I am sorry to inform everyone that I was not able to get this working again with a new version of Better Continents and Mistlands. I will leave the mod in for posterity and close the comments. If anyone is more successful and can let me know of a solution, please DM me. Thank you for liking this mod.
Hi, I am afraid the version of Better Continents it was built with no longer works. I am trying to update it, but it’s not easy and right now I cannot get it to start. I will upload a new version once I got it working.
Hello, do you have any idea why the colours on the map were correct when first loading into the world then all of a sudden the whole minimap and normal map looked white as if it was all in a snow mountain biome? Even though the map is still normal running around everywhere, the map is all white and hard to tell which biome is which
Hi, sorry I have no idea. I have not played Valheim for a while. I want to update this world save for Mistlands and the new version of Better Contintents, but not sure when I get around to that.
Hi sorry, I stopped playing Valheim for a while and have not been on Nexusmods. Thanks for the compliment. The Mod "Better Continents" should be enabled since it is a modded world and the buildings will fall down if it does not load right. If you go to Rivendell and all stands savely, just disregards this. If not, please make sure that "Better Continents" is installed alongside "BepinEx". Having said that, this world save was done with an earlier version of "Better Continents", so that might be why. I have not tried running the world save with the new Mistlands version of the game (yet).
Hi, I've installed this map and when I start a server in multiplayer and someone connects to it my FPS drops to almost nothing. And it gets auto fixed when everybody leaves. So, if I'm completely alone it works perfectly :S. Any idea on why this might happen? I love this map, but I would also love playing with friends :(
Hi, sorry that I only answer now. I have not been here - or playing Valheim - for a while. I cannot redally help you with your problem, but maybe I can give you some pointers: Are you on Windows? Then you can call up Task Manager to monitor resources. What is your internet speed? It does sound like your upload is not big enough.
Comments locked
The author has locked this comment topic for the time beingThank you for liking this mod.
Beside that: Great work, very much appreciated. I can barely realize how much work and passion has flown into this project.
Having said that, this world save was done with an earlier version of "Better Continents", so that might be why. I have not tried running the world save with the new Mistlands version of the game (yet).
Thats trully amazing. Recommended for eweryone.
EDIT: Nevermind, suddenly it worked, although had to write it in many many ways
Edit: It worked, just took a while. Ignore my post.
This is incredible !