This page was last updated on 02 March 2025, 2:03AM
Version 3.29
Made a few minor changes. Bronze Ingots output x3 to match input mass. Iron Nails output changed from x10 to x20 per ingot. Changed Bread Dough to more closely resemble the real world portions of water and flour. Changed Blood Pudding to match material weights.
Version 3.28
Set the upgrade cost of Wolf Trophies for the Wolf Cape to 0. Still requires 1 to craft, just doesn't require any to upgrade anymore.
Version 3.27
Slightly reduced wolf pelt requirements for all mountains tier armors.
Version 3.26
Fixed the Raw Fish recipe by deleting it from the food file. For whatever reason, the modified recipe was preventing it from unlocking. The modified recipe was identical to vanilla in this case, so I deleted it.
Version 3.25
Fixed the Ooze Bomb recipe to match material weights.
Version 3.24
Fixed the Battleaxe and the Crystal Battleaxe.
Version 3.23
Removed TrollHide as upgrade material for Finewood Bow. Fixed the huntsman bow to be craftable/upgradeable at a lvl1 forge (like vanilla).
Version 3.22
Fixed the Draugr Fang recipe to use vanilla materials.
Version 3.21
Fixed the huntsman bow recipe to use vanilla materials.
Version 3.12
Fixed smith's anvil recipe which didn't require iron due to a typo. Made the hunstman bow require a level 2 forge for crafting. Removed 2 recipes that had been snuck in by accident, that would've allowed you to craft minor health mead and minor stamina mead from your inventory without a station and without making the mead bases first or brewing them.
Version 3.11
Fixed Leather Armor Chest/Leg recipes which I'd accidentally made too expensive, and fixed the Chopping Block recipe which I'd stupidly changed to require core wood (despite not being biome appropriate).
Version 3.2
Merged the Axes and Battleaxes files into the MeleeWeapons file, and other similar merges. Where I had previously added trollhide as a requirement for crafting or upgrading a few items, I have now removed it and put those recipes back to using the same materials as vanilla.
Version 3.1
Fixed bug that prevented you from repairing some equipment.
Version 3.0
Converted files from the old format for aedenthorn's defunct RecipeCustomization mod, to the new format for MidnightsFX's RecipeManager mod.