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By Dezdamona

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About this mod

"In those we cherish we die in glory"

This mod is a conversion pack that replaces the majority of the Ultramarine heraldry, space marines in the battle barge and so much more!!!
This also includes a few new chapters insignias, replacing existing chapters to ones that just provide a wide array of customization and game experience.

Permissions and credits
This has been a dream of mine since the game was in development. I have been a die hard lamenters fan and once I was given access to the tools needed my dream became a reality, now I am unstoppable "till saber nukes modding but we won't think about that right now"

This mod is still on going and will be updated with either new textures or brand new customization options for your operators.

Before I go any further I must give a special thanks to the Space Marine 2 modding community, but beyond that a true recognition should be given to the architect behind it all "killer_whaley" or also known as "Warhammer Workshop". Without their hard work in opening the infinite possibilities that this game can truly offer and provide players with a unique experience none of this would be possible. Due to their efforts this community has grown into something great where many die hard fans that are just wanting to expand their experience, modders and artists have come together with the common goal of just making this game become epic.

Another thanks must go to saber for making this game the amount of fun that many of us experience and also the content that they bring as what we do is to not belittle the generosity that they bring it is to truly take the canvas that they have given us and create our own portrait.

 I'd like to track back to the modding community and given a huge thanks to "kulatong" who is also the creator of the retributors conversion mod. They had created the tools necessary to make this mod even possible, and I appreciate them but also killer for their patients as well as their time in assisting me to create this mod to what it is now.

 Honorable mention: "yesimviolet" or "-violet-", texanwarlord, lucienblade, _osore_sora_ for helping and testing this mod.

Supporters: nighthawkactual, gamer9536, 42deadwish, cptkatsu, pincuin, Commissar Θ 27, mr.unknown0203

 Now with all the ass kissing out of the way let's get into it. 

To put it simply this is meant to be a lamenters wet dream my goal was to not only keep as much of the games base customization but also to create those who are a fan of said chapter an experience like no other.

 This mod contains custom textures changing the in-game battle barge, the Thunderhawk, The Redemptor Dreadnought and so much more.

 I have added the lamentors to be applied on both shoulders for those who would like to do a DeathWatch customization. The bulwark Banner to represent the chapter proudly and also created a custom icon for both the decal and the chapter in the heraldry tab.

 As an addition to this mod I have also added several customization options with additional chapters imported into the game that were requested during the development of this conversion pack.
New Decals: Unlockable by equipping colors  on translucent decal layers. Including the lamenters for both shoulders to make death watch

 Lastly The Operators themselves have armor modifications that was expanded upon the foundation created by "Warhammer Workshop" in their kitbash mod.

 Now they are some disclaimers in order for this mod to be possible the chapters that were changed came from the games DLC content I made a goal as soon as I was able to make everything yellow to purge all that was ultramarine "no offense for those who are big fans"

 So a big disclaimer you are going to need access to the " ultramarine's cosmetic pack" for you to use the custom chapters added into the game. If this is an issue I apologize , this gave me the outlet needed to add the content you are going to experience in this mod. Besides if you purchase the Cosmetic pack it is to continue to support saber so we can get more content and features for our gaming experience.

 Now we get to the critical part which is to install the mod itself and it's quite simple

 After downloading the mod open the zip folder in one window and in file explorer you're going to navigate into your games default file, the actual path "Steam\steamapps\common\Space Marine 2" psst you can also make your life easier and go to steam and click "browse local files"

Once we're here you're going to Simply drag the files from the zip folder into your game files. Click yes to overwrite the files and done the mod has been successfully added.

That's it, I hope you enjoy this mod appreciate the work that went into this mod and depending on how well the feedback is I will continue to make more conversion packs or add new decals hope you all have a good one and keep on crusading.

If you are feeling generous here my ko-fi page, here I will be posting updates and taking suggestion for future content