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  1. mindkiller316
    • premium
    • 117 kudos

    NOTE: There's SEVERAL more files on the main page. That's to make downloading and installing via Witcher 3 Mod Manager easier. The All-In-One files are for Vortex/Nexus Mod Manager users.

    * Supports Game Patch 1.30 - 4.0 Next-Gen
    * ADDS changes to human loot tables.
    * DLC REQUIRED. Both HoS and BaW.
    *ICL PURIST: Unchanged from 1.6. No Changes Necessary to NPCs.
    *ICL STANDARD: NPCs now have a chance of dropping 1 extra piece of loot.
    *ICL PLUS: NPCs now have a chance of dropping up to 2 extra pieces of loot.
    *ICL MAX: NPCs now have a chance of dropping up to 3 extra pieces of loot.
    *ICL ULTIMATE: NPCs now have a chance of dropping up to 4 extra pieces of loot.

    * Supports Game Patch 1.30 - 4.0 Next-Gen
    * ONLY affects monster and animal loot tables.
    * DLC REQUIRED. Both HoS and BaW. The only exception to this is Purist and ICL which require
    BnW only in order to fix some loot changes that were unusually high.
    * ICL Plus, ICL Max, and ICL Ultimate require HoS and BaW. They also
    include the same changes first introduced in mod version 1.5


    ICL Version 1.5
    * Supports Game Patch 1.08 - 1.32
    * DLC Optional.
    * Loot percentages have been further refined with natural and rare parts dropping over the generic monster variants.
    * Drowners, Hags, and Vampires now have a small chance to be found
    carrying jewelry. Monster nests now have a chance to contain jewelry or

    ICL Version 1.4
    * Supports Game Patch 1.08 - 1.32
    * DLC Optional.
    * Add a new Purist version for those who only want loot to drop and no other changes.

    If you use the Old Versions, Mod 1.21 and lower, do so at your own risk. I keep these around for those who run older copies of the game.
  2. mindkiller316
    • premium
    • 117 kudos
    Version 2.0 is up. NPCs now have a chance of dropping extra loot.

    Version 1.6 is up. Hearts of Stone and Blood-n-Wine are now required.

    Version 1.5 introduces some lore friendly changes. Since Drowners and Water Hags are former humans, I've made it so that there is a small chance that you can recover rings and necklaces. Vampires have a chance to be carrying the gold/diamond variants. These changes also affect Monster Nests but with the addition of containing Orens (coins) as well.

    I've further renamed the main 5 mod choices and detailed their differences. Also all versions, except for Purist, have had their loot percentages further refined to favor natural parts over the generic monster parts.

    Version 1.4 of ICL has been moved to the optional section. Both 1.4 and 1.5 should work flawlessly with the following game patch versions 1.08 - 1.22. Thanks for the support everyone, I hope you enjoy.

  3. Creepypastor
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Instant improvement, thx!
    1. mindkiller316
      • premium
      • 117 kudos
      You're Welcome!
  4. DebanhiCisternas
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I have killed a lot of drowners, not even a single water essence, do this mod prioritize one drops over anothers ?

    At first I thought that maybe I didn't get any because I was using the purist version, but I also used the ultimate version and even then the drowners didn't drop the water essence.

    First, I read that that is because drowners don't drop water essence in white orchid but I'm now in Velen and I'm still not getting the item.  Look this video of drops with the icl ultimate
    1. mindkiller316
      • premium
      • 117 kudos
      After looking at the files it appears like you are encountering only basic Drowners. You'd need to fight Drowned Dead in order to get Water Essence. I believe they are still called Drowners in the game world but are of a reddish hue and are somewhat tougher.
    2. DebanhiCisternas
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yes, you're right, it's my first time in Witcher 3, and in Witcher 2 there was only one type, only the drowned dead drop it, thanks.
    3. mindkiller316
      • premium
      • 117 kudos
      It's all good. Hope you enjoy the mod and have fun. :)
    4. DebanhiCisternas
      • member
      • 0 kudos
  5. Jameson2
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Does this mod work with the Next Gen version?
    1. kacsa93
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      yes (4.04)
  6. Photomongo
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    When Vortex makes me run Script Merger I get conflicts for the next day and a half. This is the first mod I'm trying to install. What am I doing wrong?

