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NarriaUploaded by
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About this mod
Toy Box is a cute and playful mod with 500+ cheats, tweaks and quality of life improvements for WH 40K Rogue Trader. It was created in the spirit of Bag of Tricks & Cheat Menu but with a little different focus . It offers a powerful and convenient way to edit the party composition, stats, search and add Feats, Features, Items, to your character
- Requirements
This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game.
Mods requiring this file
Mod name Notes AI anime-ish themed party member portraits replacers Bi Heinrix Pronouns Fix "Love is Free" feature required. Cassia Jae Yrliet Portraits needed to change portraits Cassia Portrait You'll need this to change companion portraits. Cyan's Companion Portraits Incendia Portrait V2M Kodo's Companion Portraits Marazhai Portrait Tweaks Marazhai Portrait V2M Slaanesh-approved AI Portraits If you want to change the portrait of an existing companion for whatever reason Stop squinting at me Idira You'll need this to change companion portraits. Toy Box-russian translation - Permissions and credits
Credits and distribution permission
- Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
- Upload permission You can upload this file to other sites but you must credit me as the creator of the file
- Modification permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it
- Conversion permission You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
- Asset use permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file
- Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
- Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets
Author notes
Please submit pull requests to if you want to modify the mod
File credits
ADDB, BuckAmazing, ArcaneTrixter and rest of ToyBox team for many awesome improvements and bug fixes
fire & m0nster for lots of awesome code from bag of tricks
Truinto, Delth, Aphelion, fire for great contributions to the ToyBox project
Owlcat Games - for making fun and amazing gamesPaizo - for carrying the D20 3.5 torchPathfinder Wrath of The Righteous Discord channel members
@Spacehamster - awesome tutorials and taking time to teach me modding WoTR, and letting me port stuff from Kingdom Resolution Mod
@m0nster - for giving me permission to port stuff from Back of Tricks
@Vek17, @Bubbles, @Balkoth, @swizzlewizzle and the rest of our great Discord modding community - help, moral support and just general awesomeness
@m0nster, @Hsinyu, @fireundubh for Bag of Tricks which inspired me to get into modding WoTR because I missed this mod so much
PS: Learn to mod Kingmaker Games here: OwlcatModdingWiki
Come visit the authors Narria et al on the Offical Owlcat Discord - Points system
Please log in to find out whether this mod is receiving Donation Points
- Russian
Translations available on the Nexus
Language Name Russian Author:ClaireDeVolta Toy Box-russian translation - Mirrors
Name GitHub - Changelogs
Version All Versions
- please see
Version 1.7.13
- * (***ADDB***) PatchTool: List elements now properly show all their fields instead of only the fields of the list type
- * (***ADDB***) PatchTool: Properly track Element-types created via field Instantiation
- * (***ADDB***) PatchTool: Fix collections filled with null elements breaking ui
- * (***ADDB***) PatchTool: Catch error when target blueprint is missing (e.g. due to mod changes)
- * (***ADDB***) PatchTool: Support sbyte
- * (***ADDB***) Apply performance Transpilers only once. Whoopsie.
Version 1.7.12
- * (***ADDB***) PatchTool: Fix regression which broke enum patches
- * (***ADDB***) PatchTool: Properly deserialize nested operations with the custom converter
Version 1.7.11
- * (***ADDB***) PatchTool: Finish implementing patch versioning (I forgot)
Version 1.7.10
- * (***ADDB***) PatchTool: Make patch .json files better readable by serializing enums as strings and adding a No-Op when enums are unused.
- * (***ADDB***) PatchTool: Show failed patches in the list as actually failed.
- * (***ADDB***) PatchTool: Various Patcher optimizations, which very vastly improved initial load time for patches.
- * (***ADDB***) PatchTool: Make it possible to indirectly modify localization of things by allowing changing of keys under LocalizedString => Shared => LocalizedString
- * (***ADDB***) PatchTool: Prevent broken Blueprint references from crashing the UI.
- * (***ADDB***) PatchTool: Prevent internal ToString exception from crashing the UI.
