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About this mod

Toy Box is a cute and playful mod with 500+ cheats, tweaks and quality of life improvements for WH 40K Rogue Trader. It was created in the spirit of Bag of Tricks & Cheat Menu but with a little different focus . It offers a powerful and convenient way to edit the party composition, stats, search and add Feats, Features, Items, to your character

Permissions and credits
  • Russian
Please see Release Notes for the latest new features
Note: Save early and often.

Please backup early and backup often.

Install & Setup (Rogue)
  • Download the ToyBox mod file and unzip
  • If the folder is not already named 0ToyBox0 please rename it to that
  • Launch the game at least once.
  • Please note that the game comes with its own built in Unity Mod Manager so you do not need to install another one
  • Navigate to %userprofile%\AppData\LocalLow\Owlcat Games\Warhammer 40000 Rogue Trader\UnityModManager\
  • An example path is C:\Users\PC\AppData\LocalLow\Owlcat Games\Warhammer 40000 Rogue Trader\UnityModManager\
  • Copy 0ToyBox0 into the UnityModManagerFolder
  • Launch Rogue Trader and you may need to hit ctrl+F10 to see the mod manager window
  • Load a save or start a new game to get the most out of of the mod
  • Bag of Tricks: 
    • Allow both male and female RTs to romance Heinrix and Cassia
    • Allow Remote Companions to join into dialog
    • Modify Faction Reputation, Navigator's Insight, Scrap and more
    • Experience Multiplier
    • Dice Roll Cheats/Options
    • Enable Achievements with Mods installed
  • Level Up: Make Respec start from Level 0 for you and Companions
  • Party Editor: Modify your own conviction and/or stats or features or portraits or voices of party members or Respec Characters for free
  • Colonies: Modify different Colony Resources
  • Search 'n Pick: this lets you search through various available things (items, feats, abilities, unity and locations) and spawn/give/summon them and manipulate your game state in an almost limitless set of ways. You can add/remove items, feats, abilities, etc. You can spawn any unit. You can start/unstart/complete etudes, quests, etc. You can teleport to any area in the game. It is almost unimaginable how much you can do in here, so keep digging!
  • Etudes: this is a new and exciting feature that allows you to see for the first time the structure and some basic relationships of Etudes and other Elements that control the progression of your game story. Etudes are hierarchical in structure and additionally contain a set of Elements that can both conditions to check and actions to execute when the etude is started. As you browe you will notice there is a disclosure triangle next to the name which will show the children of the Etude. Etudes that have Elements will offer a second disclosure triangle next to the status that will show them to you.
    WARNING: this tool can both miraculously fix your broken progression or it can break it even further. Save and back up your save before using. Remember that "with great power comes great responsibility"
  • Quest Resolution: this allows you to view your active quests and advance them as needed to work around bugs or skip quests you don't want to do. Be warned, this may break your game progression if used carelessly.
  • Patch Tool
    • A very unnecessary feature that allows Real-Time editing of Blueprints:
      • Modify damage values of weapons, ability costs, and other numerical fields directly within the game
      • This allows changing most fields in Blueprints, including
        • Primitives (int, string, float, ...)
        • (Flag-)Enums
        • Ability References
        • Collections (with special support for Component Arrays)
        • General Reference Types

    • Changes to a Blueprint are saved as so-called Patch Files.
    • While the feature is powerful, there are some intentional restrictions. Most of those restrictions are because this is meant to be a tool for small Tweaks. If you feel limited by this, feel free to try out Owlcat's official Modding Template, since that works with a similar idea.
      • A Blueprint can only have one single patch applied (but one patch can do different things)
      • You can't create new Blueprints
      • The Patch Format is not the same as Owlcat's native jbp_patch format; it uses its own patching backend
      • Fields containing Unity Objects can't be modified