Can you maybe make a version with 3/6 or smthn? Cuz 10/20 seems a bit too much for me liking.
Edit yourself cuz it's easy, just search MEDIKIT_CHARGES= and NANOMEDIKIT_CHARGES= (2 lines below) and change values to your liking...
(open in notepad CTRL+F)
EDIT: interesting to make things way too easy: MEDIKIT_RANGE_TILES= -
BTW, author forgot to mention you change this value in DefaultGameCore.ini file, FYI.
Oh, nice. Thx guys!
DefaultGameCore.ini (164 kb) is the file one can download..easy to guess..
thanks guys
Wow there`s a ton of stuff you can alter here. Some even allow you to get rid of annoying labels or make loot actually last longer. Nice.
thanks for this!
ok i swear i'm not mentally handicapped, just console handicapped. what, where, who do i do with this file? pleaze and thank you