model making it go invisible.

      Try taking off clothing and space suit and see if it shows up when only the glasses are equipped. If they do, then it's gear overriding it.
  8. lazloarcadia
    • member
    • 19 kudos
  9. Apis4
    • member
    • 14 kudos
    Glasses all have missing textures. Probably needs an update since the CK drop
    1. SuperTech
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Don't have missing textures for me but they do not show in the preview window till you equip them for some reason. Show just fine on the player though.
    2. Apis4
      • member
      • 14 kudos
      All mine have some solid gold texture, just like the Tacsuit from same author. 
  10. Carnifexsiansaar
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Fantastic mod that I hope will be ported to creations
  11. brettkeaneyoutube
    • supporter
    • 7 kudos
    Please upload to Beth so I can play this on Xbox.