Hi, the problem is that your player folder is empty. Your mod includes only the local script and not an r4player.ws file; I think you forgot to put it into the right folder for your mod :-)
I just added the code to a copy of the script myself and threw it into the gwentwhenever mod folder and it's working great. Also added the Skellige deck as an option. Wonderful mod, and so perfect for testing things. Thank you! -
Such modders should be banned - cannot even be bothered to take down their non-functional mod, which CANNOT work, if a file is missing. Also like others reported the menu entry is missing and one level above mod folder, yada yada. I would not mind any further if a guide didn't recommended this mod.
I finally got it working, had to repack this whole piece ** **** and even got the menu working now. You just have to change the \bin\config\r4game\user_config_matrix\pc\PlayGwentWheneverMenu.xml to get the menu entry under Gameplay.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<Group id="playGwentWhenever" displayName="Mods.gameplay.pgw_ModName">
The 4th line is the important one, since the author used pgw_Mods.pgw_ModName instead of categorizing it (Mods.gameplay.pgw_ModName) or at least put it under Mods. I have gone through greater lenghts and decoded one of the *.w3strings, only to find out, he added a keyword called Mods.
The hotkey has to be put in input.settings under [EXPLORATION], but that was explained multiple times. Ultimatively you will have to download the missing r4player.ws from https://www.dropbox.com/s/pz0qey2xrrgutjq/modPlayGwentWhenever%201.22.rar?dl=0 like provided below.
I understand it is possible for everyone to fix this on your own, if one goes through the tutorials out there, but this mod is knowingly incomplete. The translation strings btw are probably all in english due to further laziness - but at least they are there. -
Melitele bless you, kind stranger.
Bro can u provide the link for the next gen
Hi, so I'm gonna assume this doesn't work anymore? I'm not good at modding I only use 2 other mods (carrying capacity and trader money) - If I have to do anything besides install this via Vortex to get this to work - could I get an amateur explanation on what to do? I love playing Gwent and would love to get this mod to work
Where do I go to assign keybind? Also is it possible to choose random for opponents?
apply it to your input.settings, just one folder above your Witcher 3 saves
so I installed mod via NMM, then added IK_Z=(Action=PlayGwentNow) to [Exploration]. Also extracted menu into the config folder. But when I press Z, nothing happens. Help?
The input.setting is read-only
yep. Any help would be appreciated
I have also tried other keys such as Tilde, F4 and F6, but they did not work. If yours do work, can you tell me what you did in the input settings?
I do use other mods but none of them conflict with Play Gwent whenever mod. In fact this mod doesnt even appear on script merger because of no conflicts. I do use Friendly HUD which has F4 mapped but not F6. So I am not sure why this mod isn't working with IK_F6 ...
Thats very odd. Why wasn't the mod scripts added in the r4player. ws? How would I add the lines?
Glorious! It works now! Thank you sooooo much! I still wonder why the mod scripts were not automatically added though.
If you, the modmaker pMarK, knows how to make this work then why haven't you fixed your mod? Or at least made a sticky post letting everyone know how to make it work? Why'd you even bother releasing this mod in the first place if you didn't want anyone to know how to use it? Lame.
hi, i can't use this mode as there is no menu for it? in the mods menu
this is what im seeing
Work in 1.31?
TBH so happy to get this working on 1.21 again once i figured out what to do again, i am gonna update this mod to make it a lot easier for people to use becouse tbh it is a pian in the butt to get working unless you know what you are doing, as the as the mod auther seems afk
but peeps this mod works perfect in ver 1.21 of witcher
edit here is a working version for 1.22
Still works on 1.32 GOTY, but the menu does not get it right: It shows a blank menu instead listing it under the mods menu. I also kinda miss an option for a randomly selected opponent deck and of course Skellige deck for opponents. That would be great additions. But it works at least. Thank you so much for it.
would you mind giving me some pointers on how to correctly install this? I tried following the directions from the other posts, but I couldn't get it to work.
I've tried a lot of things to make it works but it doesn't work… I added the line "IK_F4=(Action=PlayGwentNow)" to [Exploration] in the file input_azerty.ini and the lines "public var mPlayGwentWhenever : PlayGwentWhenever;", "mPlayGwentWhenever = new PlayGwentWhenever in this;" and "mPlayGwentWhenever.Init();" in the file r4Player.ws (in "event OnSpawned" for the two last lines) I had the menu in game, but when i press the F4 key, nothing happens…
So, either I'm dumb as sand (possible) in which case I might need some help, either it doesn't work with the 1.31 GOTY version of the game in which case I need confirmation, and please update it because the mod looks just perfect (well, would be if we were able to set the opponent faction on random). -
Does this mod work with version 1.31 of the game?
The mod menu doesnt work. it shows a blank menu.
EDIT: Of course i did install it correctly -
I can't seem to get the mod to work either, try as I might. There doesn't seem to be any r4player and I'm afraid I'm a bit too noobish to manually edit the r4player registry. Your absolute camera mod works great, but I'd really love to be able to use this one.
In witcher folder look for mods/mod000_MergedFiles/contents/scripts/game/player(if you use script merger)
Then you can find r4Player.ws
Download Notepad++ to open the r4Player then add the lines -
I appreciate the help. I added the lines to the merged r4player, I think correctly, but it still doesn't work. I could be doing something wrong as I'm not very skilled at this kind of thing. The best I can get is for a HUD message "the mod is off" with the assigned keybind and it doesn't show up under the mod menu. I may need to wait until pmark does an update (if he does).