Am I supposed to install and use the other mafia mod [Mafia 2.0] too or should i just use this one?
Isn't it op? 50k(i think) per day is ridiculous, unless I didnt know that we can edit it somehow?
look up Larry Lawton, he worked for the Mafia in NYC, but he lived in Florida. He racked up around 15 million dollars in about 5 to 10 years of jewelry store heists. He owned a pizza shop. and had several block parties. Only through a rat in his crew, was the FBI able to finally catch up to him, he spent like 15 years in prison from the 90s. he now goes and advocates for lower prison sentences for people and also helps kids stay out of trouble.
how would i go about installing? ive done some light modding for other games but not sure how i would do it for the sims
The career won't show up in jobs. I'm not sure if I downloaded it properly because I can't see any documentation of it.
Help it doesn't show up in jobs
First time ever downloading a mod so i could be in wrong, is the job supose to pop up in careers?
looks like the mod's asking for two unknown promotion requirements again (figured it out after posting)
Two of the promotion requirements don't show up. its blank 0/1. only requirement that shows is a level 10 charisma level. this intentional or?
I am getting the same bug! I have no idea what could possibly be needed for the promotion
Before my computer hit the bucket, I was tempted to use the dev commands to max out each skill one at a time to see if I could find the blank requirement. Might try to do that if nobody tries it (or the mod creator fixes this issue) by the time I get my pc back.
I will try that and let you know if I get it work that way thanks for the reply!
I maxed out the skills one by one and nothing added to the 0/1 so i think it just doesn't work properly.
Well s#*! then, guess I won't be playing this mod anymore in my next playthrough. So hard to find career mods nowadays its not even funny
thank you man, could work on the timing on checking what your potential "fans" might say about your mods, but either way, i'm glad you'll look into it
all good man, can't wait to try it out then. i understand the struggles of modding man, i tried making a career mod myself and i couldn't figure it out. glad your back though
the promotion requirement changed to an actual task instead of a skill. so it no longer requires a certain skill but requires a certain task to be done till it reaches 26. so the requirement definetely changed, but to something that isn't as easy to figure out and its still a blank promotion requirement as well.
promotion requirement, not the notification. its the same issue as before but instead of a skill requirement its a activity requirement
alrighty, i'll try it out once i get home
it happens man, don't worry.
Nope, still the same issue
alright cool
So, is it fixed now? Everything shows up as it should?
Any idea what is needed for promotion?