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About this mod

Adds 860+ Shared Design ships (basically every hull and some bonus designs) for the Vanilla game, including the latest Patch live.

Permissions and credits
Ultimate Admiral:Dreadnoughts ultimate Admiral's Ship Pack

This shippack adds 860 Shared Design hulls for you / the AI to use in Campaign or Quick Battles.

That should be every avaiable hull that's currently in the game (safe I didn't forget any, was a shitload of work anyway as it is...) as soon as it can be chosen. At least where it is possible and the shipyard size is big enough (Spain, I'm espacially looking at you...). If not buildable from the beginning I added the hulls as soon as the shipyard size is big enough. Some hulls do have more than one design, that's basically leftovers from before I started this project. If I did miss a hull feel free to send me a message.
The hulls are made in the game version Live (or at least they are compatible with this game version). If the developers decide to patch again and screw the designs over (again) I'll jump out the window...or I modify the designs, we will see ;)

The name of the ships of this pack all start with "MHMW", thats just to distinguish them more easily (just a combination of my initials and MW for "MarineWerft").

The pack is mostly made for campaign use and the ships should be fairly good, or at least better than the ships the AI can design.
Even if the ships are not picked by the AI it should AFAIK help the AI create better designs...

To install: Use 7zip or something similar to unpack into your designs Folder. To acces your design folder in a fast and easy way just watch BrotherMunro's video on it, even if it is old it's still valid (see video description).
Or if you want to read the instruction:
- Press Win + R . The Windows Comamnd Prompt will open up
- Type "%appdata%" without the "" ofcourse and press "Enter" or click "OK". A Windows folder will pop up that's called "Roaming".
- Press "Alt" and the arrow upwards or navigate to the adress line of the folder and go one folder "up". You can see that there is a folder called "LocalLow"
- Doubleclick on the "LocalLow" folder
- Doubleclick on the "GameLabs" folder
- Doubleclick on the "Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts folder"
- Doubleclick on the "Design" folder
- Unzip/copy the files of the .zip file into this folder
You are now good to go.

Mentioning BrotherMunro, this ships are made with the Vanilla game, no Mod was installed. Naturally I cannot garanty, that the designs will work if you use a Mod like BrotherMunro's, which you totally should do, I don't even know why I'm still playing Vanilla...
If you do test wether the designs work feel free to send me a message, but I have not intention on modifying the designs for any mods out there, it has been literally month to complete this as it is...

The zip file contains the designs and a ReadMe.txt for install infos (same as here).