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  1. borek23234
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    are you able to update this?
  2. goodsinister
    • supporter
    • 8 kudos
    not working
  3. TanyaeNorth
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    just wondering how you swapped the model been looking for a while but not sure how to do it if you could help out that would be awesome! (:
  4. Shibbysan
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Wow! I asked for this yesterday and you've already made it. Thanks. You're awesome, sir.

    Another idéa that would be really cool would be Rey's last jedi outfit with a double-bladed blue lightsaber as a model for Maul. Sort of Satele Shan-ish.. xD

    Could you tell me where I can learn how to make mods for this game? I've looked around for tutorials but I can only find how to make mods for the classic version. I wanna learn how to change Luke's lightsaber color to blue or purple.

    1. Deppernando
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      I'll definitely try to make that!

      Well it is pretty difficult. We have a discord with many talented and awesome people, Join us!

      If you want The Last Jedi outfit you're gonna have to have the Deluxe Edition bonuses, where the outfit is included, then just switch. I can, however, give her a blue double sided:o)
    2. Shibbysan
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      That group is heaven for BF2 mods!! Thanks man!!

      Is it a closed group that requires an invite or can I share it with others? There was a couple of people asking where they could find the Palpatine skin for Vader mod (including me) and I found it in this group so I'm wondering if it's okay to spread it on. It's my first time on Discord.

      And thanks alot for making "Satele Shan"!
    3. Deppernando
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      You can invite any of your friends :o)