- * (***ADDB***) Prevent CompanionInParty.CheckCondition patch from causing exceptions on game load by no longer getting companion state of disposed units
Version 1.7.9
- ### ToyBox Rogue - Ver 1.7.9 built for Rogue Trader
- * (***ADDB***) Fix Dice Rolls Cheats (e.g. "Always Roll 1") using the wrong unit as initiator for the damage negation roll from the "The Emperor Protects" feature. E.g. this could result in enemies being invincible if "Always Roll 1" is activated for the Party.
- * (***ADDB***) Fix "Ignore Talent Prerequisites", "Ignore Required Stat Values" and "Ignore Required Class Levels" not working for inverted checks. *Note: Unconfirmed since nobody was available for testing*
- * (***ADDB***) Fix localization removing Add/Remove buttons from Party Editor Browsers.
- * (***ADDB***) Patch Tool: Remove NameSpace from generic types, making list types a lot more readable
- * (***ADDB***) Patch Tool: Implement being able to null/delete field values (hidden by default)
- * (***ADDB***) Patch Tool: Implement being able to create field values (hidden by default)
- * (***ADDB***) Patch Tool: Add toggle to keep fields open after changing a value
- * (***ADDB***) Patch Tool: Rewrite UI to be path based --> Allow patching struct types
- * (***ADDB***) Patch Tool: Fix patching some Blueprints causing CTDs
- * (***ADDB***) Patch Tool: Fix patching some other Blueprints causing CTDs
- * (***ADDB***) Patch Tool: Fix adding new elements to Collections of references breaking things
- * (***ADDB***) Add Slider to Enhanced Camera to (persistently) offset the Camera Elevation by a specified value
Version 1.7.8
- * (***ADDB***) Fix somewhat critical error in PatchTool which would DeepCopy Blueprints, messing up cached references (noticeable e.g. when Proficiency Requirements aren't satisfied after patching something until the game is restarted once).
- * (***ADDB***) No longer ignore delegates when Deep Copying => Fix e.g. Abilities disappearing from Weapons after patching them until restarting the game.
- * (***ADDB***) Prevent possible issue with Patch Tool?.
- * (***ADDB***) Fixed Patch Tool not being able to manually remove the last patch operation in the Patch Manager.
- * (***ADDB***) BPId Cache now Caches Items, Weapons and Armors (mostly noticeable in that the BlueprintPicker in PatchTool now has those as categories).
Version 1.7.7
- * (***Di-Crash***) Add "Skeleton replacer" to Party => Stats. This feature allows tweaking the characters experience in a way. Using different sliders, you can e.g. modify your characters height and/or proportions, offsets etc.. It's a little more involved, but offers quite a bit of freedom.
- * (***jonHinkerton***) Add Button (allows binding to hotkey) to open faction trade vendor window from anywhere.
- * (***ADDB***) Add "Show hidden loot in Checklist" to the Loot Tab. The checklist doesn't show loot which wasn't seen yet.
- * (***Di-Crash***) Minor UI adjustments in Party => Stats.
- * (***ADDB***) Patch Tool fixes: Fix Patch Tool for types implementing IList<T>; Fix Patch Tool possible stack overflow in DeepCopy
Version 1.7.6
- * (***ADDB***) Fix Patch Tool not being able to modify top level primitives.
- * (***ADDB***) Improve Patch Tool UI (now highlighting currently selected row).
Version 1.7.5
- * (***ADDB***) Fixed major issue in the Patch Tool system (fields in a collection could cause the patch to fail with a System.ArgumentException).
- * (***ADDB***) List elements now have their exact type shown.
Version 1.7.4
- * (***ADDB***) Fix NRE in Patch Tool (Fix Deep Copy throwing when Object.GetHashCode throws).
Version 1.7.3
- * (***ADDB***) Add LoadPreset BP Action for BlueprintAreaPresets.
- * (***ADDB***) Patch Tool:
- * Creating a new Element or Component now automatically assigns the Owner Blueprint.
- * Fix null strings crashing UI.
- * Fix UI Clipboard Label inverted Logic.
- * (***ADDB***) Prevent certain exceptions in Search 'n Pick with modded BPs
Version 1.7.1
- * (***ADDB***) Various Patch Tool UI fixes
- * (***ADDB***) Add LoadPreset BP Action for BlueprintAreaPresets.
