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About this mod

Adds the Mystic class to the game, the psionics class from Unearthed Arcana, along with all subclasses and spells.

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This mod ports the forgotten Mystic class from Unearthed Arcana into Baldur's Gate 3, along with all subclasses, psionic talents and most
psionic disciplines! Some spells and features had to undergo reworks or changes due to the way they work, though I tried to keep reworks and
changes to a minimum. This mod is compatible with UnlockLevelCurve, and has features all the way to level 20.

Table of Contents
> Class Overview <
> Subclasses <
> Custom Content <
> Mystic Expansion <
> Other Optional Content <
> Requirements <
> Recommended Mods and Load Order <

The Mystic

A human clad in simple robes walks along a forest path. A gang of goblins emerges from the brush, arrows trained on him, their smiles wide at their good fortune of finding such easy prey for the legion’s slave pens. Their smiles turn to shrieks of terror as the traveller grows to giant size and leaps at them, his staff now a deadly cudgel.

The militia forms in ranks to prepare for the orcs’ charge. The growling brutes howl their battle cries and surge forward. To their surprise, the human rabble holds its ground and fights with surprising ferocity. Suddenly, mindless fear clings to the orcs’ minds and they, despite facing a far inferior foe, turn and run, never noticing the calm half-elf standing amid the militia and directing its efforts.

Baron von Ludwig was always proud of his grand library. Little did he know that each evening, a gnome laden with blank scrolls slipped past his guards each night and dutifully copied his most heavily guarded archives. When the duke’s men arrived to arrest him for dealing with demons, he never guessed that the gnome scribe travelling with them had spent more time in his keep than he had over the past year.

These heroes are all mystics, followers of a strange and mysterious form of power. Mystics shun the world to turn their eyes inward, mastering the full potential of their minds and exploring their psyches before turning to face the world. Mystics are incredibly rare, and most prefer to keep the nature of their abilities secret. Using their inner, psychic strength, they can read minds, fade into invisibility, transform their bodies into living iron, and seize control of the physical world and bend it to their will.

Unearthed Arcana: The Mystic Class

Class Overview

The mystic is a class that was initially introduced in Unearthed Arcana. Unfortunately it never made it into the official books - but now you can experience what the mystic could have been! The mystic is a purely psionics-based class that uses their own mind to overcome various challenges and fill many different roles. Mystics are versatile to a fault - and are thus a very advanced class and not recommended for beginners. If you love theorycrafting, creating many different builds, endless replayability or are simply interested in something new and different, then this is the class for you!

Mystics draw their power from their inner psychic ability - commonly referred to as psionics. Psionics are not magic: no somatic, material or verbal components are needed for any of their abilities. This means that they can cast even when under the effects of Silence. Mystics mainly manifest their psychic ability in two ways: psionic talents and psionic disciplines.

Psionic Talents
Psionic talents function very similarly to cantrips. Mystics have access to various psionic talents, which allow them to create various effects without spending resources. Psionic talents have similar power level to cantrips, and scale with your level accordingly.

Psionic Disciplines
The bread and butter of this class. There are a whopping 38 psionic disciplines to choose from, each with their own theme and mechanics. You can think of psionic disciplines as "buckets" of spells that grant spells as you level.

Psi Points and the Psi Limit
Psi Points are the main resource that mystics use to fuel their casting. Psi Points scale almost exactly like a full caster's spell slots (such as Wizard), but instead of having slots for each level, they have one big pool of points. Psionic disciplines can cost anywhere from 1 to 7 Psi Points, with a 7-cost discipline being equivalent to a 5th level spell. There is a limit to how many Psi Points you can spend at once, which depends on your mystic level. This limit is known as the Psi Limit.

At level 1, you will only be able to cast disciplines that cost up to 2 Psi Points - even if you may have access to disciplines that cost more (no, this is not a bug, please stop reporting it). As you gain more levels, your Psi Limit will increase, allowing you to cast more powerful psionic disciplines.
Level 1: 2 Psi Limit
Level 3: 3 Psi Limit
Level 5: 5 Psi Limit
Level 7: 6 Psi Limit
Level 9: 7 Psi Limit

Class Features

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Psionics (1st level)
Choose two psionic talents to learn. Gain another one at 3rd, 10th and 17th level.

Choose one of any psionic discipline to learn. Gain another one at 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 12th, 15th and 18th level.

Mystical Recovery (2nd level)
After casting a psionic discipline, you can use a bonus action to regain hit points equal to 1 + half your Mystic level.

Telepathy (2nd level)
Allows you to communicate telepathically with others. Gain the benefits of Detect Thoughts at all times.

Strength of Mind (4th level)
Permanently gain Proficiency in a Saving Throw of your choice. You can change this once every short rest.
Upon learning this, you lose your Proficiency in Wisdom Saving Throws.

