About this mod
This is a mod that allows you to customize your character's bones by changing the scale of them via chat commands.
This mod works in multiplayer, and will save your character's settings, even automatically re-applying them when logging back in.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
This is a mod that allows you to customize your character's bones by changing the scale of them via chat commands.
This mod works in multiplayer, and will save your character's settings, even automatically re-applying them when logging back in.
Install BepInEx, and place BoneMod.dll in the plugins folder.
Every client needs this mod to see your custom bone scales.
Type these commands in chat to apply scaling:
!bm bodypart x y z (Ex: !bm head 2 1 2)
To equally scale x y z, just provide x, (!bm head 2)
!bmreset Resets all of the player's bones.
!bmstop/!bmstart controls your bone syncing between players. This setting does not really need to be touched.
!bmclearsave clears all saved local characters bones and resets your bones.
!bmhelp displays chat command info and available bones.
Available Bone list:
jaw head chest neck spine hips lefthand righthand leftfoot rightfoot leftleg rightleg leftarm rightarm
arms legs feet hands
- When a player joins a server or teleports in, it is possible for any new scaling changes made to be delayed by 10 seconds.
- Bones are saved upon logging out or quitting, not upon crash.
- A max scale of 10 is set, as this is huge. This can be changed in the config if needed.
- A list of all your local characters and their data is saved in bonemod.txt in the config folder. This can be deleted with !bmclearsave.
- If someone has the exact same name as you, problems will occur. Just don't have the same username. Eventually I may add in playerIDs to fix this, but I doubt this is much of an issue.