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File credits
Jhrino - AuthEdit and TevView tools (allowed me to mod HActs for OOE) SutandoTsukai181- Blender GMT and CMT addons (allowed me to use RGG animations in blender) TheTurboTurnip - Blender GMD addon (allowed me to use RGG's models for editing animations and for renders) notyoshi - Neo Yakuza Shader (gave me better lighting and effects for Blender using RGG models)
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Version 1.0
Released Initial Version
Like a Dragon 4 A Heat Action and Moveset mod for Yakuza 4 Remastered on PC. Very similar to Like A Dragon 3.
Uses Jhrino's TevView and AuthEdit tools and SutandoTsukai181's Blender Addon.
Changes each character's moveset to feel more modern to RGG's gameplay, and changes more than 30 Heat Actions from the game to that of HActs from other games, from the PS2 era up to and including Gaiden and IW. A full list of changes is included in the ReadMe. It does not change any bosses or their intros, due to both the number of them, and the complexity in how they work. It may be done in a later update (subject to me agreeing to do).