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Created by

Oli Ollerenshaw

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  1. Cafftac
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Very excited to try this mod- unfortunately, the video seems to be broken. When you get the chance, could you please add download instructions for what folder the file should go in?
  2. seeeeew
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Any chance you could add a setting to only charge the Prawn Suit while attached to a Seatruck in a Seatruck Dock? I'd like to charge both the Seatruck and the Prawn Suit at the same time when I'm at my base, but I don't want the suit to draw power from the truck while I'm out exploring.
  3. psolon
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    love this mod. thank you
  4. ThancredLux
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    [QModManager:ERROR] The following mods failed during patching:
    - Ultra Glide Fins (UltraGlideFins)
    [QModManager:ERROR] The following mods had no patch methods to run:
    - Base Light Switch (BaseLightSwitch)
    [QModManager:ERROR] The following mods could not be loaded for patching due to a missing mod.json file:
    - PrawnRepairAndCharge_BZ (PrawnRepairAndCharge_BZ)
    1. mroshaw
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      Please read the description - this isn't a QMOD mod, it's for use with BepInEx. 
  5. maverson
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Love the mod but have a request if you ever have the time:
    Could you change the config to allow enabling/disabling SeaTruck Power vs Repair?
    E.g.: I want to have the SeaTruck repair the prawn suit only but not recharge it (or vice versa).

    Again thanks for a great (and up to date) mod
    1. mroshaw
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      Defo for next version! 
  6. 337192903
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thank you for your selfless sharing.
    According to the Mod description page, I need to install the BepInEx Subnautica Pack.
    But when I looked at this link, it was called BepInEx Pack for Subnautica.
    Shouldn't I use this Mod made for ZERO?  BepInEx Pack for Subnautica Below Zero
  7. MrVibrating
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Discord account sign-up / login required for the 'what the dock' SML Helper version..  why not post it here on Nexus, or Mega Uploads, Google Drive etc.? 
    1. mroshaw
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      The authors of those tools will upload them when they're ready to do so, I imagine. 
  8. Daimon82
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This mod is not working any more in BZ version 44646
    1. Alfzzs
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I confirm it is broken, or...
      The prawn took control of the seatruck and went autopilot, leading straight to the abyss?!
      Once in a savegame reload, i was able to enter the seatruck before it goes away, but piloting was only able to slow it, not stop..
    2. mroshaw
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      Oh no! I'll look into this sometime this week. Thanks for letting me know!
    3. mroshaw
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      Can you please try version 1.0.1? Works good for me, so fingers crossed!
    4. mroshaw
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      Can you please try version 1.0.1? Works good for me, so fingers crossed!
    5. Alfzzs
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      OK no more prawn-autopilot with the latest version :)
    6. mroshaw
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      Excellent, thank you for letting me know! :)
    7. Alfzzs
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Sorry, i spoke to hastly.
      It did it again, when i reloaded my latest save.
      This time i was in the seatruck, with all the modules, the docked prawn at the end,
      and it starts to go away, leaving me out ^^
      Had to re-disable your mod, sorry.
      Anyway just finished the game.
      I may look again at it some time later...

      Good luck to correct this weird bug ^^
    8. mroshaw
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      Hey! Thanks for letting me know. I wondered if you were using my SeaTruckSpeedMod at the same time? I found a bug in that, that may well have caused a problem when used at the same time as this one - I've fixed that in 1.0.1 of the SeaTruckSpeedMod. If you're ever back in the game and have a mo, I'd love it if you could check!
    9. Piggieduke15
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hey there bud. there hasn't been any changes the alterran bastards hijacked and autopiloted my 50 foot sea truck into the abyss.
    10. mroshaw
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      I'll have a look into this again, mate. Sorry about this - bit of a stinker to reproduce! 
  9. BuliwyfWolfgar
    • premium
    • 15 kudos
    any chance we can get a spot light for the Prawn, that was done for Subnautica...?  Please, oh and boost for the (Booster Tank), no speed control mod, but just a 2.5x to 3x speed boost mod?
    1. mroshaw
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      I had a go at the Booster Tank. Want to try this and let me know what you think? BoosterTankSpeedMod_BZ.
  10. xarmo
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Thx a lot for that mod! =) I'm giving it a try right now.

    I have one idea/suggestion:
    Would it be possible to add a functionality to reverse the charging docked at the seatruck? The reason is, there is a thermal module and a solar charging mod for the prawn suit, but nothing for the seatruck. If it would be possible to reverse that somehow, you could charge your prawn suit at a thermal vent, dock at the seatruck and charge the seatruck without having to return to the base. That would be awesome imho. ;-)
    1. drsmith1976
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      yes, what he said
    2. mroshaw
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      Sounds like a great idea! I was a bit tentative to release this, as it is a bit "cheaty". The idea of "transferring" charge feels a bit more in keeping with the spirit of the game. I'll put your idea into the mod and have a "direction" switch in the mod options. Watch this space!
    3. Jirodyne
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      A 'Feature' to build onto that idea. If the Prawn has the Thermal Upgrade installed, and is docked on a Seatruck, and the Seatruck goes near a vent, it should act like it had the Thermal Upgrade too, so you don't need to dismount with the prawn and charge it first. And of course, when the Seatruck is full, start charging up the prawn while it's still docked too.

      A very unique and interesting mod idea