Psionic Strike (8th level)
After dealing weapon or unarmed damage, you can deal an additional 1d8 psychic damage. This damage is increased to 2d8 at 14th level.

Consumptive Power (10th level)
As an action, sacrifice 14 maximum hit points to regain 7 Psi Points. Once per long rest.

Psionic Mastery (11th level)
Once per turn, spend a Psionic Mastery charge to cast a spell for free and without consuming an action or bonus action.
Gain a Psionic Mastery charge at 11th, 13th, 15th and 17th level.

Psionic Body (20th level)
Gain resistance to Physical and Poison damage, as well as immunity to disease and the poisoned condition.


Mystics can choose a subclass at level 1. Each subclass belongs to a Mystic Order, and they all have very distinct playstyles and roles.

Order of the Avatar

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Mystics of the Order of the Avatar delve into the world of emotion, mastering their inner life to such an extent that they can manipulate and amplify the emotions of others with the same ease that an artist shapes clay. Known as Avatars, these mystics vary from tyrants to inspiring leaders who are loved by their followers.

Avatars can bring out extreme emotions in the people around them. For their allies, they can lend hope, ferocity, and courage, transforming a fighting band into a deadly, unified force. For their enemies, they bring fear, disgust, and trepidation that can make even the most hardened veteran act like a shaky rookie.

Armor Training (1st level)

Gain Proficiency with medium armour and shields.

Bonus Disciplines (1st level)
Learn two additional psionic disciplines of your choice. They must be chosen from among the Avatar disciplines.

Avatar of Battle (3rd level)
Permanent aura. Allies within 9m gain +1 Initiative.

Avatar of Healing (6th level)
Permanent aura. Allies within 9m regain 2 additional hit points from all sources of healing.

Avatar of Speed (14th level)
Permanent aura. Allies within 9m can use Dash as a bonus action.
Order of the Awakened

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Mystics dedicated to the Order of the Awakened seek to unlock the full potential of the mind. By transcending the physical, the Awakened hope to attain a state of being focused on pure intellect and mental energy.

The Awakened are skilled at bending minds and unleashing devastating psionic attacks, and they can read the secrets of the world through psionic energy. Awakened mystics who take to adventuring excel at unravelling mysteries, solving puzzles, and defeating monsters by turning them into unwilling pawns.

Awakened Talent (1st level)
Choose an additional skill from the following list: Animal Handling, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, and Persuasion.

Bonus Disciplines (1st level)
Learn two additional psionic disciplines of your choice. They must be chosen from among the Awakened disciplines.

Psionic Investigation (3rd level)
As an action, gain Advantage on Investigation, Insight and History Checks for 1 minute. Once per short rest.

Psionic Surge (6th level)
As a reaction, you can impose Disadvantage on a creature when you force it to make a Saving Throw. Once per short rest.

Spectral Form (14th level)
As an action, take the form of a spectre, becoming immune to damage and halving your movement until your next turn. Once per long rest.

Order of the Immortal

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The Order of the Immortal uses psionic energy to augment and modify the physical form. Followers of this order are known as Immortals. They use psionic energy to modify their bodies, strengthening them against attack and turning themselves into living weapons.

Their mastery of the physical form grants them their name, for Immortals are notoriously difficult to kill.

Immortal Durability (1st level)
When not wearing armour, add your Constitution modifier to your Armour Class. Additionally, increase your maximum hit points by an amount equal to your Mystic level.

Bonus Disciplines (1st level)
Learn two additional psionic disciplines of your choice. They must be chosen from among the Immortal disciplines.

Psionic Resilience (3rd level)
Each turn, gain temporary hit points equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Surge of Health (6th level)
As a reaction, halve incoming damage. Once per short rest.

Immortal Will (14th level)
Toggleable passive. At the start of your turn, if you are downed, spend 5 Psi Points to regain hit points equal to your Mystic level + your
Constitution modifier. Can only trigger once per long rest.

Order of the Nomad

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Mystics of the Order of the Nomad keep their minds in a strange, rarefied state. They seek to accumulate as much knowledge as possible, as they quest to unravel the mysteries of the multiverse and seek the underlying structure of all things. At the same time, they perceive a bizarre, living web of knowledge they call the noosphere.

Nomads, as their name indicates, delight in travel, exploration, and discovery. They desire to accumulate as much knowledge as possible, and the pursuit of secrets and hidden lore can become an obsession for them.

Breadth of Knowledge (1st level)
Gain a +1 bonus to all skills.

Bonus Disciplines (1st level)
Learn two additional psionic disciplines of your choice. They must be chosen from among the Nomad disciplines.

Memory of One Thousand Steps (3rd level)
As a reaction, cause an incoming attack to miss you. On your next turn, you can teleport up to 9m for free. Once per short rest.

