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for The Witcher 2 is a modest graphics upgrade which tackles problems I had with the game such as its copious clipped highlights (that are then turned grey by the vignette), overpowering bloom and occasional banding.
High quality replacement bloom.
Neutral tonemapping to raise the whitepoint and reduce the amount of clipping in the highlights substantially.
Modified and fixed vignette, using the same vignette code as the original but with a broken feature fixed so it no longer makes highlights grey and modified to be round because I get annoyed when vignettes are stretched by your screen's aspect ratio.
Cheeky chromatic aberration hiding out in out of focus areas to build on The Witcher 2's fantasy-esque aesthetic (and to make up for the reduced contrast from the tonemapping).
Dithering to fix banding which was occasionally visible in the sky.
Leaves the game's original post processing fully in tact (this actually requires some work, which is why it is a feature and is not the case for every The Witcher 2 enb).
Download the The Witcher 2 ENB binaries from the ENB website and extract and copy the contents of the "WrapperVersion" folder into your The Witcher 2 installation directory, so that the enb related files end up in your "bin" folder in your The Witcher 2 installation directory.
Download the Reforged ENB file and extract it, and copy the contents of the "Main Files" folder into your The Witcher 2 installation directory the same way.
Optionally, copy the contents of any of the optional file folders (there's currently only one) into your installation directory, and accept any overwrites.
The reforgedsettings.fxh file is quite well documented and you can consider customizing it, I added a lot of features I ended up not using that you might find to your liking (including disabling the game's original color correction altogether and some fancier tonemapping curves to take its place).