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  1. InquisitorOverhaulsReturn
    • premium
    • 269 kudos

    Please post photos here in comment section about what 5 items you got !!!

  2. VenpiTheGamer
    • premium
    • 57 kudos
    You should sub out the model with one of the pine trees 
    1. InquisitorOverhaulsReturn
      • premium
      • 269 kudos
      I wish I knew how to do that xD 
    2. VenpiTheGamer
      • premium
      • 57 kudos
      After Cora gets done bashing me to death with her ability to ignore her assigned quest code, I'll pull it and throw a demo together and DM it to you. 
    3. InquisitorOverhaulsReturn
      • premium
      • 269 kudos
      Hahahah! Thanks! :D 
    4. VenpiTheGamer
      • premium
      • 57 kudos
      There are about 400-500 trees in the static folder you can choose from. This is a spruce with snow.  I have an ESM but no way to get it to you with the DMs down lol. I'll get a one drive link shortly. Then you can use the transform to scale it down this is sacled to .3.

      Ok you can get the ESM from here: Inquisitor_Lodge_Presents.esm
    5. InquisitorOverhaulsReturn
      • premium
      • 269 kudos
      Awesome! I uploaded, thanks! :D 
    6. InquisitorOverhaulsReturn
      • premium
      • 269 kudos
      Also btw, question... where is the "scale" ? I didnt see scale option in your new made esm ? 
  3. QueenLacina
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    NO Longer works after the may update....
    1. InquisitorOverhaulsReturn
      • premium
      • 269 kudos
      Yep, meshes... will try to update!
    2. InquisitorOverhaulsReturn
      • premium
      • 269 kudos
      Ok I see there is no meshes here, so it seems you maybe use a mod that edits Lodge area :( 
    3. QueenLacina
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      it works it was my fault i had to update the library.... MOD WORKS PERFICTLY !!!! 
    4. InquisitorOverhaulsReturn
      • premium
      • 269 kudos
      I am glad! Lets gooo
  4. SigynX1
    • premium
    • 69 kudos
    Awesome mod, thanks so much. I submitted photo of my presents. :)
    1. InquisitorOverhaulsReturn
      • premium
      • 269 kudos
      Those are nice presents! 👌😁
  5. wickedpeter
    • premium
    • 9 kudos
    is this only for steam version ?
    1. InquisitorOverhaulsReturn
      • premium
      • 269 kudos
      Hey man! You can use it on gamepass i think but you need to find a guide on yt :/ 
  6. voxbox13
    • supporter
    • 12 kudos
    Cool idea. Downloaded. Will try it out.

    Some might call the one with 5 items a "Cheat Version"...
    Some might say "Santa was generous!".  ;)
    1. InquisitorOverhaulsReturn
      • premium
      • 269 kudos
      Its time of gifts ❤️
  7. tomsite
    • supporter
    • 8 kudos
    Installed the mod, added the ESM to plugins.txt, completely new game, went to the lodge's basement, no chest.

    Installed via MO2, fresh download from Nexus on Starfield Version 1.8.86 (complete fresh install yesterday and i mean a complete fresh one. All files and folder everywhere that have anything to do with Starfield got deleted. MyGames\Starfield and the Appdata\Local as well, as virgin as it can be). Mod is loaded as all Mod Index IDs are correct that come after this mod here, so there is no ESM missing or anything. When i start xEdit the Mod also shows up there and is correctly loaded. Nothing overwrites it. Before i had the previous Starfield Version 1.7.36 i believe it was or 39, well the latest before 1.8.86 installed the mod mid playthrough, worked instantly.

    As a matter of fact, non of the mods that add anything to the Lodge basement work. The Lodge decorator is also not showing up, same situation. Mod installed, added to plugins.txt, shows up in xEdit just fine but not in game. The Legendary Recycler should add a chest and recycler terminal in the basement, also not showing up. Any other mod (that doesn't touch the Lodge) appears to be working fine. I also have one more mod that i didn't enable on this profile, which adds a terminal screen to reset the skill point assignments. I will try if this one shows up if i enable it mid playthrough at the end of my load order. But something changed with the update to 1.8.86 and it screws mods over. I can't say what happens if you update the game mid playthrough, but it might be that the chest, decorator etc. are also baked into the save and the mods keep working. But most likely if you start a fresh playthrough it might not work anymore.

