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About this mod

increase the limit of ragdoll "corpse"

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Once my mod is downloaded, EXEMPLE you will see a path like this : "ssl\characters\player\marine" there can be more depend on the mod.

You will now need to navigate to "steamapps\common\Space Marine 2\client_pc\root\paks\client\default" and open "default_other.pak"
how to open ? with 7zip/winrar/breezip (i use breezip) once opened you will need to navigate to the same path of my mod so for this exemple would be "ssl\characters\player\marine" and you will notice they will have the same file(s) remove the original file by deleting it ( you can also extract for make a backup ) and you will be able to import the edited file from my mod into the .pak, do that for all the files and thats it.
After all of that you will need to remove "default_other.pak.cache" or this will cause crash issue. 

if you struggle with the installation just tell me i will help.

havent tested online its not supposed to work, but in solo 100% its working, with 400 limits i didnt get any performance issue.
EDIT : its working fine in coop at least if you both have the mod, if not you can still play pve/pvp

i recommend to take the 999, sadly some corpse still dissapear because of the engine limit and i cant do anything about that so i think the real limit should be something around 200 no idea, but you should take the 999 for be sure you get the max amount of corpse.

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