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  1. AdorkableElf
    • premium
    • 116 kudos
    UPDATE 01/06/2024

    Hey guys! Sorry this update took so long but I can happily say it's all done! FINALLY The Grand Inquisitor is now fully voiced by Jason Issacs, now with more lines, much better audio isolation, and even ability/hurt sounds! - goodbye Kenobi voice!

    Other lines have been taken from movies like Harry Potter and the Patriot to bulk out his variety, and don't worry all these lines are still 'star wars appropriate' and fit in the context of the game as with all my other mods :)
  2. TheRealBenchpress
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    nice job like always
  3. roguegamer2187
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    can you replace the intro music with the Grand Inquisitor theme?
    1. AdorkableElf
      • premium
      • 116 kudos
      Will do! I'll be updating this mod soon with only Jason Isaacs voice from various media :)
    2. roguegamer2187
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      thx! :D
  4. bornin2007
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    could you make a audio overhaul for seventh sister that goes over Maul?
    1. AdorkableElf
      • premium
      • 116 kudos
      Seventh sister mod already has audio :)
    2. bornin2007
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      The one made by Zengar that goes over kylo yes but Deggial Nox also made a seventh sister mod that goes over maul but it doesn't have voice lines.
    3. CClave
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      yeah i have that seventh sister mod by deggialnox too and sadly it has no voicelines
  5. lakerbeast24
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Could you maybe make a version of this with only the Kenobi VA
    1. AdorkableElf
      • premium
      • 116 kudos
      I can, but it will be like 15 lines and they won't trigger often as long as ur ok with that
    2. lakerbeast24
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Honestly thats cool with me but up to u if u want to do it
  6. KingTaskmaster
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    When using the lightning attack, Grand Inquisitor should use his "Move aside!" quote from Kenobi. I think it would be a good fit. 
    1. AdorkableElf
      • premium
      • 116 kudos
      I thought about having ability lines! I'll see what I can do for that in a future update, as of rn theres not many lines that fit so you would hear them repeat a LOT if it was only one or two
    2. rawAstromech
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      You can add voicelines with no audio, so the real ones arent as repetitive.
    3. KingTaskmaster
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      One of Dooku's lines for using lightning stun is "I think not!". That could be the line that gets replaced by the quote in Kenobi where Grand Inquisitor says "Move aside!"
  7. roguegamer2187
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    can you make an audio overhaul for the Sixth Brother/TOTJ inquisitor?
    1. AdorkableElf
      • premium
      • 116 kudos
      He only has like 4 lines so I wouldn't be able to get anything substantial unfortunately 
    2. roguegamer2187
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      he has at least 9 lines
      could you replace just maul's emotes and mute everything else? :)
  8. Honwen
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is it possible for you to boost the volume for your super tactical droid announcer mod to match the volumes of the other announcers? It's excellent but a little too soft.
    1. AdorkableElf
      • premium
      • 116 kudos
      I’ll look into it! Any particular likes that are too quiet so I can narrow it down? I haven’t personally experienced any issue with it being too quiet myself lol :)
    2. Honwen
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Would you be able to amplify the overall voice lines so that it can be more easily heard over the music and other sound effects? It seems quite hard for me to decipher what is being said as the voice filter muffles the voice lines. However, I also think that if this goes any louder the deep, monotonous voice might get on my nerves after a while lol
    3. AdorkableElf
      • premium
      • 116 kudos
      I'll look into it :)