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About this mod

Camarilla Edition is reborn!

Permissions and credits
A while ago I was messing with the code of this classic mod and was wondering, about a patch upgrade, how hard will it be? Mainly I did that
as an exercize, but then I thought maybe someone might have wanted to try it, so here it is.

UPDATE 10/02/2025: small hotfix with the optional FPS patch from the UP (navigate to \CE_reborn\cfg\add_im\ and open add_im.txt to see how to install it)

UPDATE 03/01/2025: small test hotfix to remove the random stuttering in the Hollywood hub

UPDATE 27/12/2024: embrace mode of the optional Companion Mod has been added

UPDATE 05/12/2024: the original Bloodbuff & Bloodheal overhaults have been restored too! :D (remember to start a new game after the update....)


VTMB: Camarilla Edition is an Expansion Overhaul that completely changes the game mechanics and how we approach the game of Bloodlines. After playing through Bloodlines over 10 times the replay value has decreased, and we started thinking of ways to improve the game to make it much more realistic. I have long since been a fan of Bethesda's Open Ended Sandbox games so that is the feel I wanted to bring to Bloodlines. One of the biggest problems with Bloodlines is that you never get the sense of BEING a Vampire. I mean you have powers and you drink blood, but only to fuel those powers most of which are extremely short lived. Not only that but I have never dropped below a humanity of 10 because I was never in danger of going hungry. So what we did was completely overhaul how everything from Feeding and Regeneration, to Bloodpool and Disciplines work, giving you a completely new experience to Bloodlines unlike anything you've played in the past.


- optional alternate occult items identification system
With this option activated the unidentified items will have in their description their effect even before you "unlock" them
- optional Companion Mod core edition
Includes all the features of this mod on top of Camarilla Edition
- replaced the Confession club DJ with the one in the UP
The CE one conflicts with Venus' transition to her office. To talk to the new one you have to press the new intercom button on the counter next to Venus


- Romero's prostitute's model in the Cemetery might not match the model you pick up in the hub


Malkav and Zer0morph (the authors of the original mod)
TheInvoker and Malkav (for their feedback)
Barabbah aka LordUra (who restored it for the latest UP)