- * (***ADDB***) Patch Tool:
- * Creating a new Element or Component now automatically assigns the Owner Blueprint.
- * Fix null strings crashing UI.
- * Fix UI Clipboard Label inverted Logic.
- * (***ADDB***) Prevent certain exceptions in Search 'n Pick with modded BPs
Version 1.7.0
- * (***ADDB***) Implemented new ***Blueprint Patch Tool***
- * (***ADDB***) Reimplemented Allow Equipment Change During Combat. That one was more complicated to fix than I expected...
- * (***ADDB***) Hide Loot Coloring Options, since we don't actually have a heuristic to determine how valuable an object is.
Version 1.6.12
- * (***ADDB***) Rewrite the Psychic Phenomena customizer since it seems like it might've caused crashes for some people.
Version 1.6.11
- * (***ADDB***) Reinstall on checksum failure now reinstalls current version.
- * (***ADDB***) Fix very rare issue with Browser.
Version 1.6.10
- * (***ADDB***) Added check for corrupted mod files.
- * (***ADDB***) Added notice gui when the mod is opened for the first time.
- * (***ADDB***) Changed auto-update to make it less error-prone.
Version 1.6.9
- * (***ADDB***) Fixed an issue where game files included faulty elements, which could potentially affect some answers not being shown is Dialog Preview was enabled. (Nobody confirmed any missing answers but I'll rate this as critical anyways).
Version 1.6.8
- * (***ADDB***) After getting another report about "A Card Inverted", it seems like Remote Companion Dialog had an issue about units who had yet to spawn, sometimes preventing dialog options to appear. This should be fixed now.
- * (***ADDB***) Implement auto-update for incompatible outdated versions (enabled by default).
- * (***ADDB***) Implement always auto-update (tries to keep you on the latest version) (disabled by default).
Version 1.6.7
- * (***ADDB***) Recompile for new version.
- * (***ADDB***) Change the mod display name if the mod is forcibly turned off.
Version 1.6.6
- * (***ADDB***) Fixed dialog preview for ConditionHaveFullCargo and ContextConditionHasItem.
Version 1.6.5
- * (***ADDB***) It seems that previous versions of ToyBox broke the "A Card Inverted" quest. It took me a while to figure out because nobody really reported the issue directly, but this should be fixed now.
Version 1.6.4
- * (***ADDB***) Thanks to someone sending me a save; Actually fix the No Jealousy option for Kibella.
Version 1.6.3
- * (***ADDB***) Tried to fix: No Jealousy option doesn't work for Kibella when *exactly* one other character is romanced.
Version 1.6.2
- * (***ADDB***) Fixed BPs not loading in various menus.
Version 1.6.1
- * (***ADDB***) Fix max walk distance/Min sprint distance multipliers.
Version 1.6.0
- * (***ADDB***) Fix for new version.
- * (***ADDB***) Implement Ignore Career Prerequisites better.
- * (***ADDB***) It is now possible to override origin for dialog purposes, making it possible to role play as a different (or multiple different) origins compared to what was chosen at character creation (Bag of Tricks => Dialog).
- * (***ADDB***) Something something static Harmony Patch Analyzer => Fixes; Initiative Rolls Cheats never worked???
- * (***ADDB***) Skip "Copying..." phase when no search query is used.
- * (***ADDB***) Fix the issue that Party tab browsers were flickering with Show All activated.
- * (***ADDB***) Something something Browser more resistent to malformed Blueprints?
- * (***ADDB***) Optimize "Collating..." phase. A lot. Like, really a lot.
- * (***ADDB***) Even more BP Loader optimizations. Ugh. (In relation to that added ToyBox => Settings => "Blueprint Loader Amount of Shards").
- * (***ADDB***) Fixed blueprints sometimes loading twice in Search 'n Pick
- * (***ADDB / Microsoftenator***) Optimized Blueprint Loading times even more by improving Owlcat ReflectionBasedSerializer. (Probably ~25% to 50% on top of the previous reduction).
- * (***ADDB / Microsoftenator***) Fixed issue where the new BlueprintLoader could randomly blow up.
- * (***ADDB***) Implemented partial loading. This means, if you aren't looking at Search 'n Pick, other tabs don't need to load every Blueprint. This massively reduces load times after the game was loaded the first time. (Certain tabs load more than 10 times faster).
