So, about the planned mod-merging compatibility-allowing features:
I assume that the biggest and most valuable thing you'd do would be allowing new branches/options from different mods to be added to the same event/port, as right now an event/port's branhces need to be all listed (vanilla and mod-added) in the last-applied add-on in order for them to be present.
But are you planning to extend the funcionality even further something like allowing mod-added officers, like the Silent Watchman, to be merged into the list of officers to lose when Eating Your Crew at Kingseater's? -
I tried to make something similar and failed when I realized that it is a nearly impossible task to have a JSON converter like this that isn't sanitizing the JSON for comments. Right now, the most popular mod is Sunless Stories which uses boatloads of comments. This tool will become immediately more useful the moment it can solve the comment issue but that is no easy feat. There are ways to do it, but none of them are easy.
I personally am struggling to see the value as a modder as it stands, since most of the time, I won't remember all of the fields I need to change until I am looking at it since there are so many. While I think cutting out the extra junk might be super helpful for modders that have it nailed down to perfection or have already got their mod ready to go, they will find it helpful, but if the goal was to make it new-modder friendly... I am not sure this tool is that helpful based on the blurb. Especially since performance is not a major concern for the mods we make for this game. That being said, I don't exactly have that much information based on your blurb on how to use the tool, or what the use cases are for the tool, and how this tool actually helps me make mods easier. The long and short of it is: I'd like to see how this works in practice before I spend time trying to get your system to work with my mods, when in order to use your tool in the first place it seems like I already have to have my changes ready to upload. I think it probably is useful, but you haven't shown me the real difference of how this is useful in practice, so its hard for me to to commit to learning the framework as a modder, especially when I don't know for certain what parts of the JSON you are taking away.
While I don't think this is a bad idea per say, I think a more useful tool would be a Vortex Extension that allows Sunless Sea mods to be loaded in the three places mods sometimes need to be loaded (Data files, Story files, and Images). I HATE having to tell users how to install some mods here in this folder, then go to AppData, oh but don't forget to drop those images off. They have to put files in three places, and that really really sucks. Those mods that have to be deployed in multiple locations could do so from one point with a Vortex Extension. I would honestly love a structure that lets me put all of the different components of my mods into respective folders so that a Vortex Extension knows where to deploy those mods without needing to do anything other than click "Slow Download" on the nexus page.
TL'DR / Summary: I think all you would really need to convince me is some kind of tutorial or video that shows the differences your tool makes against just doing a change normally, and I would be a lot more confident in trying it out.