I have an infinite joining server loading screen after the main menu. I am using the new infinite ammo and invicibility
infinite abilities mod the ability_library.sso is crashing my game
the tyranid sniper bug also got rapid fire from rapid fire and infin ammo mod,make them very deadly,please fix
im useing mod manager and my game keeps crashing WHY! >:(
Bruh you gotta fix that library file.
for real this is ridiculous all i want is infinite ammo and it keeps crashing my game >
good mod, thank you
when i put the ssl into the right pak and start the game it crashes. yes i use pakcacher after i place ssl folders
infinet ammo
increase squad 6
cause mine to crash
sure thing ill do some testing
infinite ammo
ability_library.sso is the file causing the crashes :)
your mod is the only one installed
increase Squad to 6 is fine my mistake
Not a problem Awesome mod love it amazing work
I have no clue why but it cashes on my machine same file again, the ability_library.sso file I just delete the file and the rest of the mod works fine without it for me not sure why.
still love the mod tho. -
sorry for the long reply but it was prob the abilities. annd i just downloaded the new file and its still freezing the game
Thank you very much for taking the time to make these mods! I'm looking forward to trying them! I apologize if I just missed it, but I don't see the "100 all Grenades types" mod in the downloads section.
Sorry, but it seems "Rapid fire and infinite ammo" has glitched, my brother. I sincerely thank you for your mods