    Will try a few more things and see if anything comes to light. OK tested some more and tried to place a pool triangle into the basement where the round carpet is. Result: the entire Lodge vanished ^^. I don't know what Bethesda did, but something is horribly screwed. Not a single mod that places anything into the Lodge works, well they work, but not in combination with the Lodge. Books Revamped is supposed to place Landmark Books into the Lodge, none can be found. The Decorator not working, Legendary Recycler not working, the Chest from this mod not working.

    Tried to also install the SkillReSpec terminal mod as is from Nexus, last ESM in the loadorder. Went outside the lodge, saved, quit game, installed the mod, loaded the game, went into the lodge and everything gone again. I mean everything, there was no interior. Again, xEdit says the mod loads fine. Uninstalled mod, reloaded the save, went into the lodge, everything fine again. To be funny tried it once more same results. With the Respec terminal no lodge, without it everything is back.

    So all in all i don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but i wouldn't touch the lodge as mod author at all for the time being. Bethesda screwed something really badly up with the last update and until that is fixed you can't place anything in there or change it. I did test the DreamHome on Nesoi and all changes i made to that cell are fine, mods also work. Haven't tested the smaller home in Akila yet, but i guess it will also be fine. And yes, as expected, everything is fine. So it seems that only the Lodge is affected. I also did some further testing, created a quick patch for the actual cell record that is exactly as the Bethesda one and loaded this patch last in the load order. Lodge is gone, completely. Created another patch that also has the "Unknown 17" flag set in the record header as some mods have it in, Lodge is gone. One mod even deleted the FullName, again a Patch and everything is gone. The only thing i haven't tested, is to change the load order of the affected mods, but for that i tested with my own patches and it all failed.

    So the report just a few posts down from Dadditude regarding loading into a grey void is valid. I could replicate the issue often enough, but it is not dependant on the mods used, but rather on if the game thinks it wants to or not. It also has nothing to do with the records that are added to the cell, they are all setup correctly and unique. The same way as it is done in other cells and there it works perfectly fine. Only the Lodge is messed up. The only thing i know that is left do, is to verify the Starfield.esm from before and after the latest update and see what changes happened there, but i am not sure if that will give any of us any insight. I rather think there is some code change, that causes this massive bug. The one flag in the record header "Unknown 17" i have no clue what that could possibly mean, but setting it or not does not make a difference. The Starfield.esm from 1.8.86 certainly does not contain it and some mods have it, some don't and they all worked before. And to say that maybe the build script for the ESM screwed something up and caused a non-visible binary change somewhere is damn near impossible to say, let alone to find

    If any mod user out there starts a new playthrough with mods enabled that modify the lodge and it works, please let me know in the comments. Please include the mods that you are using and the load order. Maybe it helps getting behind this conundrum. Also if you only use a single mod, please include which and where in the load order it is placed (top, middle, very bottom, don't need more information than that). It is important that this on a new playthrough/save since Update 1.8.86. I mean you can still state if you updated to 1.8.86 during a running playthrough and it carried on working, could also be interesting as information. But mainly i am interested in New Playthroughs since the update and if any of above mentioned mods are working.

