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  1. deleted154615243
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    I think the color of its face and body is separated, so it looks a little strange
  2. blakeret4233
    • supporter
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    could you do a version with no tail? Wifes cat is white with blue eyes but no tail. 
  3. depp961
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    hi, can I ask you to add spots on the body to your version of the cat?
  4. Gomezu97
    • member
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    can you say to me how to make a mod like this? I want to make a mod for my girlfriend of her cat, the cat has a white fur just like the mod, but the left eye is yellow and the right eye is blue, you don't need to tell how to do everything, but just tell me which programs you used in a simple way, and i will try to do, tyyy so much!!
    1. SpaceD0lphin
      • premium
      • 40 kudos
      Unfortunately it's not possible to make heterochromia (odd eyes) because all cats in the game reference the same eye texture. So, changing the eye changes all eyes for all cats in the game.
      It's technically possible, but you'd have to reupload the cat character with completely different material hookups in UE4, which is a lot more trouble than it's worth!
      Sorry to bust the bubble... It's a sweet idea, but I figure I'd tell you rather than have you worrying that no one will help!
    2. Gomezu97
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      this is so sad to hear, but ty for let me know
  5. ShiroiXOkami
    • member
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    R u able to create my baby.. hes long coated, but i meant more of the pattern on him, and for some reason this mod for me is only the RaR version so its not actually changing the cats colour..
  6. anavar1
    • member
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    Can you do a white one with yellow eyes?
    1. woundwortt
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yea, it would be great
    2. Sirgalahad172
      • premium
      • 179 kudos
      will do check the file section now and then ill upload it soon
    3. woundwortt
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you!
  7. WinkBonk
    • member
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    Hello! I love what you have made so far but I would like to ask if you could try and make a Havana Brown Cat (shown below). I understand you may have a lot of request I just though it'd be something interesting and easy for you! 
  8. haaharuu
    • member
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    Can you do a white cat with two different eye color like blue and green eyes
  9. MintTeax21
    • supporter
    • 13 kudos
    Such a clean coat! Ty!
  10. atomicgluten
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I hope the cat's deafness doesn't affect the gameplay... ;p
    Ty for you work.