hi, will this be expanded to other mistakes in the game in the near future? Spelling mistakes in dialogue, flavor text not making sense (Although the sun is shining, the humidity has plastered your clothes to your back like a second skin......), incorrect directions being given, west instead of east and east instead of west) The game crashing when some dialogue is attempted to be accessed?
I'm not the mod creator, but I imagine such fixes might be extremely hard to implement for this game. Also, some spellings have simply changed over time, and that's fine, and some things that don't make sense to you might make perfect sense to others (e.g., the sun shining makes sweat quickly evaporate in dry climates, but in a humid climate sweat doesn't evaporate much, thus plastering "your clothes to your back"). As for the game crashing, well, it's a buggy game and random crashes and other issues are, unfortunately, a thing. I'm curious, when have you seen "east" and "west" mixed up in this game?
Regarding spelling, I mean mage's guild instead of mages guild, devastating syntax errors. "you have agreedy
...it should say, you have agreed to get a note ...The message I received was in southern hammerfell, so it is mostly a dry climate. The rulers which give you quests will often say east, while in the east of the province and the quest location being in the west and vice versa.
Hi, will you be expanding this mod to fix other mistakes too? I saw summerset spelled as summurset when I found a map for some ebony blade
Thank you!
Good work, but this seems to only work for the floppy disk (v1.06 and earlier) version of Arena. It doesn't do anything on the CD-ROM version (v1.07).
Another fix for all the gramma nazis and pedants out there ... seriously though, nice fixes - downloaded and implemented. Thanks.