    So yeah, unfortunately no pictures from me of my x-mas presents. Maybe i wasn't a good boy in the last year and didn't deserve any? :D
    1. InquisitorOverhaulsReturn
      • premium
      • 269 kudos
      Thank you for your long explanation! But honestly, my hands are limited here! I understand you. Thing is, when I created this mod, I remember I had similar problems as well, strange situations. One save would load chest and other would not... Bethesda stuff I guess...
    2. tomsite
      • supporter
      • 8 kudos
      Ohhh don't understand me wrong. It was more about giving you a heads up in case other users report this error. I tested even further now. Had each mod as the only mod in the game apart from SFSE and Plugin.txt enabler and still, none worked. Even restored my 1.7.36 backup and there everything worked and installed the 1.8.87 Beta now and there it didn't work again. I also took every mod apart and can't find any fault in them. So it is not your fault and there is nothing you can do. The issue is on Bethesda's side and i couldn't even find anything in the vanilla ESMs that could cause this. My educated guess is some Code change that prevents any change to the Lodge cell being applied in game. You could probably create overwrites of every item and set them all to Initially disabled and they still would load in game. All mods load, just their changes are not applied and you just get the standard cell as it is defined in the vanilla ESM. I tested this from almost all possible angles now, standalone, in combination with each other and it always comes down to the same result. Any mod modifying the Lodge does currently not work and in my view there is nothing that can be done by the modders. Bethesda won't be any help as modding is not officially supported yet, and by the time it is Bethesda will probably simply ignore everything ;). Happy modding and don't let this stop you from creating more good mods. Probably just avoid the Lodge for now. It will only drive you loopy. ;)
    3. InquisitorOverhaulsReturn
      • premium
      • 269 kudos
      Ohh wait, you use beta? Mods dont work on beta updates, that is known already... you need to be on official patch, not beta 😊
    4. tomsite
      • supporter
      • 8 kudos
      No i use 1.8.86, but out of fun i installed the Beta as well as last test if anything will change with the next update then. Otherwise i couldn't have used SFSE ;).  I don't use Bethesda Betas for regular game play.

      So first all tests on 1.8.86 fresh install from Saturday. Before i did anything in game i copied the entire fresh install somewhere safe. Then i started the game once to let it create the neccessary files and folders. Then i started to install mods. Noticed the bug, started doing my tests. After finishing with that and running out of further ideas i installed the Beta and tested if that will change anything, or in other words find out if Bethesda knows about the bug and tries to quickly fix it. No, it doesn't work on the Beta either. Then i pulled file hashes from each file to see if a downgrade will affect the game or in other words if a downgrade will leave any artifacts behind between the previous version and the Betaversion. I downgraded to 1.8.86 again, pulled file hashes from that install, compared the hashes with the Beta install and with the fresh 1.8.86 install from Saturday. All clean and as expected. Now i am running on 1.8.86 again, the official non-beta version everybody is using. So i can say it doesn't work on the current release version and most likely won't run on the upcoming version unless Bethesda will add a bug fix in the meantime.

      Current 1.8.86 = doesn't work
      Future 1.8.87 = will most likely also not work

      Even tho i did not write Test-Cases, my testing is with method, old habbit from my days in Testmanagement. I still love to break stuff and do all the things the developers never expected but the users always do. Seriously, it is fun work until you hit the office politics wall and seriously faulty software is released because of political decisions in the upper Echelon. I especially like Nepotism in this regard.

    5. InquisitorOverhaulsReturn
      • premium
      • 269 kudos
      That is so fked up lmao... 
    6. tomsite
      • supporter
      • 8 kudos
      Simple answer: Yep, it is :D

      I also put in a ticket with Bethesda, even tho it won't go anywhere as they don't support modding yet. But at least they know now that something is screwed up in the Lodge. Maybe a developer will look at it and figure out where the issue lies, maybe they will chuck my ticket in the bin. I assume to 99% it will be the bin of digital junk.