- * (***ADDB***) Threaded Blueprint Loading. When ToyBox needs to load blueprints it should now work faster. (Reduction of all Blueprint loading times of around ~25% to 50%).
- * (***ADDB***) Added options to use BPIdCache and Automatically build said cache (by forcing a preload) in ToyBox => Settings.
- * (***ADDB***) Added option to enable blueprint preloading in Settings.
- * (***ADDB***) Added options to change Blueprint Loading thread amount and chunk size in ToyBox => Settings.
Version 1.5.10a
- (ADDB) Added Size Change to Party => Stats (this allows changing grid size of companions; < Large = 1x1; Large = 2x2; Huge = 3x3; Gargantum = 4x4). After saving + reloading the Character Model size will change automatically depending on the new size.
- (ADDB) Fixes for new version (mostly fixing respec).
- (ADDB) Added improved glyph support detection. If you're symbols used to be nice but are now weird then please report that!
- (ADDB) Reworked Ascii Glyphs (for systems where default glyphs aren't supported).
- (ADDB) Ported to SDK style project; Code Cleanup; etc. All in all this should not influence usage experience but should make developing and building for other people easier.
- (ADDB) Removed experimental invisibility fix because it didn't work?
- (ADDB) Removed some stuff related to Outfits which wasn't really finished.
- (ADDB) Search 'n Pick now allows colonizing planets (this is pretty experimental; feel free to provide feedback). You need to be in the respective Star System on the Star System Map to Colonize a planet.
Version 1.5.10
- * (***ADDB***) One of my previous changes broke Visual size multiplier; fixed that.
- * (***ADDB***) (Maybe) readded changing Ranks of features which support that.
- * (***Deltharis***) Reversing Advantage/Disadvantage for RT.
- * (***Deltharis***) Added ship options for roll cheats.
- * (***Deltharis***) Modified the infinite action stuff. An option to allow multiple attacks should now exist.
- * (***ADDB***) Fix Achievements tab?
- * (***ADDB***) Addressed a caching issue which made Achievements tab behave weirdly when loading another save.
- * (***ADDB***) Fix BlueprintVoiceEditor crashing mod when editing Unit without an existing voice.
- * (***ADDB***) Fixed Remote Companion Dialog somehow causing the game to assume that a companion was turned into an ExCompanion.
- * (***ADDB***) Maybe fix units teleporting during dialog?
- * (***ADDB***) Fix Show Interestingness Coefficient feature sometimes crashing the mod.
- * (***ADDB***) It is now possible to use the Party => Stats window to let AI take control of Companions during fights.
- * (***ADDB***) To prevent collisions this update introduced some changes which will reset existing VisualSizeMultiplier options. Until now those have been based on Character Name. They are now based on Character Unique Id.
- * (***ADDB***) Added experimental fix for recruited characters being invisible when changing Areas. **You need to manually activate this with the toggle located in the Party Tab.
- ** * (***ADDB***) Development mode now allows cheat-only commands.
- * (***ADDB***) Fixed some recruited units being controlled by AI instead of the player.
- * (***ADDB***) Probably finally fixed Highlight Hidden Objects...
- * (***ADDB***) Fix (keep) highlighting wrong objects.
- * (***ADDB***) Maybe fix Remote Companion Dialog including Companions before recruiting them.
- * (***ADDB***) Readd unstart Etude.
- * (***ADDB***) Made Achievement Enabler opt-out by default. (If you are updating the mod then this changes nothing for you).
- * (***ADDB***) Remove more log spam.
- * (***ADDB***) Fixed broken Custom Portrait Editor.
- * (***ADDB***) Fixed some stuff staying highlighted when activating highlight hidden objects.
- * (***ADDB***) Infinite Actions now no longer works for enemies.
- * (***ADDB***) Added new option to really don't use AP (even for attacks and stuff).
- * (***ADDB***) Fixed Search 'n Pick gets stuck on collation in Progression Category.
- * (***ADDB***) Added option to pick character filter in Search 'n Pick window.
- * (***ADDB***) Did some work at Camera Tweaks in Enhanced UI; soem stuff works now; some not.