Superior Teleportation (6th level)
Increase the teleportation range of psionic disciplines by 3m.

Effortless Journey (14th level)
Once per turn, teleport up to 9m. Costs 1.5m of movement for every 3m travelled.

Order of the Soul Knife

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The Order of the Soul Knife sacrifices the breadth of knowledge other mystics gain to focus on a specific psionic technique. These mystics learn to manifest a deadly weapon of pure psychic energy that they can use to cleave through foes.

Soul knives vary widely in their approach to this path. Some follow it out of a desire to achieve martial perfection. Others are ruthless assassins who seek to become the perfect killer.

Soul Knife (1st level)
Manifest a pair of soul knives in your hands. They scale with your Intelligence instead of Dexterity and deal 1d8 psychic damage. You can use a bonus action to parry with your soul knives, increasing your Armour Class by 2 until your next turn.

Hone the Blade (3rd level)
As an action, spend Psi Points to augment your Soul Knives until your next long rest.
+1 Enchantment: 2 Psi Points
+2 Enchantment: 5 Psi Points
+4 Enchantment: 7 Psi Points

Consumptive Knife (6th level)
Whenever you reduce an enemy to 0 hit points with a Soul Knife attack, regain 2 Psi Points.

Phantom Knife (14th level)
Perform a regular weapon attack that cannot miss.

Order of the Wu Jen

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The Order of the Wu Jen features some of the most devoted mystics. These mystics seek to lock themselves away from the world, denying the limits of the physical world and replacing it with a reality that they create for themselves. Known as wu jens, these mystics cast their minds into the world, seize control of its fundamental principles, and rebuild it.

In practical terms, wu jens excel at controlling the forces of the natural world. They can hurl objects with their minds, control the four elements, and alter reality to fit their desires.

Hermit's Study (1st level)
Choose an additional skill from the following list: Animal Handling, Arcana, History, Insight, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Religion, or Survival.

Bonus Disciplines (1st level)
Learn two additional psionic disciplines of your choice. They must be chosen from among the Wu Jen disciplines.

Elemental Attunement (3rd level)
As a free action, spend 1 Psi Point to choose an element and ignore creatures' resistance to it when dealing damage. Once per turn.

Arcane Dabbler (6th level)
Learn three Wizard spells. As a bonus action, you can convert Psi Points into spell slots.
Level 1 Spell Slot: 2 Psi Points
Level 2 Spell Slot: 3 Psi Points
Level 3 Spell Slot: 5 Psi Points
Level 4 Spell Slot: 6 Psi Points
Level 5 Spell Slot: 7 Psi Points

Elemental Mastery (14th level)
As a reaction, spend 2 Psi Points to become immune to an incoming type of damage if you are resistant to it.

Custom Content

This mod contains a variety of weapons, armour and accessories designed for mystics. There is at least one piece for each slot. There are also permanent upgrades to Soul Knife's weapons, so that they remain competitive with base game weapons.

Huge thanks to Shadrax777 for providing custom models for Soul Knife and all mystic spears! You can check his work here.

These items can be purchased from vendors across all the acts:

Arron (Druid's Grove, Act 1)
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Amulet of Psychic Restoration (ARM_Mystic_PsychicRestoration_Amulet: b95662a2-c957-4cc5-b5b4-78374c6b406e)
Ring of Potent Psionics (ARM_Mystic_PotentPsionics_Ring: a5094b37-5ff5-4be2-ae9a-274dcf47ace5)
Erudite's Spear (WPN_Mystic_EruditeSpear: 609cf483-b1ba-4cf4-8e7e-771484edcab0)
Wanderer's Bow (WPN_Mystic_WanderersBow: de485757-0f1a-4d70-9826-ad170159651a)
Boon of Force (OBJ_Mystic_SoulKnife_Boon_Force: bac1f0d6-acdf-4071-8516-84310e968b66)

A'jak'nir Jeera (Crèche Y'llek, Act 1b)
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Boon of Lethality (OBJ_Mystic_SoulKnife_Boon_Lethality: 7dca809c-cb75-4e61-8163-37deed700707)

Quartermaster Talli (Last Light Inn, Act 2)
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Gloves of the Mastermind (ARM_Mystic_Mastermind_Gloves: 28703404-848c-45bd-9d4f-cbd6088cdb51)
Boots of Wanderlust (ARM_Mystic_Wanderlust_Boots: 9a4cf8d4-3129-43b0-a477-3f1aeb1a3e1c)
Amulet of Psychic Renewal (ARM_Mystic_PsychicRenewal_Amulet: 7bbd3eec-c1ef-4647-9bdd-ba694e088544)
Mark of the Sadist (ARM_Mystic_Sadism_Ring: a240472e-c856-441c-ab8b-6b8b2821761c)
Thoughtpiercer (WPN_Mystic_Thoughtpiercer: 129749dd-1e84-4492-bdfa-38d2cff8c52b)
Failnaught (WPN_Mystic_Failnaught: f2630c2e-79f2-49dc-b6b8-dd0886dbfd05)
Boon of Power (OBJ_Mystic_SoulKnife_Boon_Power: 217a576f-a687-4273-a155-ef4188537884)

