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LockedStickyThis mod has been superseded by Balanced Item Levels and is working with the next-gen update - please use that instead.
This (and a few other mods by KiroKobra), are some of my favorite Witcher 3 mods. This mod is so good, after upgrading to the "next gen" version, I found it was difficult to play without it (wasn't working with the new patch).
So I spent some time and I believe I have a version that works with the new patch. I have done very little testing with this. I installed the mod, made sure there were no script compilation errors, booted the game, and crafted and equipped a sword that was above my current level. I would assume it should work without issue though.
KiroKobra, this wasn't intended to step on your toes or make light of your hard work. If there's a proper way you'd like me to update this mod, let me know. -
Plan to update to Next Gen? Also, all your mods would be great on next gen
Can you adjust the way the Aerondight works to make it possible to level it up while not meeting the character level requirement?
No problems with merging, just a couple of easy conflicts. I'm using GhostMod and Leveling Relic armor, though, and I think there's something off with the math, especially if the items are of significantly higher level, maybe because of the percentages or how GhostMod handles armor and weapon degredation. For instance an armor that is 15 levels higher is -64 in it's armor stat compared to what I am wearing currently. That seems a bit off. Don't know if anyone else is seeing this. I really wish Ghost Mod would have a no levels version, but so far I find myself eventually just leveling with console commands and fiddling with enemy scaling to get the game experience I want.
Hello KiroKobra,
I know it might be a bit odd, but I am using your mod in combination with "GearLevelsHiddenAndNoRequirements" (just for the levels hidden feature).
I was able to merge them in a way that i can retain all the features of your mod (so armors/weapons will be underpowered if geralt is underleveled) and still hide the items levels in the game inventary.
But I am having problem merging the 2 mods in "guyPlayerInventoryCompononent.ws". (which I think it seems to affect the "crafting menu" only).
This is the section in the script that seems to create the conflict (i have added the last couple of lines to your mod)://requiredLevel = _inv.GetItemLevelColor( itemLevel ) + GetLocStringByKeyExt( 'panel_inventory_item_requires_level' ) + " " + itemLevel + "</font>";
requiredLevel = _inv.GetItemLevelColor( itemLevel ) + GetLocStringByKeyExt( 'panel_inventory_item_requires_level' ) + " " + itemLevel + " "; //ImmersiveLvlRequs
if(itemLevel > thePlayer.GetLevel()) requiredLevel += GetLocStringByKeyExt( 'tooltip_diminished' ); //ImmersiveLvlRequs
requiredLevel += "</font>"; //ImmersiveLvlRequs
if(itemCategory != 'bolt' && itemCategory != 'crossbow') //ImmersiveLvlRequs
/*targetObject.SetMemberFlashString("requiredLevel", requiredLevel);*/ //modGearLevelsHiddenAndNoRequirements
Do you have any suggestion on how to solve the problem? or is there a quicker way to hide the item level entirelly directly in your scripts without the need of "GearLevelsHiddenAndNoRequirements"?
I have a very basic script knowledge so the manual merge i did, might not be perfect. I don't want to bother you by asking you to create an alternative version of your mod, but if you could point me to the right direction to hide the item levels, it would be much appreciated.
or, as just a suggestion for your mod, it would be nice to have the minimum item level hidden once Geralt reach it.
Geralt level = 1 - Item level = 10 -> item level shown in the inventory/crafting menu
Geralt level => 10 - Item level = 10 -> item level hidden in the inventory/crafting menu (as it would not matter anymore)
thank you in advance.-
Hi! thank you for replying to my message, i totally miss it. the first option worked as intended.
Just another question: does your mod affect crossbow too or just swords/armors? i can't see the reduced power value for any of the crossbows (even if i am level one), so i was wondering if i messed up your script or not?
Merge flawlessly with Witcher 3 redux mod!
High-level items could not be equipped due to https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/3163?tab=description
when combining two mods Besserwisser and Nitpicker и Brothers In Arms Bug Fix Master collectio
I'm glad if this helped someone -
There seems to be a hard incompatibility between Immersive Level Requirements and Slots Slots SLOTS that the script merger doesn't resolve. Is this known/to be expected, or should they work together and I'm doing something wrong?
Could you make a similar mod for Cyberpunk, please?
I just quickly made a simple polish translation.
Zrobiłem na szybko polskie tłumaczenie.
Just put a string file in mod catalogue modImersive.../content next to the original en.w3strings
Wystarczy wrzucic plik do folderu moda modImersive../content zaraz obok oryginalnego pliku en.w3strings
Link - pl.w3strings