- * (***ADDB***) Added option to change/freeze Veil Thickness.
- * (***ADDB***) Maybe Removed Buff Multiplier error.
Version 1.5.9g
- (ADDB) Development mode now allows cheat-only commands.
- (ADDB) Fixed some recruited units being controlled by AI instead of the player.
- (ADDB) Maybe fix Remote Companion Dialog including Companions before recruiting them.
- (ADDB) Fix Show Interestingness Coefficient feature sometimes crashing the mod.
- (ADDB) Fix BlueprintVoiceEditor crashing mod when editing Unit without an existing voice.
- (ADDB) Fixed Remote Companion Dialog somehow causing the game to assume that a companion was turned into an ExCompanion.
- (ADDB) Maybe fix units teleporting during dialog?
- (ADDB) It is now possible to use the Party => Stats window to let AI take control of Companions during fights.
- (ADDB) To prevent collisions this update introduced some changes which will reset existing VisualSizeMultiplier options. Until now those have been based on Character Name. They are now based on Character Unique Id.
Version 1.5.9d
- (ADDB) Fixed broken Custom Portrait Editor.
- (ADDB) Fixed some stuff staying highlighted when activating highlight hidden objects.
- (ADDB) Infinite Actions now no longer works for enemies.
- (ADDB) Added new option to really don't use AP (even for attacks and stuff).
- (ADDB) Fixed Search 'n Pick gets stuck on collation in Progression Category.
- (ADDB) Added option to pick character filter in Search 'n Pick window.
- (ADDB) Did some work at Camera Tweaks in Enhanced UI; some stuff works now; some not.
- (ADDB) Added option to change/freeze Veil Thickness.
- (ADDB) Maybe Removed Buff Multiplier error.
- (ADDB) Readid unstart Etude.
- (ADDB) Made Achievement Enabler opt-out by default. (If you are updating the mod then this changes nothing for you).
- (ADDB) Remove more log spam.
Version 1.5.9
- (ADDB) Fixed Remote Companion Dialog not showing dialog for... remote companions.
- (ADDB) Fixed respecced from 0 for Cassia.
- (ADDB) Added cheat to disable psychic phenomena.
- (ADDB) Added option to dump/extract built-in portraits.
- (ADDB) Fix Jealousy Begone (someone reached the part of the game where the jealous dialog can be triggered and noticed it still triggered; with that save I was able to fix it).
- (ADDB) Fix Highlight Objects not revealing everything when the corresponding options are enabled.
- (ADDB) Add Voice to StatEditor.
- (ADDB) Leveling up respecced from 0 companions now displays the picked/unpicked feats correctly.
- (ADDB) Maybe fix some broken dice tweaks that broke while trying to fix some broken dice tweaks?
- (ADDB) I accidentally broke Search 'n Pick in one of the last patches I think.
- (ADDB) Add QoL option to disable end turn keybind.
- (ADDB) KillAll could fail in some fights which crashed the mod (Invalid Cast Exception); that's fixed.
- (ADDB) Since someonee requested it; changed PCMale and PCFemale overrides (Love is Free) to now also work for stuff that isn't explicitly a romance dialog (e.g. during private companion dialogs).
- (ADDB) Disabled Expand Answers For Conditional Responses because it was actually broken and I don't have time to look at that whole system.
- (ADDB) Added workaround for people who use Ignore Talent Perquisite in Character Creation.
- (ADDB) Maybe fix some broken dice tweaks?
- (ADDB) Added Show Risky Toggles option which hides a Show All Dialog Answers (Ignore Everything) options.
- (ADDB) Removed log spam because of missing Etude Comment Translation
- (ADDB) The Level Up preview no longer displays wrong numbers when doing a level up.
- (ADDB) Rewrote object highlight system because people don't turn it off before combat.
- (ADDB) Experimental Fix for issue where leaving a unit from another region selected in Search 'n Pick would crash the mod because that unit was already disposed.
- (ADDB) Fix Stats Editor for Abelard (and any other companion with missing base soul marks).
Version 1.5.8a
- (ADDB) Allow Respec From Zero for Companions and RT. See Level Up Category.
- (ADDB) Fixed weird behaviour when changing stats using the Textfield.
