- Game updates can break some features, so the app may not work properly around major updates until a patch is made;
- Please make sure to check if you have downloaded any available update files before reporting broken features;
- The bigger the app gets the more bugs are to be expected. Please use the bugs tab to report one, as it helps with tracking and organization of issues. Bug descriptions with as much context as possible would be appreciated;
- Suggestions for features or improvements are welcome, as the more people requesting something the easier it is to define priorities and expectations;
- If redistributing a mod created using this app credits aren't necessary but are appreciated;
- Releases and source code are also available on GitHub, accessible through the mirrors in the description tab;
- I hope you have an above average day.
- Game updates can break some features, so the app may not work properly around major updates until a patch is made;
Can we only modify the previous fields now? I can't find the option to modify the most recent fields
There are some cards that are not selectable in the card art tab (e.g. Dark Magician Girl, etc.)
Can this be fixed? -
For months now every time I Extract an image, It doesnt extract in the correct resolution. If I adjust the image back to the correct sizing it loses quality.
Im assuming cause I dont see many people talking about it, something happened on my end months ago. -
Whenever I click to add the Game Path it's showing me an empty folder, and whenever I click it, it says there's an error "Could not find game assets".
Any ideas please? -
P.S. I solved it myself. I'm sorry for the trouble. -
Please update fiendsmith vision, thanks!
Is there a video guide for this? im not good at this kinda thing
Field mod seems to not work atm, idk if it's just me or something but I tried to mod a bunch of field (13 of them), then get in game and nothing shows up. Data is up-to-date.
After replacing data.json with 12 Jan. 2025, MasterApp makes error with UnicodeDecodeError: 'cp949' codec can't decode byte 0xe2
How can I fix it?-
tried it, but same problem has been. attach error log. -
I solved the problem. The issue is the star symbol in the evil twin card names. Go to Evil★Twin Lil-la (alt) and Evil★Twin Ki-sikil (alt), (they are near the bottom of the .json file) then remove the ★ or replace it with "_" or something and it will work.
The "Icejade token" card is not in the tool. I searched all the tokens and Icejade cards.
Can you join them in the next update?
This text was edited using translation.