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  1. Pranaguy
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Thought i had this mod working but sadly ended up being a mess.  "view soldiers" screen kept crashing the game.  tried a bunch of stuff.  Then tried to uninstall the mod and remove everything that i had done but that only made the game crash to desktop on starting.  Now I'm rebuilding from a complete uninstall and wipe of the directory.  Not sure what went wrong but i do have a bunch of mods. 

    Update:  I rebuilt my whole game from a total wipe.  Reinstalled back up to my about 30 mods and got the game running again.  Attempted to reinstall this mod and it totally borked my game again.  Even removing all of it's components doesn't work to fix it.  My best guess is that is conflicts with Loadout manager somehow and my current saves are reliant on Loadout manager.  Also, there is a new version of UIminimods (to which i upgraded).  Not sure if that has anything to do with it. 

    The skyranger mod would not apply with patcherGUI but after a little sleuthing I was able to figure out the the .txt was missing the address (UPK_FILE = XComStrategyGame.upk) and adding that, at least, got the mod to apply.  Don't know if it works cuz my game is borked :(
    1. GoosePin
      • supporter
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      Hello, regarding the issue with the skyranger I can't believe I missed that. Thank you for point it out I will upload a fixed version shortly.

      Regarding the stability, did you get it to work? I haven't been able to test it with every combination of mods and it sounds like you are running a lot of them. If you have an idea of which two are conflicting I could look into the issue and see if there is a way of fixing it.
  2. jwfoo555
    • member
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    Hi, what exactly do you mean by 'It is recommended that this mod not be switched on while Exalt is active as that may cause stability issues.'?
    1. GoosePin
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Hello, I put that disclaimer there because during my testing when I using different versions of the game/mods trying to break my mod the game crashed on me, once, when I turned on the mod while an operative was active. Annoyingly it's never happened since so it was probably something else and I can get rid of that message. Hope that helps :)