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Activity logs
This page was last updated on 04 October 2024, 6:35PM
- Changelogs
Version 2.4.1
- Added warning notice when out-dated interface files are detected
- Removed no longer needed Vortex/Mod Organizer 2 choice in installer
- Fixed ctd when using native game sort
Version 2.4.0
- Updated interface files to latest game version (Shattered Space)
- Added item sorting for new Shattered Space items
Version 2.3.2
- Added option to disable mass buy (bEnableMassTransferBuy, default: on)
- Updated interface files to latest game version 1.7.36 (2023-10-09)
- Fixed gray colored columns after switching categories and having special columns enabled
Version 2.3.1
- Added new icon for transfer container inventory
- Added setting to remove the vignette effect (shadow effect on the screen edges. Setting bDisableVignette, default: off)
- Added colorisation to panel for adding temporary columns
- Change Slightly adjusted the rarity color Rare to match the color tones of the other rarity colors
- Change slightly increased list header background color brightness so it differs from the data row background
- Minor other improvements and fixes
- Fixed vanilla bug preventing 3D item display when inventory started with hovering an apparel category
- Fixed using custom rarity color in category list
- Fixed mass panel update on consuming
- Fixed comparing item card showing item from last category when switching to a new category until a item from the new category is hovered
Version 2.3
- Added better item card colorisation, preventing color modifcation of colored parts
- Added filled versions of vanilla category icons for usage as item tags
- Added settings to specify rarity colors for weapons (sRarityColorRare, sRarityColorEpic and sRarityColorLegendary)
- Added setting for changing the encumbered mass panel color (sMassPanelEncumberedColor)
- Change slightly updated tag colors and rarity rare base color for better differentiation
- Change default color of item card and button bars is the same as other inventory parts
- Slightly adjusted category entry height so all possible categories fit on the page
- Fixed missing mass panel update when dropping items
Version 2.2
- Added column: CONTAINER_INV_COUNT - Shows amount of items in a container when transferring to it. Added to all non-weapon/apparel categories by default.
- Added column: EQUIPPED - Shows if the item is equipped
- Added column: FormID - Shows the FormID
- Added setting to switch the category name and equipped item name in player inventory, making it more consistent with other category lists (bPlayerInventoryCatListSwitchCatNameAndItem, default: on)
- Added auto adjustment of sizes to Large Font Mode (can be deactivated with bAutoAdjustToLargeFontMode)
- Added better mass panel to inventory interface
- Added indicator when inventories contain stolen or contraband icons to mass panel (configurable with bMassPanelShowStolen and bMassPanelShowContraband)
- Added a bunch of colorizing settings to the INI, allowing you to colorize any part of the inventory interface
- Added default colors for all inventory types, so you can easily distinguish them by looking at the color.
- Added two different presets in FOMOD installer so you can choose if you want colors or no colors.
- Added graphical sort arrow (will also fixes missing arrow display when using other fonts)
- Added setting to toggle item tag colors (bItemTagColorized, default: 1)
- Added setting to scale item card (iItemCardScale, default: 100%)
- Added setting to scale button bar (iButtonBarScale, default: 100%)
- Added setting to scale mass panel (iMassPanelScale, default: 100%)
- Added possibility to sort by a secondary column: The previous clicked column will be used as the secondary sort key for the current column. E.g to sort by rarity and then V/M, click V/M then rarity. (bAllowSecondarySortKey, default: off)
- Added possibility to set a secondary sort column for default and per-category sort in INI.
- Added ammo FormIDs to the appendix formid list text file (thanks to yankelfrums for collecting)
- Added setting to change the category subtitle font size (iCategoryListSubtitleFontSize)
- Added cycling to the main category list by LEFT/RIGHT and controller LEFT/RIGHT for easier navigation.
- Optimized text layouts for usage with larger font sizes
- Change the CTRL and SHIFT transfer amount modifier keys are sticky now (one press to enable, one again to disable. That is neccessary cause holding isn't possible for bartering cause game engine doesn't like it). Added a notification which mode is currently active about the list.