- (ADDB) Fixed Search 'n Pick - missing key update if collation happens too fast
- (ADDB) Remove ~250 unimplemented settings (and UI Labels/Toggles in relation to them)
- (ADDB) Maybe fix experience multiplier
- (ADDB) Maybe fix BuffDuration multiplier
- (ADDB) Remove Continue Audio on Lost Focus since the game natively supports this
- (ADDB) Fix Soul Mark Editor
- (ADDB) Fix some other stuff like Navigator Resources and Respec
- (ADDB) Maybe Re-Add Remote Dialog options (buggy; report if you encounter anything!)
- (ADDB) Maybe Re-Add Bi + Poly Romance options (buddy; report if you encounter anything!)
Version 1.5.6
- please see
Version 1.5.3f
- See for release notes
Version 1.5.3
- Port of ToyBox to Rogue Trader
- Donations
No donations accepted
Note: Save early and often.
Please backup early and backup often.
Install & Setup (Rogue)
- Download the ToyBox mod file and unzip
- If the folder is not already named 0ToyBox0 please rename it to that
- Launch the game at least once.
- Please note that the game comes with its own built in Unity Mod Manager so you do not need to install another one
- Navigate to %userprofile%\AppData\LocalLow\Owlcat Games\Warhammer 40000 Rogue Trader\UnityModManager\
- An example path is C:\Users\PC\AppData\LocalLow\Owlcat Games\Warhammer 40000 Rogue Trader\UnityModManager\
- Copy 0ToyBox0 into the UnityModManagerFolder
- Launch Rogue Trader and you may need to hit ctrl+F10 to see the mod manager window
- Load a save or start a new game to get the most out of of the mod
- Bag of Tricks:
- Allow both male and female RTs to romance Heinrix and Cassia
- Allow Remote Companions to join into dialog
- Modify Faction Reputation, Navigator's Insight, Scrap and more
- Experience Multiplier
- Dice Roll Cheats/Options
- Enable Achievements with Mods installed
- Level Up: Make Respec start from Level 0 for you and Companions
- Party Editor: Modify your own conviction and/or stats or features or portraits or voices of party members or Respec Characters for free
- Colonies: Modify different Colony Resources
- Search 'n Pick: this lets you search through various available things (items, feats, abilities, unity and locations) and spawn/give/summon them and manipulate your game state in an almost limitless set of ways. You can add/remove items, feats, abilities, etc. You can spawn any unit. You can start/unstart/complete etudes, quests, etc. You can teleport to any area in the game. It is almost unimaginable how much you can do in here, so keep digging!
- Etudes: this is a new and exciting feature that allows you to see for the first time the structure and some basic relationships of Etudes and other Elements that control the progression of your game story. Etudes are hierarchical in structure and additionally contain a set of Elements that can both conditions to check and actions to execute when the etude is started. As you browe you will notice there is a disclosure triangle next to the name which will show the children of the Etude. Etudes that have Elements will offer a second disclosure triangle next to the status that will show them to you.
WARNING: this tool can both miraculously fix your broken progression or it can break it even further. Save and back up your save before using. Remember that "with great power comes great responsibility" - Quest Resolution: this allows you to view your active quests and advance them as needed to work around bugs or skip quests you don't want to do. Be warned, this may break your game progression if used carelessly.
- Patch Tool
- A very
unnecessary feature that allows Real-Time editing of Blueprints:- Modify damage values of weapons, ability costs, and other numerical fields directly within the game
- This allows changing most fields in Blueprints, including
- Primitives (int, string, float, ...)
- (Flag-)Enums
- Ability References
- Collections (with special support for Component Arrays)
- General Reference Types
- Changes to a Blueprint are saved as so-called Patch Files.
- While the feature is powerful, there are some intentional restrictions. Most of those restrictions are because this is meant to be a tool for small Tweaks. If you feel limited by this, feel free to try out Owlcat's official Modding Template, since that works with a similar idea.
- A Blueprint can only have one single patch applied (but one patch can do different things)
- You can't create new Blueprints
- The Patch Format is not the same as Owlcat's native jbp_patch format; it uses its own patching backend
- Fields containing Unity Objects can't be modified
- A very