This is a lovely and simple mod. Thanks for sharing it.
Works as advertised as of the date of this comment. -
Can we have this on Xbox plz? 😭
Sweet! I've been hankering for a scarf! Nice!
Hella fine work on this, Nyvrak! Works awesome with 1.12.32! THANK YOU for this (and thank you for the update!)! Endorsed! \o/
EDIT: Also still working great with the recent Starfield Update1.14.74 ! o7 ♥
For anyone who may be finding it hard to find them in the Industrial Workbench, due to having a very long list of craftable stuffs (added by mods), and you're wondering what the scarves/ponchos are named:
Amelia Earhart's ScarfSpoiler:Show
Blue Neocity Poncho (Standalone)Spoiler:Show
Delgado's Scarf (Loose) (the red scarf)Spoiler:Show
Delgado's Scarf (Tied) (the red scarf)Spoiler:Show
Festive Neocity Poncho (Standalone)Spoiler:Show
Green Neocity Poncho (Standalone)Spoiler:Show
Inclement Weather PonchoSpoiler:Show
Miner's Utility Scarf (the black scarf)Spoiler:Show
Settler PonchoSpoiler:Show
White Neocity Poncho (Standalone)Spoiler:Show -
Thank you for this mod ! However, every items are invisible. I can craft them and have them in my inventory but when I equip it, they are all invisible. No matter what outfit I wear and even if my character is naked. I've tried vortex and manual install. Any idea ?
EDIT: Nvm it works now. I think it is because I enabled junction in vortex to merge the my games data folder into the main data folder. That is why many mods weren't working -
Can you wear these over spacesuits? I saw in a previous comment that you would try to make them work with spacesuits, so I was wondering.
Hey, is anyone else having issues with this mod following the latest update? The inclement weather poncho was my favorite, but now it doesn't work at all - the other scarves show up fine (bar the chest clipping).
Yes, I was having the exact same issue as well since march 18th. The mesh under fomod>base>meshes>clothes appears to be missing/misplaced. I took the Outfit_colonist_adventurous_01 file from fomod>base VBB>meshes>clothes and placed it in fomod>base>meshes>clothes. This has made the inclement weather poncho visible. I had not checked if the settler poncho had the same problem but I assume it did. I only just figured this out today as I stopped playing till this update.
I think I'm going crazy, but before the update, the delgado scarf (loose) was black. But after I re-installed this mod, it is now red just like in the photos. Does anyone know whether this scarf ever existed as black in this mod or which mod I could've installed that recolored it to black?
Hi Dear Nyvrak, Ik this is kind of weird, but may I ask what is the clothing you wear in your first image?
I have installed Scarves and Ponchos, but am only able to use the scarfs and the Inclement Weather Poncho as
like a lot of people I have VBB 50 percent size body installed and with the Neon Poncho’s the breasts clip through the poncho.
Are you thinking of adding any other body sizes such as the VBB 50 percent which some other mod user’s outfits are using?
Your Ponchos look great and I will continue to use the one in the hope that one day the others will fit me.
Thank You for a great mod.-
I love it very much.
Hopefully the VBB50% version for the poncho will be available soon :). Nice work! -
OTW, lightspeed.
add 1: do you plan to release the VBB 50% inclement weather poncho as well ? thank you. Mine clips right through the chest area.
(I tried to use the free image hosting, however I don't know much about http (S).
I 've uploaded image for this mod, using the inclement weather poncho, I love it. All the space - futuristic ones should have ponchos rather than "starwars-esque" jedi hoodies, e.g. Rebel Moon series, main protagonist, she has simple fabric, not pedo - weirdo hoodie.
However, since it has a clip through part, I've taken liberties to play with the shadows. -
btw is it possible to remove the shirt part from farming suit ? just an idea :)
yeeeees. without the shirt.
What is the help command to view the item ID values for the scarf