- Change removed the unusuable columns OWNED, CARGO and INVENTORY from the add temporary columns panel in the inventory interface.
- Change switched controller special buttons for sort(back) to X, sort asc/desc to Y and hide cols to Right Shoulder key
- Change ressource rarity is now sorted after weapon/apparel rarity and weapon without rarity are now "COMMON" to make the rarity column more consistent.
- Fixed wrong initial text of hide-columns button when the default setting is true
- Fixed when viewing a subcategory and removing the last item from it (by transfer, buy or sell) the subcategory is now unselected and the normal list will be shown.
- Fixed button label $STOREALLRESOURCES
- Fixed faulty game engine behavior in buy-back mode by buying weapons/apparel back one-by-one.
- Fixed flickering category name when using a non-default font and entering a container menu with category list display on start
- Fixed list entry hovering with mouse doesn't respond between list cells
- Fixed stuck controller special button when used to fast (currently the PS5 controller had some further troubles, which may be fixed in a future version)
Version 2.1
- Added full controller support. Hold Left-Shoulder button to access new functions in item list
- Added new default INI file: StarUI Inventory (default).ini. You can copy that file to StarUI Inventory.ini to have your own ini file which won't be replaced on updates. Both files will be read and StarUI Inventory.ini overwrites the default settings.
- Added separate default sort per category (defined by sDefaultSort{category}, e.g. sDefaultSortWeapons)
- Added option to click on the inventories in the mass panel to go directly to that inventory.
- Added a mission item (000ECCED) which can be sold (but shouldn't) to the default mass-transfer ignore list.
- Added error messages visible in the game when theres are missing files due to incomplete installation.
- Further optimized barter buy/selling performance
- Further minor improvements and optimizations
- Fixed slightly darker background colors for rare items
- Fixed item sorting tags for two books
- Fixed possible missing transfer button in container mode
- Fixed sorting for column FAV
- Fixed mass display for unlimited container
- Fixed display of column sorting arrow display position for special column item name
Version 2.0.2
- Fixed mouse wheel scroll for big amounts
- Fixed columns TREAT for aid items with many treats and sorted treatmeants
- Fixed missing transfer button for controller users in barter interface
- Fixed missing mass panels in container interface
- Removed no longer existing column SCARCITY from ini
Version 2.0.1
- Added missing icon tags for more slates and medical items
- Change dont mass-transfering equipped is applied for transfer from companion
- Change slight item sorter adaptions: resorted aids tags to be more convenient, changed colors for easier differentiation
- Fixed display of subcategories when dropping the last item in a subcategory
- Fixed coloring of category text for uncommon items
- Fixed lag spikes on mass transfer/buy and failing mass-transfers on occasions
- Fixed weapon tags for non-en languages
- Fixed add temporary columns not working instantly when using subcategory filter
Version 2.0
- Added integrated item sorter, including basic set of icon tags to distinguish the most important items
- Added item tag icons for basic weapon types, aids, ressources, books/slates and most important misc objects
- Added new subcategory filtering system which allows you to select/filter for subcategories (defined by integrated tags, can be disabled with bLeftSubCategorySidebar)
- Added category mass-transfer button in button bar, allowing hotkey and controller use.
- Added category navigation with left/right keys and controller left/right in item list.
- Added hotkey transfer with CTRL/SHIFT to transfer/buy/sell 1/all item(s) without quantity popup.
- Added display of favorite number in items heart icon (Can be disabled with bShowHeartFavorite)
- Added setting to make <TAB> go directly back to game when in item list (bTabInItemListToGame, default: off)
- Added setting to define default sort of items ([CategoryColumns]sDefaultSort, default: TAG, which sorts by item tag, then name)
- Added setting to define default for column hiding ([CategoryColumns]bShowColumnsToggleButtonDefault)
- Added vanilla 30fps version as alternative install option
- Added performance setting: iInventoryUpdateDelay - Delays inventory updates a little bit to prevent multiple renderings due to many requests from the game engine (Default: 10ms)
- Added column: TREATMENT - Shows the treatment for an aid item
- Added column: FAV - Shows your favorite assignment
- Added column: WMAG - Shows the weapon ammo capacity
- Added column: WBASENAME - Shows the base name of the weapon (e.g. Eon, Grendel, Maelstrom,...)