Entharl Danthelon (Wyrm's Crossing, Act 3)
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Fount of Endless Knowledge (ARM_Mystic_EndlessKnowledge_Circlet: 1547e688-f58c-4f28-8677-042b6d571e65)
Cloak of Psionic Interference (ARM_Mystic_PsionicInterference_Cloak: 55f86316-24ba-49e8-b27c-9b80011c305f)
Warmaster Plate (ARM_Mystic_AvatarChest_Body: 3678856d-2d70-4701-bfc1-c0f75cb253d2)
Armour of the Enlightened (ARM_Mystic_AwakenedChest_Body: fba3ef6e-c848-44af-8dca-d47e22eb8e66)
Cloth of the Goliath (ARM_Mystic_ImmortalChest_Body: f7a08bea-dd07-4e47-81a0-58eea0b22dd7)
Garb of the Planeswalker (ARM_Mystic_NomadChest_Body: 9168719c-ecc3-4e46-80ec-48c18422a8f9)
Thoughtstealer Armour (ARM_Mystic_SoulKnifeChest_Body: 7fe9bf28-44e0-4923-ac3c-36812b3a0a6c)
Ascetic Robes (ARM_Mystic_WuJenChest_Body: 23d0e24b-d151-40d9-841a-b4e3259e6c88)
Amulet of Mental Fortitude (ARM_Mystic_MentalFortitude_Amulet: b8affbb3-b20f-4b63-92db-ff4d759187bd)
Ring of Mental Exertion (ARM_Mystic_MentalExertion_Ring: e91abd63-29c7-464b-a8d0-2e5482c27985)
Wasp (WPN_Mystic_Longinus: dde9b68c-3f9a-4a60-9a8a-aad856d40cd5)
Gandiva (WPN_Mystic_Gandiva: a7d712cb-e693-4569-96de-40542fc2c8bc)
Boon of Brilliance (OBJ_Mystic_SoulKnife_Boon_Brilliance: bf41d936-e15f-4c77-8def-5e49f8e66535)

Mystic Expansion

Included as an optional file is the Mystic Expansion - a homebrewed collection of new subclasses and psionic disciplines to choose from. These were all designed and created by me, intended to create new playstyles, support more varied and/or specialized builds and grant tools to mystics that they didn't have before.

Some highlights:
  • A monk-based subclass
  • A fighter/paladin-based subclass
  • A wild magic subclass
  • Many, MANY new disciplines, with 5 for each Order for a total of 25

If you are interested, you can find further details in the Mystic Expansion article.

Other Optional Content

Apart from the Mystic Expansion file, there are other optional files included in the file section.
  • Double Resources for Mystic Class: doubles the overall amount of available Psi Points and Psionic Mastery Charges
  • Mystic Gear Tutorial Chest: adds all mystic-related vendor gear to the tutorial chest in the nautiloid
  • Mystic Godmode: grants a near-unlimited amount of Psi Points and unlocks the Psi Limit, removing any level restrictions


The following mods are required as dependencies for this mod. Failure to include these mods may result in crashes, unexpected behaviour, and overall lower quality of gameplay experience.

Recommended Mods and Load Order

The following mods are in no way required, but I'd highly recommend them as they go really well with this mod.
  • 5e Spells - Adds a large selection of spells to choose from, useful if you're playing as Wu Jen or have any casters in your party
  • Feats Every X Levels - Compat Framework Based - Some people like to play with additional feats, this mod lets you do just that
  • Unlock Level Curve - If you want to access some of the higher level features, or multiclass past level 12, you will need this mod
  • Tutorial Chest Summoning - If you're using the Mystic Gear Tutorial Chest addon, this allows you to access those items from anywhere
  • Better Hotbar 2 - You get access to a ton of spells, having a bigger hotbar helps with organizing
  • Object Character Support - Makes Psychic Double (from Mystic Expansion) function more like a DND object

After everything is installed, your load order should look something like this (top to bottom):


Object Character Support

(Blue = the mod itself; Red = required; Green = optional/recommended; Purple = add-ons)
I highly recommend you install using BG3MM. I don't use Vortex so I can't help with troubleshooting problems related to it.
This mod is compatible with multiplayer! As with every other mod, make sure every player has the exact same load order and mod versions.

Closing Notes

Hey, you made it this far. If you like the mod, how about dropping an endorsement? Donations also help immensely, but are not required whatsoever. I'm just glad I can create something people enjoy. Thank you for checking out the mod!