This mod Replaces the model for the Iron Helmet in Valheim! (Do not forget to download and manually install Custom Meshes Optional files!)
Requires Custom Meshes mod with optional files and Custom Textures Mod in order to function! Big Thanks to the creators of the Custom Meshes mod and Custom Textures mod for making this process possible and super simple!
Installation: Models
- Take each folder that say IronSword and ShieldWood and either drag them or copy both separately INTO CustomMeshes FOLDER.. File path should look like this below ---> file path example: Valheim/Beplnex/Plugins/CustomMeshes/SwordIron/attach/Viking_Sword (1) (repeat the process separately for ShieldWood)
Installation: Textures
- Take the 4 Texture files (.PNG files) inside the CustomTextures folder and simply either drag them or copy them into the CustomTextures folder in Beplnex plugin folder.
- -Note: Original Model and textures created by Furok
- -Note: If you are installing Custom Meshes mod OR Custom Textures mod for the first you will need to launch the game in order for the 2 folders (CustomMeshes and CustomTextures) to pop up in Plugins.
- -Note: Mods are Constantly being developed and updated, If for whatever reason Textures break or dont load properly it might be due to an update (not something you did wrong =D ).
This is an imported model from open source [WB] GRIM AGE MOD (model made by Furok)
Huge shoutout to AeehyehssReeper for helping with the process of rigging model
I hope you enjoy!