- Added column: QTY - Shows a separate column for QTY. Will remove the default QTY in the name cell.
- Added experimental column: AID_HP - Shows hp effects of aid items (ony works for EN and DE for now)
- Optimized performance for inventory display and updates.
- Change replaces vanilla sort button with cycle column sort button. So column sort is now available for controller users too!
- Change replaced setting bShowItemCategoryIcon with bShowItemTagIcon
- Change ignore middle and right mouse clicks for lists actions
- Change merged SCARCITY into RARITY. RARITY shows both properties nown(for weapons and resources)
- Change mass-transfer will now transfer the list in the current order (top item first)
- Change stolen and contraband sort changed to have stolen/contraband items first in default desc sort
- Fixed column labels for ARADIATION and ATHERMAL (switched)
- Fixed unresponse list after mass-transfer with no items
- Fixed UI elements could be used when quantity popup is visible
- Fixed add new columns reset/close buttons for languages with long words
- Fixed clipping of transfer button in title on inspect (or rare occasions)
- Fixed missing item list entry background on hide columns in rare occasions
- Fixed no longer counting rarity perks(/legendary mods) as mods in column WMODS
Version 1.1
- Added FOMOD package. Installation via mod manager is now even easier than before.
- Added mass panels for all involved inventories! Now you see how much space is left on the target container.
- Added fancy icons for the new mass panels when handling multiple inventories
- Added an animated chevron indicator so you can easily see from which inventory to which inventory you are transfering
- Added button to add inactive columns temporarily and directly in the game (lasts until the inventory is closed, can be disabled with bShowColumnsAddTemporaryButton)
- Added button to toggle the additional columns, so you can see your item in 3D (can be disabled with bShowColumnsToggleButton)
- Added a text file containing certain groups of FormIDs, so you can exclude whole groups of items for mass transfer (aids, throwables and homemade foods)
- Added setting for max characters per category text line: (iCategoryListMaxChars, default: 40)
- Added column: SCARCITY - Shows the scarcity of an item (common, uncommon, rare,...)
- Added column: CONTRABAND - Shows if the item is contraband
- Added column: STOLEN - Shows if the item is stolen
- Added column: WMANUFACTURER - Shows the manufacturer of the weapon
- Added column: WACC - Weapon accuracy
- Added column: WMODS - Weapon mod slots ( used / max )
- Added column: WRANGE - Weapon range
- Added column: WROF - Weapon rate of fire
- Added column: PHYS - Weapon physical damage / Armor physical resistance
- Added column: ENGY - Weapon energy damage / Armor energy resistance
- Added column: EM - Weapon EM damage / Armor EM resistance
- Added column: ELEC - Weapon electrical damage / Armor electrical resistance [Currently unused in the game]
- Added column: ATHERMAL - Armor thermal
- Added column: ACORROSIVE - Armor corrosive
- Added column: AAIRBORNE - Armor airborne
- Added column: ARADIATION - Armor radiation
- Change added Cutter to the default mass-transfer ignored items
- Change ignored items for mass-transfer aren't applied when you transfering items to yourself (so you can loot everything)
- Fixed vanilla sort options not updated when toggling category
- Fixed bug where click sound plays multiple times
- Fixed QTY column wasn't adjusted to text size setting
- Fixed slightly to large scrollbar in item list
Version 1.0.5
- Added column: SHIP_INV_COUNT - Showing the item count in your ships cargo
- Added column: TOTAL_INV_COUNT - Adds column OWNED/SHIP/PLAYER (depends on situation) - showing the item count in your backpack and ships cargo
- Added setting to only mass-sell as long as vendor has credits (bMassTransferOnlySellForCredits, default on)
- Added dynamic column widthes (defined as iColWidth + column name, e.g. iColWidthAMMO)
- Added setting iCategoryListFontSize, iCategoryListCountMassFontSize and iCategoryListCountMassLabelFontSize to change category text sizes
- Added new setting bTabToGameContainer - Key <TAB> in ship cargo view also goes directly back to game
- Change renamed "CNT" to "QTY" to make the meaning more clearer.
