LockedStickyReleased a new version that should allow audio mods to work.
I love kylo ren. Can you build asajj ventress on count dooku?
I love kylo ren. Can you build asajj ventress on count dooku?
Is it exactly safe to use exactly two sabers in MP?
please do a maul replacer
AI still shows up as Kylo, just like every other Kylo mod lol
What is the mod load order? I keep getting a carosshair bug on her left hand
Sadly this mod no longer works. As others here have noted, it will cause the game to not load properly and only display a black screen.
Ah nevermind, fixed it. Clearly there was a mod conflict going on.
Out of curiosity what was the issue . I depending on how I load the text files, my game will be a black screen. Otherwise when it runs, The cross guard is broken. Also need to figure Aayla Secura to not have Rey,s robes
Might be because this mod uses the old method of adding text which could cause conflict with mods that use the new method of adding text. If you're using the Aayla Secura mod by Leboz, that also uses the old method.
Does anyone know the exact mod load order for this one? For some reason the left saber is broken and only shows the cross guard prongs. Will update if figured out.
Especially considering this is the only Clone Wars-styled Ventress mod, it's definitely a mod to be chosen out of deliberation, rather than desperation.
lightsaber sounds don't seem to have changed. Is there a problem or are they just unchanged?