Hello, Corli! First of all, thanks a million for your extended labour! :heart
Despite a vice / defect in the inventory window caused by the petite posture of your ebony elf, I find her pretty well displayed during playthrough and in cutscenes. =)
The script for changing appearance works automatically without use of a special scroll, so applying a folder with it wasn't necessary.
Sometimes there are a few seconds delay in Geralt's metamorphosis after loading a save, but this is a detail.
Testing the shapeshifter function I procrastinate for dessert. Cheers!Spoiler:Show
1) There's nothing more warm-up to play than a beautiful, agile female elf with Geralt's voice, huh? Of course, just kidding with that second one.
2) Your character seems to be based on the Toruviel model, I guess. It would be fun to see Shadowheart from Baldur's Gate in Witcher ~ Just saying. -
There aren't any black people in the game because of the setting. It's in a very Western Europe like area in a time period where they didnt have the technology for vast amounts of cultures to converge yet. And Geralt himself has a lot of traits due to his masculinity that wouldn't work if he were female. The game also shouldn't be played like RPGs you might be familiar with. There are two types of RPGs: ones where you are the player character, and ones where you just control the player character; The Witcher is one of the latter. This mod breaks the lore and character ethic, and is essentially just blackface.
LMFAO I don't think you know what blackface is then.
Mods are made so that people can play the game how they want, not how you think they should or how the developer necessarily intended. And elves, dwarves and ladies in fishnet stockings are okay for Western Europe during said "time period" but black people and masculine women break the lore? Lmao. Take a chill pill.
(Sorry, I fed a troll.) -
"elves, dwarves and ladies in fishnet stockings are okay for Western Europe during said "time period" but black people and masculine women break the lore?"
The game is fantasy, but adding unnecessary POC is dumb, and that argument about dwarves in stockings makes no sense wen you talk about black people
whats wrong with adding people of color? it's honestly stupid having 0 people of color, ethnicity is based on how close people's ancestor's were to the equator, so in reality, most people in Witcher would be people of color, just saying.
You mean eastern European. Also there is no evidence of zero dark coloured people in europe in medieval times. It could very likely be, due to trading in ancient times. If i could add, it is also highly unrealistic to have such muscles on a character at that time, given that the main dietary intake was grain. There is no way of having enough protein to build such a strong body. Also the height is totally wrong for that time period, people tended to be way smaller.
You can check all that by going into a museum. But you didn't.
Great mod! thanks for sharing :)
wtf is this mod?
I'm new to this game so I haven't tried playing with the nice elf lady (yet), but I'm really enjoying the NPCs you edited! The lack of people of color in the game is very jarring, your mod makes it feel much more realistic. Thank you, and I hope your friend enjoyed this version of Geralt!
nice! This is my third time playing so this mod is perfect to spice things up a bit
I also hope she is a transgender attack helicopter. Or else i can't enjoy the mod to the fullest.
You can even say it is somehow lore-friendly since people of colour aren't completly absent from TW universe.
Good work, i'd also like to see a female dwarf rly, coz why not. -
Your friend is... weird ;/ Isn't it racism? I mean - not to play the game 'cause in it there is a white man?
World is going to the dogs...
But I have to admit, I pretty like this mod. I prefer to play as a woman then a man, 'cause I'm a woman. But when the character is male I don't really mind, unlike your friend.
I'm starting to think that black-skinned people are more racist than white... -
Fantastic mod! Took a bit of fiddling to get it to not turn Geralt into an old man but now I'm rampaging through Temeria as a sword-wielding black trans elf lesbian and I could Not be more delighted. No offence to the creators of the series and game, but I just couldn't stomach playing through the entire game as a white cishet man. Bit of a shame you lose the cool armour Geralt gets to wear throughout the game, but this is a trade I will happily make. Thanks for your work!
Want to say THANKS, man, you're the best! Thanks for making this mod so people can play as they want! Endorsed!