- Change added TOTAL_INV_COUNT as default column in INI for all normal item categories
- Change added DMG to throwables catagery
- Change changed default size of AMMO to 125 and RARITY to 110
- Change slightly grayed the columns containing your item count in backpack/ship cargo/total in buy mode
- Fixed item quantity columns should now summarize legal and stolen items (if available in that inventory screen)
- Fixed sorting of player's item inventory count in buy/loot screen
- Fixed bug where small left cat list remain visible after selling with quantity popup
- Fixed inresponsible left cat list on buy/sell
- Fixed mass buy/sell on trading interface
Version 1.0.4
- Added column: WTYPE - Weapon Type (Melee, Pistol, Rifle, ... )
- Added experimental column type: TARGET_INV_COUNT and PLAYER_INV_COUNT - Shows the target inventory or your inventory when transfering/buying.
- Added special column "CNT" is now sortable
- Added instant open/close animation option (bInstantOpenCloseAnimation, default off)
- Added ignore list for mass transfer (sMassTransferIgnoreFormIDs, contains Digipicks by default)
- Added option to show FormIds in the ItemCard (Inventory only)
- Added interface files for Large Menu Font option (Thanks to Kupokraft for testing)
- Added 60fps and 120fps versions (60fps is default, 120fps in subfolder)
- Change switched to 60pfs version as default
- Change damage and damage resistance now use the sum of all effects
- Fixed using the vanilla sort will now reset the column sort
- Fixed vanilla bug of list which prevents to scroll up when you have hovered an entry
- Fixed overlapping of opaque background over extra icons
Version 1.0.3
- Added colum "RARITY" - Shows the rarity of the item (rare, epic, legendary)
- Added option to make the item list cells more opaque for better readability with item model in background (iItemListOpaqueBackground)
- Added option to don't mass-transfer equipped or favorite items (on by default, bMassTransferNoFavorites and bMassTransferNoEquipped)
- Fixed sidebar category toggle for buy mode at trader
- Fixed compare when toggling categories in inventory screen
- Fixed mouse wheel scroll doesn't work between the cells
- Fixed possible problem which could lead to unexit-able inventory screen
- Fixed lost column sort on some list changes (like buy)
- Fixed wrong category mass summation for special groups like "new"
- Fixed loading of fallback translation eN (when game language isn't available) for some cases ("CNT").
Version 1.0.2
- Added column "AMMO_ROUNDS" - Show ammo rounds for the weapon
- Added column "VALUE_STACK" - Value per stack
- Added column "DPS" - Damage per seconds for guns
- Added new column DPS as standard in weapon category
- Added rarity coloring to item list names, category icon and columns
- Added rarity coloring to category list (inventory)
- Changed slightly increased rarity coloring background for items
- Changed standard for ammo category to columns: VALUE (removed weight and value/weight)
- Fixed scrollbar of left category sidebar
- Fixed item list header title on sidebar toggle
- Fixed bug where lists are no longer scrollable in some cases
Version 1.0.1
- Fixed data structure to be compatible with Vortex auto-install
- Fixed item rarity color in item list
- Fixed scrollbar in category list
- Author's activity
October 2024
04 Oct 2024, 6:35PM | Action by: m8r98a4f2
Changelog added
'Change log added for version 2.4.1'
04 Oct 2024, 6:33PM | Action by: m8r98a4f2
File added
'StarUI Inventory [version 2.4.1]'
02 Oct 2024, 12:40AM | Action by: m8r98a4f2
Changelog added
'Change log added for version 2.4.0'
02 Oct 2024, 12:39AM | Action by: m8r98a4f2
File added
'StarUI Inventory [version 2.4.0]'
November 2023
06 Nov 2023, 5:37PM | Action by: m8r98a4f2
Attribute change
'Description changed.'