      One thing is certain, i will avoid modding the lodge now like the plague.
    7. tomsite
      • supporter
      • 8 kudos
      Just to let you know, it all works again. And all i did is to move the few patches i did 5 spots down in the load order in the same sequence as they were. Fun thing is: They were below the mods they are supposed to patch before and are now also below the mods they are supposed to patch. And given the fact that the patches worked fine all the time. No changes to the patches at all. And none of my patches even remotely touches the lodge nor do the mods they patch. And it was sheer luck that i discovered it. I installed new mods and wanted to have my patches at the bottom, so moved the entire block as is. The game works truly in mysterious ways. If i move them 5 spots up again the Lodge is screwed. And when i tested a few days ago, the patches were at the bottom as well. And no new mod touches the Lodge either or remotely anything that has anything to do with it. Regardless, it works now, i can't explain why and despite from a technical point of view nothing changed apart from the mod indizes for the patches. I had a lengthy gaming session last night of 9 hours in one go, not a single crash, no oddities. Smooth as butter. So i am happy. The loadorder is locked tight and set in stone.
  8. RayalityGaming
    • BANNED
    • 1 kudos
    IDK. I cant get it to work. I also have NewGamePlusPlus  and SKKFastStartNewGame  .. I get 6 god-tier (named legendary) weapons. But no crate in basement. I have tried from unity several times from a clean save/install. 

    N Atlantis crashes after update too.. smh  
    1. InquisitorOverhaulsReturn
      • premium
      • 269 kudos
      Unfortunately seems like there are problems with cells on load reload, i dont think i can fix it, unlucky man :/ 
  9. Dadditude
    • premium
    • 5 kudos
    When this mod is used alongside the Lodge Decorator mod or the Legendary Module Recycler mod, the lodge interior fails to load, causing me to load into a grey void where I can see silhouettes of the constellation members and the silhouettes of some of the furniture. Is there any chance you could make a compatibility patch for either or both of these?
    1. InquisitorOverhaulsReturn
      • premium
      • 269 kudos
      Hmmm that is strange because i added completely new records, but maybe messes up if 2 mods edit same area, hmmm... 

      Well idk man, i am not allowed to use other people work. Maybe you can Get items, save game, and then remove my mod ? 
  10. TheKyle27
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This is a really cool idea, but it would have been even better if the items scaled to my current level. All of my gear is Advanced or Superior, but the presents chest was full of base level stuff.
    1. InquisitorOverhaulsReturn
      • premium
      • 269 kudos
      Hmm, that is my error then, it should have gave leveled items, but think about it this way, its more focused on early game rather than late game. 

      It's like a "present from Santa to help you at low levels" :)) 
  11. military1428
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Nothing showed up.  I downloaded one mod, nothing, deleted it and tried the tree one and still, nothing.  
    1. pellus69
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Same here. Using MO2 2.5.0 and was trying to play a bit with setup, but found no real help online. So its not working...

      OK. I am a noob... The esm plugin was not enabled... After I enabled it, the chest appeared (got lousy items, but thats my luck)!
    2. InquisitorOverhaulsReturn
      • premium
      • 269 kudos
      Military, brother you need to activate my esm inside plugins.txt 
    3. military1428
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      That would have been helpful info to include in the description.  Lol  I can't get plugins to work so I won't be able to use this mod than.
    4. InquisitorOverhaulsReturn
      • premium
      • 269 kudos
      Jesus my bad! I was sure I wrote the description! 
    5. military1428
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I got it to work!!!!!!!   I still had some TestFile s#*! lurking in my files......
    6. InquisitorOverhaulsReturn
      • premium
      • 269 kudos
      Nice! I advice though, stest file should no longer be used, just use plugins.txt! 
  12. SecretzRUs
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    This is cool and all, but am I the only one that wants a version that actually respawns over time?
    1. InquisitorOverhaulsReturn
      • premium
      • 269 kudos
      Ohhh come on :P :P 

      I will see if I can make it! :D 
    2. VenpiTheGamer
      • premium
      • 57 kudos
      Make it a vendor chest then it will respawn based on the game setting 
    3. RZR3312
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Not a perfect method but if you select the crate with console> disable crate and while the crate is still selected in the header type in enable. The crate will reappear with refreshed contents.
    4. InquisitorOverhaulsReturn
      • premium
      • 269 kudos
      You guys are top tier lmao 😃
    5. RZR3312
      • member
      • 0 kudos