About this mod
Emperors blessing mods as requested. Destroy the heritics & purge the tyranids from the sector. Squad, weapons, abilities, enemies mods gifted by the all mighty emperor.
- Permissions and credits
(I dont play online with this game until it has online mod support)
Due to certain trainers & little to no mod support from developers as promised so far, ive been asked to make a few mods.
These mods make up for some of the trainers not working.
I added seperate mods for those whom want more or less challenges. You can combine my mods.
• 6 Squad team. *
• Faster & stronger squad.
• Infinite ammo all weapons. UPDATED.
• Infinite squad HP.
• Infinite ability uses. WIP
• Rapid fire weapons. **
• Most weapons automatic.
• Increased enemy HP & bad behavior.
• Few weapons loadouts changes. ***
• 100 all Grenades types. UPDATED.
• No heat weapons.
• Better gaurdsman in battle.
• Increased melee weapons damage. ****
• Jetpack for titus.
• Compatible with my Deathwatch Squad Mod.
• Operations Only Mods:
• Increased Operations Melee Weapons Damage. *
• Reduced Zoanthrope HP for operations. **
:: Update 1:
Added an older version of "6 squad team" v5.9 May prevent crashes with reduced mod effects.
:: Update 2 9/03/2025 v6.2:
Part 1.
Replaced Infinite ammo & Rapid fire & infinite ammo mods v6.2 again. (remade file)
Added Infinite ammo No grenades & Rapid fire & infinite ammo no grenades mods v6.2
Culprit is ability_library.sso.
The original 2 mods has been causing game crashes to several players.
I have tested Rapid fire & infinite ammo mod & Infinite ability use on its own after a steam verify in campaign & operations & works.
Im sorry & know its frustrating. Been there. Im doing what I can while I can.
Part 2.
Replaced Infinite ability use mod v6.2 again. (remade file)
The infinite ability use mod uses the same file for Infinite ammo & Rapid fire & infinite ammo mods.
Culprit is ability_library.sso.
Possible causes:
1.) Game is already modded with mods I have not used or tested stated below.
2.) Game files such as default_other.pak & default_pct_0.pak in both client & server folders not
restored to original state using steam verify & tested again.
3.) Game is not a legit version.
4.) Steam may need to be set offline before launching game.
I have legit version 6.2. As have stated above its for offline only.
I update my legit game using it original files I backed up. NO MODS. Once updated I make new copies of
files my mods uses and reinstall my mods. Put steam in offline to prevent bans, then play the game again.
Play couple mission campaign and operations to test. Thats all I can do for now.
All mods work for campaign & operations.
Currently working with the following mods:
Hive Fleet Gorgon for Operations.
Hive Fleet Hydra for Operations.
Iron hands weapons.
Deathwatch Squad.
Emperors blessing.
Crowd pleaser.
Auto pickup.
Mastery blessing.
My video shows all mods active & working.
Mods may only take fully effect after an in game loading.
:: Mods tested. Hive Fleet Gorgon for Operations, Hive Fleet Hydra for Operations, Iron hands weapons & Chaplain for Campaign and Operations.
These mods are not in any part or whole included in my mods nor are required for my mods to work, but highly recommended.
* 3 heavy squad. plasma incinerator, plasma pistols & power sword for campaign. Operations has mixed. 6 total.
** Reduced damage of all weapons.
*** Titus, Chairon & Gadriel plasma incinerator, plasma pistol & power sword.
**** Use if your using rapid fire &/or increased enemies spawn mods.
Operations Only Mods:
* & ** Use with my "Increased enemy HP & bad behavior" mod as it was a bit hard.
Note. I have not tested every weapon or every class in campaign or operations.
All my mods can all be added together or sepearte.
♦ SirSmite.
Hive Fleet Gorgon for Operations
Hive Fleet Hydra for Operations
♦ Mangoose1695.
Chaplain for Campaign and Operations
Iron hands weapons
♦ ME.
Deathwatch Squad.
Mastery blessing.
Auto pickup
Crowd Pleaser.
♦ Thank you for the following mods requests.
♦ foxigrl7, maddog44, distantsquirrel, alikey5, mags44, dagon2.
:: Contact
• PM Me on Nexus Mods Site For Advise and/or Reports. I Don't Check Posts Everyday or Every week With Over a Dozen Mods I've Made.