1. HalkHogan
    • premium
    • 2,071 kudos
    Hello my friends!
    The long awaited final version of HDRP is finally available for download! Over the past 4 years I have put a lot of time and effort into getting to the quality and results that I would be fully satisfied with, and I have succeeded. I would like to thank you very very much, the wonderful Witcher community, I really appreciate all the support over the years. I also want to thank CD Projekt Red for creating the beautiful masterpiece that is The Witcher 3. This is the end of my adventure with The Witcher 3 HD Reworked Project, although in the future there are possible small updates adding things that I was not able to finish. Anyway, thanks a lot and enjoy!  <3
  2. HalkHogan
    • premium
    • 2,071 kudos
    A new version with all fixes included and additional improvements is available. Make sure you have everything up to date!

    Also, I want to thank you for all the kind words! <3
  3. HalkHogan
    • premium
    • 2,071 kudos
    Don't merge "Bundled Text" between "mod000HDReworkedProjectFixes" and "modHDReworkedProject".
  4. NiluPie
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    a small doubt. I can see the bin folder in the main file (the all in one file) but its too big for me to download at a time. So i was downloading each at a time and noticed the bin folder is not there in any of the four parts. so is the bin folder not required or how does it work?
    1. ElementaryLewis
      • premium
      • 578 kudos
      The author forgot to add separately as misc files.
      But it's optional and if you want a better texture quality, I suggest you install Tweaks (it does the same as HDRP Bin but expanded).
  5. Dhampir1989
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I dragged and dropped the Mods file but I get a 'write error'? Is this normal?

    ! C:\Users\*****\Downloads\The Witcher 3 HD Reworked Project NextGen Edition-9963-20-0-fixed-1736185630.7z: Write error in the file 
    1. ElementaryLewis
      • premium
      • 578 kudos
      Did you extract before you install the mod? Because it's not recommend to drag the archive file in the game.
      I suggest you follow those guide:
      The Tome of Witcher 3 Modding
      Essentials Mods List - Guide
      List of mods you don't need for Next Gen
  6. Elisia1619
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Works great Thank you
  7. alceryes
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Spectacular mod! It's always one of the first I add to my TW3 mod lineup.

    Does this mod and 'HDMR - HD Monsters Reworked mod' rework some of the same monsters? Pretty sure HDRP does at least some monsters/creatures, so I'm not sure how much of an overlap exists.
    1. ElementaryLewis
      • premium
      • 578 kudos
      HDMR affect monster and does better than HDRP. It's fine to use both.
  8. davcws
    • member
    • 0 kudos

    Great mod and great work... thank you for the effort.

    However, I have this blurry pixelated water (so far only happen in caves) after installing the mod.
    I tried disabling all Ray Tracing or reflections, disable DLSS but still the same. Anyone knows how to fix?

    1. XearDry
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      My game look sometimes epic and sometimes blurry...
      Was the DRS stuff dynamic resolution something
    2. ESW77Eternal
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      This shouldn't be happening! Have you installed everything correctly? Like "bin" folder, "mods" folder and all that.

      Following the instructions, reading the sticky notes could prove useful.
    3. davcws
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yes I did everything correctly and this is the only mod I am using
    4. ESW77Eternal
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      Sorry, my bad! I'm early in my playthrough and I thought Better water surface would fix cave waters as well, I was wrong.

      We need a mod that removes the horrendous ripple effect (that CDPR added in the next-gen update) from cave waters in addition to surface waters.
    5. ShahrukhX70
      • member
      • 9 kudos
    6. Frostyguy87
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Having this issue as well.
    7. agrae9999
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I am having the exact same issue, only happens in caves.
    8. ShahrukhX70
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      The same.
  9. Maidenfan724
    • premium
    • 49 kudos
    Could we get an updated patch for the old gen version and the classic Brothers in Arms. The official patch by the BiA team is outdated and the one by ElementaryLewis has issues on old gen. It’s the only caveat to an otherwise perfect mod list.
    1. ESW77Eternal
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      Why old gen?! If I may ask.

      Is it NG's stutters or something else that's preventing you from migrating to NextGen?

      NG's stutters are not that common if you ask me and visually it is more appealing, to my eyes OFC
    2. Maidenfan724
      • premium
      • 49 kudos
      RT in next gen generally looks pretty bad not even mentioning the performance hit. The RTGI looks nice sometimes but overall is overdone and dreadfully implemented. Especially buggy in certain interiors. RT shadows also look abysmal on foliage. And with RT shadows disabled, the non-RT shadows are bugged in next gen. Nothing more unimmersive than seeing shadows draw in right in front of you in Toussaint. Old gen with BlitzFX looks significantly better imo and much more cohesive. The only benefit to next gen for me is the grass rendering.
    3. ESW77Eternal
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      I hear you, Maidenfan724, and I appreciate the insight!

      CDPR has said that there will be a UE5-based remake of the Witcher 3

      In other words, what we've got RN is more of a next gen preview

      They've said the intention is to remake the whole original Witcher trilogy, starting with the first title which will come out right after/alongside Witcher 4
    4. longjohn119
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      Then just use Next Gen and leave the Ray Tracing off. It still looks better than old gen and has a lot of gameplay fixes.  If you are on a Nvidia RTX GPU then you can download the latest drivers and in the Nvidia App you can use a game override that turns on DLAA which really looks good. Even the DLSS Quality settings look better, nice and crisp without looking over sharpened.

      Ray Tracing will never work correctly in the game unless they come back and fix the CPU threading issues and thus the CPU bottleneck the game suffers from especially with Ray Tracing enabled.
    5. ShahrukhX70
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      "Old gen with BlitzFX looks significantly better imo and much more cohesive."

  10. DonHisself
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey I just downloaded this and I'm confused; did CDPR incorporate this exact mod into its NexGen visuals, or was it a previous version they implemented, and is this latest version an improved version of that?

    1. ElementaryLewis
      • premium
      • 578 kudos
      Well yes but actually no.
      It's true, HDRP was integrated to the game, but that was the old HDRP. This Next Gen edition further improves the vanilla game, and I recommend you use it.

      Source: List of unneeded mods for Next-Gen Update (already included or obsolete)
    2. DonHisself
      • member
      • 0 kudos

      That is exactly what I was looking for brother, thank you!
  11. zoarialbean2
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    great mod
  12. AnimeblyaD
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Finally I was able to install the mod, textures look very juicy. Thank you very much!
  13. plApophis
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    If I uninstall this mod, should I also restore the config .ini files?
    If so, does anyone have them backed up and can share them with me? :)

    GOG verify - restored my config.