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About this mod

Dark Elf treehouses for your Sun Haven farm. Meant to match my Dark Elf Treehouses for the Nel'vari farm.

Permissions and credits
Please read ALL of the instructions before using this mod. With the new House Customization feature, custom house mods are a bit wonky and will need require some special handling to work correctly.


There are THREE variations of treehouses: one with light purple leaves, one with dark purple leaves, and one with blue leaves. You may only use one, so please ensure you are following the installation instructions!

Installation Instructions
1. Install CustomTextures
2. Download this file. From there:

  • If you want the houses with LIGHT PURPLE leaves, go into the "Houses_PurpleLight" folder and copy the .png files into your CustomTextures folder.
  • If you want the houses with DARK PURPLE leaves, go into the "Houses_PurpleDark" folder and copy the .png files into your CustomTextures folder.
  • If you want the houses with BLUE leaves, go into the "Houses_Blue" folder and copy the .png files into your CustomTextures folder.

After upgrading to different house tier, the game may not render the mod correctly and will reset back to the default settings for the house. To get the mod to work again, you will need to do the following:
  • apply a fresh set of "Basic Walls", "Basic Roof", "Basic Door", and "Basic Windows" to the house
  • enter the house and exit the house to refresh the appearance

You can either do this buy purchasing new ones from the hardware store, OR, alternatively, you can use the Cheat Enabler mod to add these items to your inventory for free since they are expensive. The commands are:
  • /additem BasicWalls
  • /additem BasicRoof
  • /additem BasicDoor
  • /additem BasicWindows

Known Issues
With the new customization system, there seems to be some shading between the roof and walls on house tiers 1-2 which introduces a small visual glitch. There doesn't seem to be any way to fix this.