    Edit: Being stupid by downloading it twice apparently. Never mind.
  7. vampirecoffee
    • premium
    • 6 kudos
    The first time I played Witcher 3, I wasn't able to make the Golem decoction because none of the golems in the game dropped a golem heart. Now I always play with this mod. Thanks so much!
    1. Jameson2
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Are you playing next gen or the old version? thanks
  8. beckclgt
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    is this works with the next gen version ?
  9. billyb1987
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    When I install the 'all-in-one' version via Witcher 3 Mod Manager it appears to install all 5 versions of your mod. Which version is actually enabled? I was looking to use the 'ultimate' version of your mod. Can I not just install the standalone 'ultimate' version with the mod manager?

    Thank you for your hard work!
    1. mindkiller316
      • premium
      • 117 kudos
      Witcher 3 Mod Manager will install everything within a zip. The all-in-one is for Vortex and Nexus Mod Manager users. You'll want to download #6, the ultimate version standalone.
  10. RetakeX
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    i got this weird problem where Ghosts dont drop anything
    1. mindkiller316
      • premium
      • 117 kudos
      You'd need to be more specific, which monster exactly? That said, if you're having problems with a specific monster, do a search on a Witcher wiki to see what's supposed to be dropped, if anything. I don't remember, but there might be some monsters that have no associated loot. If something is amiss, then at this point I suspect you're likely encountering a conflict with another mod so you might have to use some tools to find and resolve any issues.
  11. Adacho1331
    • member
    • 13 kudos
    Shouldn't the devourers in Velen drop the devourer's blood? I've met a few in Velen, and none of them have dropped devourer's blood. Only those on Skellige.
    1. mindkiller316
      • premium
      • 117 kudos
      There's something about this that seems familiar to me, but it's been a while since I've last played the game so I'm not sure. There are some instances where there seems to be some other mechanic in the game that either restricts drops, either by level or location, for example red mutagens. There is a way to make certain items mandatory, but that risks over saturation because they'll always drop. I figured the game does this on purpose for balancing reasons so I've always stayed with prioritizing naturals parts dropping vs the generic parts and tweaking drop amounts.
  12. xBadOmenS94x
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Is it possible to increase the value of loot... to drop more meat or other monster loot..?
    1. mindkiller316
      • premium
      • 117 kudos
      So at least one more loot than what the Ultimate version adds?
    2. xBadOmenS94x
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      First of all, I use the Ultimate version. But with wolves, for example, I only get 1 tallow and 1 meat. nothing more... I don't know if that's the way it should be. With humans, I get more loot, but with monsters, I only get one per item. Therefore, assume that the mod does not work for me on the latest version.
    3. xBadOmenS94x
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      But if that's how it's meant to be.. To your question.  can  you increase the number of loot,for example that a drowned person drops 2 or 3 brains ?
    4. mindkiller316
      • premium
      • 117 kudos
      Wolves only have 4 loot items in total(tallow,meat,hide,liver). For Ultimate, basic wolves can drop 2-3 items, Alpha and White wolves are set to 3-4. Because there are so many encounters with wolves I didn't see a need to increase those items individually. The only instances where I did was for the rarer animals, goats, cows, pigs, and deer. If you are wanting more meat and hides look to those sources.

      As for the monster parts, I kept items like hearts, livers, and brains to only drop once per kill to keep the overall mod a little bit more grounded. It's somewhat unrealistic to have multiple of those items drop for one creature.
    5. xBadOmenS94x
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I understand what you mean, but I'm a hoarder and collector haha.. So there is no way that I can customize it for myself? Nevertheless, thanks for this mod :)
    6. mindkiller316
      • premium
      • 117 kudos
      Working with the modkit initially was challenging, typing in commands as if you were using DOS. Modkitchen made that easier and is what I primarily used. You can point it to a mod(or the whole game itself), extract, edit, and repackage. Now there's WolvenKit, which I had to recently figure out how to use to extract the base game files for 4.04. You can extract only what you need and not the entire game, saving 10's of gigs.

      There's a learning curve to it all and I'm sure there's videos on how to use these tools to make it easier. It just takes time.
    7. xBadOmenS94x
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      thx for the information ;)
    8. mindkiller316
      • premium
      • 117 kudos
      You're Welcome!