About this mod
If Geralt drops below 80% of HP he slowly starts dealing less damage based on current HP.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
What's the purpose?
This mod is intended to make combat a bit harder, if you have between 100-80% of HP no debuff is applied and anything below starts taking away some part of the damage that you deal, both signs and swords, the less hp you have less damage you deal.
If you don't like the amount of damage that is taken you can open the script that is in the mod folder and go to the line 891, you will find instructions there, it's easy, you just have to change a couple numbers.
Rough estimation what % of damage is taken based on HP:
80-40% HP= ~20-40% less damage
40-20% HP= ~40-65% less damage
20-0% HP= ~65-100% less damage
4.04a REDkit Update 2 Next-Gen Compatible!
For newcomer or beginner: I invite you reading The Tome of Witcher 3 Modding.
DON'T USE VORTEX!!! Use The Witcher 3 Mod Manager to install mod automatically or extract the files in your "Mods" folder of the game's directory The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt:
For Steam version: [Path-To-Steam-Library]\steamapps\common\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt GOTY\Mods.
For GOG version: [Path-To-You_Game_Folder]\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt GOTY\Mods.
Use Script Merger to fix conflicts. If you have other mods installed, use Script Merger to find and resolve conflicts. Note that some of the mods on Nexus might not support the latest patch and thus are incompatible nor with this mod not with the current game version in general. Also note that you need to re-merge all your merges after updating any of the mods to a newer version.
How to uninstall?
Delete the folder "modLessVitalityLessDamage".
Compatibility and Conflict
Reminder: Next-Gen Compatible!
This is a script mod that affect the following files:
- scripts\game\gameplay\damage\damageManagerProcessor.ws
So don't forget to run Script Merger.
My other Mod
Extended Potions
Improved Starting Gear
Viper Gear in White Orchard
Improved All Witcher Gear
Vladimir UI - Witcher Ability and Buff Icons
Less Vitality - Less Damage (Next Gen Edition)
Oils Is Running Out
Netflix Gears New Revision
Fixes inventory icon for Ursine Silver Sword
The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt - Russian Localization Fixes
(SNC) Standardised Naming Convention - All In One - Russian
The Witcher 2 - Assassins of Kings
The Witcher 2 - Assassins of Kings - Russian Localization Fixes
Special Thanks:
Andrzej Sapkowski (Author) and CD Red Projekt (Game studio) for the creation of The Witcher universe.
Thanks to wasteland ghost for helping to original author with the code in Classic Edition version.
Thanks to original author for permisson to update Classic Edition version to Next Gen Edition.