06 Nov 2023, 5:35PM | Action by: m8r98a4f2
Attribute change
'Description changed.'
06 Nov 2023, 5:35PM | Action by: m8r98a4f2
Attribute change
'Description changed.'
06 Nov 2023, 2:33PM | Action by: m8r98a4f2
Attribute change
'Description changed.'
05 Nov 2023, 10:38PM | Action by: m8r98a4f2
Attribute change
'Description changed.'
05 Nov 2023, 10:16PM | Action by: m8r98a4f2
Attribute change
'Description changed.'
04 Nov 2023, 3:36PM | Action by: m8r98a4f2
Attribute change
'Description changed.'
04 Nov 2023, 5:53AM | Action by: m8r98a4f2
Attribute change
'Description changed.'
04 Nov 2023, 4:42AM | Action by: m8r98a4f2
Attribute change
'Description changed.'
04 Nov 2023, 4:40AM | Action by: m8r98a4f2
Attribute change
'Description changed.'
04 Nov 2023, 4:35AM | Action by: m8r98a4f2
Attribute change
'Description changed.'
04 Nov 2023, 3:58AM | Action by: m8r98a4f2
Attribute change
'Description changed.'
04 Nov 2023, 3:57AM | Action by: m8r98a4f2
Attribute change
'Description changed.'
04 Nov 2023, 3:52AM | Action by: m8r98a4f2
Attribute change
'Description changed.'
04 Nov 2023, 3:49AM | Action by: m8r98a4f2
Attribute change
'Description changed.'
04 Nov 2023, 3:48AM | Action by: m8r98a4f2
Attribute change
'Description changed.'
- Mod page activity
December 2024
12 Dec 2024, 1:55AM | Action by: Leosky
'StarUI Inventory'
11 Dec 2024, 11:54PM | Action by: Blastburn94
'StarUI Inventory'
11 Dec 2024, 10:10PM | Action by: AbyssalEclipse
'StarUI Inventory'
11 Dec 2024, 6:20PM | Action by: InternetRomaer19
'StarUI Inventory'
11 Dec 2024, 12:23PM | Action by: jiladdegalice
'StarUI Inventory'
11 Dec 2024, 9:32AM | Action by: DySfunCti0naL
'StarUI Inventory'
11 Dec 2024, 6:22AM | Action by: teclilla
'StarUI Inventory'
11 Dec 2024, 1:39AM | Action by: vachta
'StarUI Inventory'
10 Dec 2024, 11:55PM | Action by: Litwav17
'StarUI Inventory'
10 Dec 2024, 11:16PM | Action by: Gecko13Zucr
'StarUI Inventory'
10 Dec 2024, 10:37PM | Action by: SpiritNRW
'StarUI Inventory'
10 Dec 2024, 10:20PM | Action by: DominaMaris
'StarUI Inventory'
10 Dec 2024, 9:06PM | Action by: OravlaSemog
'StarUI Inventory'
10 Dec 2024, 8:10PM | Action by: Sunwar
'StarUI Inventory'
10 Dec 2024, 7:58PM | Action by: lordofmeats
'StarUI Inventory'
10 Dec 2024, 5:26PM | Action by: czonin
'StarUI Inventory'
10 Dec 2024, 3:51PM | Action by: vikzub595
'StarUI Inventory'
10 Dec 2024, 11:57AM | Action by: virtualak
'StarUI Inventory'
10 Dec 2024, 11:37AM | Action by: Zuldamax
'StarUI Inventory'
10 Dec 2024, 11:01AM | Action by: gush4game
'StarUI Inventory'